Mage Adam

Chapter 188: Dragon Spell

After the origin was lost, the native dragons of the Dragon Plane found their natural path to advancement severed. The dragon race chose to ally themselves with the *u0026 amp;#? Plane to gain strength.

However, as the war neared its end and the *u0026 amp;#? Plane showed signs of decline, the dragons betrayed them. They faced demands from the allied races to either hand over the Refinement Art or cease its practice. The dragons refused and, once again, betrayed their allies, positioning themselves against all races of the Dragon Plane.

Whether this speculation is correct or not is not the key point. The real value lies in the connection between the two Planes and the role of the Refinement Art.

Lina earned great merit.

Adam knew he had to reward useful people, so he generously modified Lina's talents. Kambi only had the energy circuit for transformation, but Adam endowed Lina with two of the three talents he had obtained, excluding the yetis' gigantification.

After the modification, Lina underwent her first transformation.

Her transformed state was much more appealing than Kambi's. The flowers that served as her clothing now possessed exceptional defensive capabilities, and she herself was turning into a beautiful creature resembling a flower.

Lina was satisfied.

After the transformation, Adam asked, "You said the mission to the City of Freedom was suddenly assigned to you by the Dragon Slayer Guild after you killed another envoy, right?"

Lina nodded, thinking her master had discovered some issue. She reverted to her serious form, waiting for further questions, only to hear a perplexing statement: "You've earned yourself an opportunity, but only one."

Confused for a moment, Lina was then filled with a chill. She kneeled down, wanting to say something but was cut off. Adam simply waved his paw, signaling her to leave.

"Quite interesting. Then I shall add fuel to the fire," Adam muttered, looking at the Refinement Art he had recorded.

Adam didn't need to eat food, as he could convert elemental energy into the energy needed for bodily functions. However, from Sofia's words, it was evident she doesn't possess this ability.

Adam prepared many foods for her, including ice elemental crystals and the fattest, most

delicious meat from the Snow Worm.

Sofia's eyes sparkled, and drool escaped her lips as she asked excitedly, "Big dragon, is this food for me? Can I eat it?"

After Adam nodded, Sofia eagerly grabbed a handful of Energy stones and was about to stuff them into her mouth when she suddenly put them down, "Are you sending me away?"

Adam looked at her, puzzled.

"When my mother drove me away, she also gave me a lot of food. But after I finished eating, I was driven out of the dragon lair," Sofia said, her mood falling. She pushed the food towards Adam, "I better not eat. Big Dragon, can you please not drive me away?"

"I won't drive you away," Adam said helplessly.

"Really?" Sofia, reassured, immediately dived into the food, but after a moment's thought, she pushed back most of it. "Then I'll just eat a little bit. I don't eat much, really."

"You can eat all of it. You won't have to go hungry anymore. But..."

Before Adam could finish, Sofia's mouth was already full of food. Her sharp teeth effortlessly crushed the Energy Stones and she gulped them down.

With her mouth full, she never took her eyes off Adam and mumbled, "But what?"

"But you have to tell me your inherited knowledge."

Sofia swallowed the food in her mouth, stopped eating, and just sat on the ground, silently looking at Adam.

Adam's tail swayed gently. It seemed that the dragons' instinct to protect their inherited knowledge was innate. He might have to resort to dissection experiments, hoping that the devil could enslave the souls of the dragon race and see what the knowledge really was.

Unexpectedly, Sofia's eyes took on a strange look, and Adam saw a hint of sympathy in them. Sofia stood up, walked to Adam, rubbed her head against his leg, and said, "Big dragon, were you captured by bad people when you were very young? Your mother didn't have time to teach you how to fight them, right? Don't worry, I can teach you. I learned really well!"

Adam's tail stopped moving. Although he didn't understand how Sofia came to this conclusion, the outcome was favorable. It saved him a lot of trouble, as much of the inherited knowledge could not be deliberately demonstrated. It was best if Sofia could reveal it instinctively.

Sofia seemed troubled. "But I don't know much yet. Mother said I would learn more as I grow. So please don't drive me away." Sofia appeared to have found a reason to stay, her anxious expression replaced by excitement.

Adam's strength had already reached the limit of the mundane species on the Dragon Plane, and he faced the same problem of having no way forward. He didn't actually need the complete dragon heritage. The mages could naturally obtain that after conquering the Dragon Plane. What he needed was the dragon language and the basic principles of the Dragon Spell. Knowing this, he could deduce the composition of the Dragon Spell and find a way to ascend to the transcendent dragon race.

Sofia was quite forthcoming, especially after being well-fed. She generously shared everything with Adam, teaching him the Dragon language word by word.

The Dragon language didn't have many words, but each contained far more information than common languages. It was divided into two parts: one for communication among dragons and the other for interacting with external energy when using Dragon Spells, functioning much like psychic power.

"Big dragon, look, this is the most powerful Dragon Spell I know now." Sofia flew into the air and spat out two syllables towards an empty space. After the first syllable, a massive amount of ice elements instantly gathered. As soon as the second syllable was uttered, the ice elements exploded.

"It's called Frost Nova. How about that? Impressive, right?" Sofia flew around Adam, seeking his praise.

Adam brushed her aside and spoke the same two syllables. The elemental energy that gathered was much more than what Sofia had summoned, and then it exploded with a loud bang, shattering the laboratory walls. The entire City of Freedom heard the explosion.

Sofia stared at Adam, dumbfounded, then for some reason became very happy. "You are amazing!"

Adam rapidly processed the information, quickly deciphering the basic principle of the Dragon Spell. These two syllables translated into the common language meant Frost Nova. They served different functions: the first for gathering energy, the second for shaping energy. Essentially, it still fell in the category of ordinary elemental shaping magic. The reason for its astonishing power was that the blood power of the dragon race within the dragon body came into effect."


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