Mage Adam

Chapter 195: The Envoys' Counterattack

After Adam gained highly condensed energy and semi-elemental dragons, the envoys, who were no match for Adam just now, now seemed even less of a threat.

They needed to build an energy network, but their positions were so spread out that they were unable to even merge their energy beams.

When Adam charged at them, the envoys who hadn't exploded suddenly grabbed and stuffed condensed flesh and blood into their mouths. Adam had never seen the effects of directly consuming radioactive material, but now he was witnessing it.

The envoys' bodies began to mutate. Internal tissues grew out of their bodies, forming irregularly shaped flesh buds that looked like tentacles.

Their bodies continuously shrank until they became spherical. What was once a terrifying but human-like form had completely turned into a monstrous shape.

Tentacles unfolded, revealing disgusting mouths that snapped at Adam. At the same time, they rapidly shot out energy beams from their mouths. Each beam was as fine as a needle but all the beams covered the sky densely.

Adam then cast three spells in Dragon language: "Arctic Befalling," "Blizzard," and "Absolute Zero."

Centered around him, an unimaginable cold rapidly spread. Massive ice elements formed into snowflakes and ice crystals in the sky. Starting from their tentacles, the envoys quickly froze, the ice spreading to their monstrous bodies.

The energy beams in the sky slowed down in the cold, their energy levels decreasing. As Adam roared a second time in Dragon language, they were ultimately frozen in mid-air.

A storm of snow and ice suddenly came down but was stopped outside the range of Adam's magic. If there were others watching the battle, they would see the spectacle of the blizzard frozen in time.

Even natural disasters were resisted.

The remaining three envoys fell to the ground, and the ancient ice on the tundra shattered like dried rocks.

Adam breathed out heavily, releasing the spell. This level of energy output was a great strain on him, but luckily, he ended the battle before his energy was completely drained.

He returned to the ground and drove the elemental dragons to pick up the three large ice blocks. He still couldn't directly touch these radioactive sources, so he couldn't study them directly. Instead, he carefully preserved them.

Meanwhile, in the City of Freedom, things were far from peaceful.

The devil had divided the City of Freedom in two, starting from where Adam's battle began, creating a contaminated area. The common lives in that area had already started showing signs of mutation in a short time. The devil was mobilizing monsters and highly paid adventurers to drive them out.

After flying over the City of Freedom and seeing the chaos, Adam dropped ten elemental missiles. The explosion wiped out half of the City of Freedom, including all life within it.

Ignoring the shocked and angry reactions of others, Adam directly descended into his laboratory.

Lina was astonished, asking, "Master, why are you so small now?"

Adam tossed the three large ice blocks aside and dove into a mountain of Energy Stones.

The recent battle had drained him significantly. Natural recovery would take too long, and with the possibility of another attack from the peace-seekers, Adam needed to restore his energy quickly.

Lina, terrified by the ice blocks, wished to leave them right away. Meanwhile, the devil curiously touched one of the blocks, and his dragon body quickly collapsed. He quickly retreated into Adam's mind.

"Master, what are those things? Just touching them almost killed me," the devil exclaimed in Adam's mind.

Adam didn't respond, focusing on devouring the Energy stones. After eating all the stones in the City of Freedom, he felt slightly better. He then asked Lina about the remaining forest elves.

"Not many left, less than thirty. Some were contaminated and died in the recent battle," Lina replied.

Adam instructed her to take the remaining elves and leave, pausing their mission to harass the dragons and to recall all her slaves.

"What about the City of Freedom? And the city lord, he just..." Lina asked cautiously.

"City of Freedom is abandoned. Don't worry about the rest; just leave now," Adam replied.

Lina left with her slaves, filled with questions.

"Master, what's our next move?" the devil asked after Lina had gone.

Adam buried the ice blocks deep underground and destroyed all his experimental data. "We're going to The Racial Union Zone, a city governed by the Dragon Slayer Guild," he said.

"To seek revenge?" the devil asked.

"No, I need some vital information."

The devil hesitated, then suggested, "Master, perhaps your exploration mission is already complete. The issues in the Cthulhu world aren't part of your task. Why not send the information back to the Mage Network? Let the high-level mages of the Tower decide on the rest."

Adam had indeed considered the importance of Cthulhu. He was worried about the potential repercussions of introducing the mage's Heart of the World to the origin of both worlds, fearing they might not withstand the pressure.

His primary concern was that any disturbance in the void might redirect the approaching Cthulhu Plane, leading to unforeseen complications.

So, Adam decided, "Not yet. I need to wait until the two worlds collide completely, or until I truly enter Cthulhu, before I can report the outcome of my mission."

The devil, understanding that Adam's decision wouldn't change, changed the subject, "Master, what about the young female dragon? I haven't unlocked the seal of her inheritance yet."

Adam paused, "Didn't I tell you to make a pact with her directly?"

The devil wanted to save the young dragon, who was interested in mating with Adam, for future amusement, but he did not dare admit it. Thus, he awkwardly responded, "I haven't had the chance yet."

"Then bring her along," Adam said decisively.

Meanwhile, the war in the Dragon Plane was escalating.

Those who wanted to fight took this chance to make the war bigger using crazy ways. It's easier to break things than to build them, so the peace that had been there for years was now gone. The regular folks didn't matter much, but the angry dragons started to come out of their caves, making things go in a way the peace-seekers didn't want.

At the same time, races living on the edges of the Dragon Plane's worlds also came out of their hidden places and joined the war."


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