Mage Adam

Chapter 194: The Envoys' Counterattack

The envoys spoke pitifully about losing their homeland, but these words were just a cover-up for their betrayal of their own kind. Those claiming to be peace seekers were just a group of traitors, greedy for comfort and pleasure, unwilling to lend a hand to their homeland.

Adam, however, felt not a trace of sympathy in his heart. When he, as an Explorer, arrived at the Dragon Plane and discovered the Cthulhu Plane, which likely harbored astonishingly valuable resources, his steps as a predator were already unstoppable.

"The Cthulhu Plane has become a realm of death. All that remains there are endless disasters and creatures like us, living a life worse than death. They are all useless."

"Even a powerful being from another world, like you, cannot survive in Cthulhu. Any living being there will be turned into a monster by Cthulhu."

"That is the punishment of the world."

Seeing that the four envoys had no intention of continuing the fight, Adam didn't mind chatting with them a bit longer. He still had some questions that hadn't been answered.

"What do you mean by 'the world's punishment'?"

The envoys were silent for a while before speaking: "After our ancestors ruled the world, they were not content to stay in one corner. They wanted to become stronger and created the Refinement Art. They began to extract the power of the world using the Refinement Art, so the world sent down a punishment that destroyed our civilization and turned us all into monsters."

'Ancestors,' Adam noted the term. So, the envoys in front of him were not the original ones. "In that case, the offspring you produce, are they also monsters?"

The sorrow of the envoys intensified. "Yes, whether it is among ourselves or with the creatures of this world, the offspring are always monsters, without exception."

The continuous contamination by radioactive elements caused genetic mutations, poisoning the offspring.

The transformation of the creatures of the Cthulhu world into their current state indicated their inability to shield themselves from radiation. In this light, their world was indeed dead, and their civilization had no future.

"Did you gain your power after the world's punishment?"

Adam asked curiously, while manipulating the energy inside and outside his body. One after another, energy cannonballs materialized in the sky.

Adam knew these guys had not given up yet. They thought their reinforcements had arrived silently, but they didn't know that the entire ice plain was almost covered with the moss of the forest elves.

"That's right, according to ancient records, our ancestors were the pride of the world. We and all the creatures in the mountains, rivers, and nature were the best partners. We could borrow their power, but now we are just a group of monsters, only able to use the abilities of monsters."

The old civilization was shattered, never to be reclaimed again. The punishment of the world might be a curse from the origin itself, affecting all life under it, sparing none.

Adam sensed several life forces stealthily approaching and hurriedly asked his last and most crucial question, "Your powers come from Cthulhu. Why can they be used in the Dragon Plane as well?"

Suddenly, three envoys lunged towards Adam. The last one shouted, "Invader, die."

***Boom! Boom! Boom!***

After three muffled sounds, the three envoys exploded. Their flesh and blood, momentarily separated, then condensed together.

The last envoy unleashed a massive energy beam, which, after passing through the concentrated corpses of the first three, split into three and greatly amplified. The strangely colored energy beam drew a bizarre rainbow in the sky, heading straight for Adam.

At the same time, ten similar energy beams from all directions, centered on Adam's floating position, shot towards him. After splitting, a total of thirty beams crisscrossed in the air, forming a tight net around Adam.

Adam contracted his dragon power just outside his body, causing a dense explosion of elemental energy around himself. Using the shockwaves and thrust from the explosions, he shot towards the sky like a meteor.

The elemental cannonballs he had prepared earlier fell like rain, indiscriminately bombarding everywhere.

However, the envoys had gone mad and they didn't care if they could take the bombarding at all. Determined to perish together, they aimed to completely trap Adam in the net.

The net was too fast and dense. Even with Adam's preparedness and quick decision-making, he couldn't avoid being hit.

The energy beams rapidly eroded Adam's defense, piercing towards Adam's body.

If the composition of the energy beams was as Adam had expected, the electromagnetic magic inherent to his true form would be the bane of the energy beams. However, Adam now realized he had overestimated the strength of the dragon body.

Adam quickly formed an ice blade to sever the body parts that were hit, then used extreme cold to kill those cells.

This was the only thing he could do at that moment.

"He's hurt!"

"Keep going!"

"Kill him!"

The only remaining envoy from the first group roared. They had been bombarded to the point of disarray since the start of the battle, and now they finally saw Adam injured.

The energy net, like relentless parasites, closely followed Adam and kept shrinking. Once enveloped, Adam would have no choice but to reveal his true form, hoping the origin of the world would overlook this time.

With a roar, the battle intensified.

The dragon's roar shook heaven and earth. Within Adam's body, a long-dormant energy circuit began to slowly activate. This fully awakened the shape-shifting talent he inherited from the werewolves.

Adam's body, while ascending, began to shrink.

From a massive fifteen-meter dragon form, he rapidly condensed to a size of four meters. His body was covered with layers of brilliant ice crystals.

The overflowing power of his bloodline formed numerous elemental dragon figures around him. They extended their claws and fangs in all directions, forcefully holding back the contraction of the energy net.

Seizing this momentary pause, Adam finally freed himself from the binding. The elemental dragons and the energy beams exploded simultaneously, creating a vast vacuum of energy between heaven and earth.

Despite his reduced size, the strength in Adam's body didn't diminish in the slightest. On the contrary, due to the concentration of mass, it became more condensed.

Now, his dragon form could be considered an Ice Elemental Trueself to some extent. In this state, every move and thought of Adam was magic itself.

Adam opened his mouth and unleashed a dragon's breath, which transformed into elemental missiles upon leaving his body.

As these missiles interacted with the external environment, they began to split apart, quickly filling the sky. With white-purple tails of flame, they howled towards the Dragon Slayer Guild envoys.

Seeing Adam escape, the envoys self-destructed without hesitation, in an attempt to repeat their earlier tactics. However, by this time, Adam had already appeared in front of them."


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