Martial Dao Great Emperor

Chapter 60: Yellow, etc.

Chapter 60: Yellow, etc.

"Minor repair!"

Seeing Luo Xiu's **** appearance, his parents and sister were worried.

His sister Luo Xiu'er came over to help him. Luo Xiu smiled and said, "Sister, it's all right."

"Let's go."

Ye Xiangdou said, As for the blue armor guards in the martial hall, to him, they are just a mob.

At this moment, there was a commotion in front of the gate of Wudian, and Shen Gaojian and the two elders of Wudian walked out surrounded by a group of people.

When he saw Ye Xiangdou next to Luo Xiu, Shen Gaojian's pupils suddenly shrank.

There are eighteen cities in Yunlong County, and each city has martial arts halls, as well as branches of the four major guilds.

As for the president of the Qingyun City Hunter Branch, although Shen Gaojian has never seen him, it is not difficult to guess the origin of the other party, because Ye Xiangdou has a four-star Hunter badge on his chest!

"Senior is President Ye?" Shen Gaojian clasped his fists.

"Exactly." Ye Xiangdou did not deny it.

Shen Gaojian took a deep breath and said, "Chairman Ye is a master of martial arts. The younger generation dare not offend, but he still has to dare to ask the last sentence. This Luo Xiu is the person I have ordered me to capture. Please also President Ye can give this person to me."

Ye Xiangdou had no expression on his face, and said lightly: "You should have heard of my hunter guild's reward quest, right?"

Shen Gaojian nodded, his face filled with doubts.

"Since you know about the reward quest, the old man has accepted the reward quest issued by Luo Xiu. You can go back and tell Lu Feichen that if he wants to pursue it, he should go to the Hunter's Guild in Yunlong County." Ye Xiangdou said. .

"What?" Shen Gaojian was stunned.

Luo Xiu's reward task? Can he pay the price of inviting a master of martial arts to take action?

Not just him, even Lu Feichen, absolutely couldn't expect such a change to happen.

Everyone underestimated Luo Xiu, thinking that he was just a talented martial artist in the Qi Sea realm.

He was born in poverty, and he had no power to rely on. He was able to issue a reward quest, asking the martial arts master of the Hunter Guild to do it?

Once the reward quest is accepted, it means that Luo Xiu will be protected by the Hunter's Guild!

In Yunlong County, the Eighteen City Hunter Branches are all managed by the Hunter Guild in Yunlong County.

As for the guild leader in Yunlong County, even the elders of the inner sect had to look up to him, and the sect leader had to bow to his junior when he saw each other!

Even the Hunter's Guild in Yunlong County City is just a branch of the Hunter's Guild in Yunlong County.

Facing the entire hunter guild, Xiaoyao Sect, which seems to be the dominant player of Yunlong County, also bowed his head.

Just when Shen Gaojian was shocked and unable to recover, Ye Xiangdou and Luo Xiu's family had already left.

From beginning to end, he didn't dare to order people to take action, because the Hunter's Guild, let alone him, was definitely not up to Lu Feichen.

After a long time, Shen Gaojian tremblingly took out the sound transmission box and sent the message to Lu Feichen, the master of the outer door.



After Lu Feichen in Yunlong County received the news, the sound transmission box in his hand was crushed instantly by him.

He didn't expect that the Hundred Secrets will eventually have a sparse, Luo Xiu can actually invite the martial arts master to be protected by the Hunter's Guild.

This undoubtedly planted disasters for his future plans. Once the news that Luo Xiu was still alive was learned by his daughter Mengyao, it would definitely affect whether he could obtain the support of the three elders Gou.

"It's no wonder that Na Luo Xiu can rise in a short period of time, from the second level of body refining to the third level of Qi and Sea in half a year. He must have a good opportunity, otherwise he cannot explain his amazing speed of cultivation."

"Furthermore, with the strength of the Qihai Triple Layer, he is stronger than the Qihai Seven Layers. The opportunity he got may be the inheritance and wealth left by the powerful King Wu!"

Lu Feichen's face was gloomy and terrifying, he regretted why he didn't do anything in Yunlong County.

However, Lu Feichen quickly calmed down and secretly said: "The Hunter's Guild cannot protect Luo Xiu all the time. The reward missions are time-limited. As long as he is in the land of Yunlong County, he will eventually die!"

"If he uses the teleportation array to leave Yunlong County, it will naturally not have an impact on my plan. As long as I can get the support of the three elders headed by Gou, and the master takes the position in charge, I will have the opportunity to break through the realm of the king of martial arts. ."

Lu Feichen planned like this in his heart. As for whether his daughter Lu Mengyao would learn the truth of all this one day, he had no idea.

Stepping into the realm of the king of martial arts has become an obsession of Lu Feichen, a demon!


Qingyun City.

Back to the Hunter's Guild, Ye Xiangdou used the teleportation array and went directly to the Hunter's Guild branch in Yunlong County.

In a secret room, Ye Xiangdou, the martial arts master, met the president of the Hunter's Guild branch of Yunlong County.

The sub-parts of the Hunter's Guild also have detailed levels. They are generally divided into nine levels, with the lowest level and the highest level nine. Above the nine-level branch is the headquarters!

Tianwu has eight states and thirteen counties. Among the thirteen counties, each county has a first-level branch, and many branches under its jurisdiction are also ordinary first-level branches.

In the eight states, it is the second-level branch, and only in the imperial capital of the Tianwu Kingdom, there is the only third-level branch.

According to the different levels of the sub-council, the strength of the guild leader in charge also varies greatly.

The Qingyun City branch was only the lowest level one branch. There was Ye Xiangdou, a martial arts master of the triple realm of refining gods, and it was enough to see how powerful the hunter guild was.

In the branch of Yunlong County, the leader of the guild is the triple state of the king. In the entire Yunlong County, only the head of Xiaoyao has a cultivation level equivalent to that, but because of the special status of the Hunters Guild, the head of Xiaoyao grew up in the branch. In front of you, the posture should be kept low.

"You said that the little fellow of Qihai Sanzhong can kill Qihai Qizhong with a single hand with a quick sword?"

After hearing what Ye Xiangdou said, the head of the Yunlong County Branch narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing an expression of interest.

The head of the branch looked like a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a Confucianist gown, and he looked gentle and elegant.

"That's true." Ye Xiangdou said respectfully, then took out a book and said: "This is the information about Luo Xiu collected by his subordinates."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar raised his hand, with an invisible vigor, he grabbed the booklet and fell into his palm.

He opened his hand and saw that his brows frowned slightly, "A fourteen-year-old Qihai triple? This talent is also very ordinary."

If someone hears this sentence, they will inevitably be dumbfounded, because at the age of fourteen, he has cultivated to the third level of Qi Hai, even if he is placed in the inner door of Xiaoyao, he is a good genius.

But to this middle-aged Confucian scholar, it can only be regarded as average.

But when he continued to look at it, the expression on his face became rich, "Interesting, interesting..."

"From the age of ten to thirteen, he only cultivated to the second level of body refining, but in just about half a year, he has made rapid progress. Even if this little guy has accumulated rich skills and developed his martial arts talents late, he will definitely gain a lot of money. Fortune."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar smiled and commented, looking at Ye Xiangdou, and said: "You said he took out a sixth-rank martial arts and a lower-rank war sword?"

"Yes." Ye Xiangdou replied respectfully.

"Earth-level low-grade warriors are generally in the hands of people in the realm of kings. A few top martial arts masters and some geniuses of big powers can also hold them. You can get such an opportunity in this little Yunlong County, little guy. Good luck."

The Confucian man still smiled and said, "But chances are chances, and there is not enough talent. Even if the great chances are in front of you, there is no blessing to dissipate them."

"Yes, the subordinates also think that Luo Xiu's talent is good and worth training, so he came to recommend it to the president." Ye Xiangdou said.

The hunter's guild is so powerful that it is naturally indispensable for the support of the strong, so it will also absorb genius to cultivate and consolidate the status of the hunter's guild.

However, the Hunter's Guild has extremely high requirements for geniuses. Those so-called geniuses who are regarded as treasures by the Xiaoyaomen are not qualified to be absorbed by the Hunter's Guild.

The Confucian man nodded, "From the current point of view, Luo Xiu is barely eligible to be recruited as an internal member. According to the level of genius, he is tentatively designated as a lower-level Huang."

He looked at Ye Xiangdou, "It's up to you to tell him about this matter."

"Yes!" Ye Xiangdou replied respectfully.

After Ye Xiangdou left, the Confucian man put down the book on Luo Xiu and said with a smile: "I have been here for more than 70 years in the branch of Yunlong County, and this is the first time I have discovered that there are talents worth training. Hope This little guy will not let me down."

At the same time, Luo Xiu was calming the emotions of his parents and sister in the Hunter's Branch of Qingyun City.

After all, they are ordinary people without the qualifications of martial arts. After being frightened, even though they have been rescued, they are still a little frightened.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Luo Xiu opened the door and saw Ye Xiangdou, a master of martial arts.

"Luo Xiu, come with me." Ye Xiangdou said.

Luo Xiu didn't doubt he had him, and followed Ye Xiangdou to a quiet room.

"Sit." After sitting down, Ye Xiangdou pointed to the chair opposite to him.

Luo Xiu did not decline, thanked him, and sat down opposite Ye Xiangdou.

"Luo Xiu, just now, I went to the Yunlong County branch and told the president of the branch about your affairs."

Ye Xiangdou said, "The old man thinks you have a good talent, so he recommended you to the branch president, and the president also nodded, saying that he can recruit you as an internal member of the Hunters' Guild."

"You have to know that only the branch leaders have the right to absorb talents and become internal members. In Yunlong County, no one has been qualified to be absorbed in a hundred years."

Hearing that, Luo Xiu's expression was startled, "Accept me as an internal member of the Hunters' Guild?"

"Yes, our hunter guild is based in this world, and naturally needs the support of the strong, and the strong have grown up from genius step by step."

Ye Xiangdou said with a smile, "The internal members of the Hunter's Guild are divided into two types, one is a genius and the other is a foreign recruit."

"For example, I am a foreign recruit. I applied to join the Hunter's Guild after breaking through to the realm of refining the gods. After the guild confirmed that it was not a spy sent by other forces, then I could become a member of the guild."

"And a genius is similar to yours, with extremely high talent, potential for cultivation, and no suspicious background. As long as it can grow up, it will be in a high position in the future and its status in the guild will be better than those of us. The recruits are much taller."

"What are the benefits of being an internal member of the Hunters' Guild?" Luo Xiu asked directly.

Ye Xiangdou didnt care about Luo Xius straightforward and straightforward inquiry. He explained, According to the assessment of the branch president, your genius level is tentatively set to be inferior to Huang. As long as you join the guild, the first benefit is. It is the guild's unconditional shelter for the safety of your loved ones."

"Because the growth of geniuses often requires fighting experience, and making enemies with others is also a common thing, so the guild is responsible for your cultivation and promotion without any worries."

"Of course, in addition to this, there are also different treatments according to the level of genius."

"A genius at the lower level of Huang can obtain three martial arts suitable for the current level of cultivation at one time, including internal strength, martial skills, and body skills. You are now at the triple level of Qi Hai and can obtain three martial arts of five ranks."

"If you already have a martial arts that suits you, you can choose to keep this opportunity, and wait until the cultivation base reaches the first level of innate martial arts, choose sixth-grade martial arts, or reach the seventh level of innate martial arts, choose seventh-grade martial arts."

Hearing this, Luo Xiu was slightly surprised, "Can you get the seventh-rank martial arts?"

Because as far as he knows, to obtain the sixth-rank martial arts inheritance in the Xiaoyao Sect, you need to refine the realm of the gods or be a core disciple, and the seventh-rank martial arts must be qualified to practice.

Ye Xiangdou nodded and said, "This is the difference between geniuses and foreign recruits. Geniuses are more valued than foreign recruits."

"But every year, the guild will make a new judgment on your genius level. If you can't meet the requirements, you will give up training." Ye Xiangdou said immediately.


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