Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 369: Historical Trend

Chapter 369: Historical Trend

"do you know him?"

Triss's words reached Klein's ears, causing him to wake up instantly.

He looked at Triss, whose mouth curved slightly, and his spiritual intuition issued a warning.

Triss like this will attack at any time, which is very dangerous.

Triss should be at Sequence Five now, not yet a demigod, but the ring on her hand is very, very dangerous... Klein's expression did not change, and he took a deep look at Triss.

"I know him. He is a very good dream believer who believes in dreams wholeheartedly."

Don't try to trick him, you don't have that chance.

Falling in love with a witch in the Dream Sect is basically equivalent to degeneration. You will be given up by the Dream Phosphorescence, your power will be taken back, and you will completely become an ordinary person.

This is clearly recorded in the Dream Cult, because in history there were indeed some unsteady Dream Cults who were succeeded.

"Then where is he now!?" Triss seemed to not understand the meaning behind Klein's words, and she became excited.

At this time, Triss was literally glowing, well, literally glowing, with slender white lights coming out of her skin, exuding an unimaginable charm.

At the same time, the sapphire ring seemed to have been gently wiped, making it appear more moist and moist, which also put more pressure on Klein.

"He left Backlund." Klein kept his mind tight and was not tempted by the witch. "He should be in the Southern Continent now."

"Southern Continent, yes, it should be Southern Continent!" Triss's eyes lit up. She probably thought of hunting the Blood Worship Cult and Rose School of Thought.

The Dream Cult paid a huge price in this hunt, so it is reasonable for a Dream Cult to participate in this hunt.


Suddenly, a starlight appeared on Triss' body, and a star gate formed behind her.

"Thank you, Lord Bishop. As a reward, I must tell you that I am not the only one targeting you."

Triss glanced at Klein, then disappeared into the star gate in the blink of an eye.

call! Klein breathed a sigh of relief, he really didn't want to face this madman.

He can easily take down the Sequence 5 witch, but that ring always scares Klein, and he really doesn't dare to get too close.

"It's best to delay it for a longer time." Klein returned from the Southern Continent less than a week ago. He is not a big shot, so the news from the Southern Continent should not have spread.

It's just that after Triss comes back, they may come knocking on the door, but there is nothing that can be done about it.

"As for those nobles..." Klein snorted. Those people would most likely not dare to attack him directly, but they would certainly stumble upon him everywhere.

Maybe send a witch? this...

"But we still need to be on guard." Klein decided to play it safe.


"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool..."

It's Monday again, and Miss Justice's voice echoes above the gray fog.

"Mr. Fool, I have collected two more pages of Russell's diary..."

Miss Justice said, and the others also expressed that they had achieved something.

Miss "Hermit" is still a little unable to adapt. Interpreting Russell's diary has been the Queen's long-term pursuit.

After joining the "Tarot Society", she was also surprised by Mr. Fool's ability to interpret diaries. She once wrote a letter to ask the Queen tactfully, but the reply she received was very strange. The Queen did not delve into this matter.

"Very good!" Klein took over the materialized diaries.

"On July 28, I attended that party alone. I was once again shocked by the power of this organization, because I met the mysterious leader of this organization for the first time! I knew the name that cannot be said!"

Can't tell the name? Adam? !

Klein has already guessed that Amon and Adam, the two sons of the Creator, were both seen by Klein from the murals in Amon's tomb.

There were also corresponding introductions in the knowledge light group of Mr. Azik and the Yin Emperor.

"I didn't expect that it would be Him! But after thinking about it, no one except Him could have attracted such a group of people who can truly create historical trends."

"As expected of a 'writer', only this organization is qualified to oppose behemoths like the True Church and Solomon's Empire, both openly and covertly. What's the point of waiting for him to become a 'visionary'?!"

"'Beware of your audience' is indeed true!"

"'Writer'? Arranging historical trends? The kind Mr. Azik encountered?"

Klein thought of the First Imperial War, and also thought of the 0-08 he had seen once.

"So what is the historical trend this time? Hvin Rambis probably belongs to that organization, and they are promoting the Survival Act?"


Klein feels that he has entered the trend of this world, and he is not sure whether he has been arranged!

Combining this suspicion with Azik's experience in the First Empire War, Klein felt like cold sweat was breaking out on his back.

"But it is indeed my original intention to promote the implementation of the Survival Act."

Klein has stabilized his spirituality, but he is probably also certain that he may have really been caught up in the trend of the times and become one of the driving forces.

"It's so powerless..." Klein sighed, but he could only put it down and continue reading.

"On November 12th, the road ahead is already blocked..."

"Both the paths of 'Hermit' and 'Perfect' have been occupied. I will never have the chance to become a true god."

Klein cheered up. Russell's whereabouts had always been a matter of heated discussion among the time travellers, but there were very few relevant diaries.

"Sure enough, it's impossible for Russell with his temper to be inferior to others."

"But what direction will it be?"

"——The three paths of 'Fool', 'Gate', and 'Error' are also big pits. When I saw Bethel, Amon, and Antigonus, I knew that these three paths must be hellishly difficult. ."

"I don't know much about the rest of the ways, it's even harder!"

"Maybe I should give up some of my pride and agree to His terms?"

Klein turned over the page of the diary in his hand, but the next page turned to Russell's life as the First Speaker. He had also read it at the Curly Baboon Research Conference.

——At the Curly Baboon Research Conference, there are most of Russell's incomplete diaries, which were compiled by fellow villagers.

"Who is he? Is it Adam? Russell has already cooperated with Adam? Or is it other true gods? Such as the God of Steam and Machinery?"

There is insufficient data to determine.

"Alas," Klein gave up exploring Russell's whereabouts and looked at the third to last line in the diary. For a moment, he was so stressed that his spirituality could not make any waves.


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