Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 366: My Attitude

Chapter 366: My Attitude

The three highest representatives of the Backlund Church walked into the Palace of Order and saw the statue of the "Founder".

Klein's spiritual intuition jumped slightly and he looked at the legal document held in the statue's hand.

It was a book carved from jade, so lifelike that it seemed like it could be opened to read the legal details.

"This statue does contain the power of order." Saint Anthony seemed to have guessed what Klein was thinking.

"Its function is to ensure that the laws made in this palace can be implemented in Loen." "Singer of God" added.

"That's it..." Klein sensed the power of the rules. The rules left by the "founder" still have such power. There is a high probability that he is not dead, that is, an angel who has lived for nearly two thousand years. ?

The Augustus family is indeed terrible.

Klein felt that he had to be cautious. With the identity of the Dream Bishop, basically no one dared to touch him, but there were some things that were hard to guard against.

"Let's go." Saint Anthony and the "Singer of God" took the newcomer Klein into the Palace of Order.

The people here are the highest-ranking people in the Loen Kingdom, the kind who can truly influence countless people with one thought!

When the three Kleins walked into this ancient and elegant, luxurious and majestic synagogue, almost everyone looked at them. Among a group of upper-class people in suits and ties, these three bishops in divine robes really stood out.

And it was only after arriving here that most of them knew that today's internal meeting of the nobility was actually attended by people from the church.


"The meeting begins!" A waiter from the Augustus family rang the golden bell.

Obviously, the person who presided over this meeting was the current King of Loen Kingdom, "George III".

This is a middle-aged man with a mustache, a serious and old-fashioned face, and a resolute face. He is wearing a golden dress and a crown, and he does have a bit of a king's bearing.

"Today's meeting is mainly about the Survival Act." George III glanced in the direction of Klein and others, and then looked at the nobles who all had their heads lowered.

The "Survival Act" is to cut off the flesh of the aristocrats and big capitalists. How can these aristocrats be willing to submit?

If it's just a show, it's fine. There are as many things as the Soot Emissions Reduction Association, and these big capitalists will be happy to donate a lot of money to these associations.

But the Survival Act is too stringent and leaves no room for these big capitalists.

"Your Majesty the King, the formulation and implementation of the "Survival Act" have been too hasty. I suggest that this process be appropriately delayed and implemented slowly over three to five years, so that..."

When confirming this person's point of view, Klein was not ready to listen anymore. He looked at this well-dressed, gray-haired gentleman with a gentle smile, and remembered who he was.

Aghid Negan, the brother of Duke Negan whose life was once saved by Bishop Truman, is now the prime minister of the Loen Kingdom.

He and Duke Negan appear to be conservatives and are the largest landed aristocracy in the kingdom besides the Augustus family.

Even from a radical perspective, this "Survival Act" is too radical, and is naturally opposed by these conservatives.

Cut off the flesh of the nobles and capitalists to feed the poor at the bottom? How can this be!

"I also think it's too fast," Duke Negan, whom Klein knew, also raised his hand.

"It has only been a few months since the "Survival Act" was first formulated. This is already the fastest law enacted and implemented in our kingdom. It is inevitable that there will be many loopholes in it. We need more time, even we need Restart the legislative process."

Duke Negan is more conservative than the Prime Minister and actually wants to re-legislate!



The major nobles' voices of agreement rang out, and most of the nobles actually spoke directly, and some invisible pressure swept towards where Klein and others were.

The number of Extraordinaries among the nobles is absolutely astonishing, so even if these people dare not directly put pressure on the three Kleins, when their wills are unified, those who hold opposing views will inevitably suffer some invisible psychological oppression. .

"..." "Singer of God" and Saint Anthony seemed to have anticipated the current situation, their expressions were as usual, and they did not take these nobles seriously.

Klein's eyes narrowed and his face gradually darkened. This was the attitude he wanted to convey to these nobles.

All the nobles have healed their scars and forgotten the pain. Apart from the efforts of several major churches, the most important factor in the passage of the "Survival Act" a few months ago was actually the sacrifice to the evil god.

Many nobles died in that evil god sacrifice, which frightened these pampered nobles. In order to prevent the same thing from happening, they reluctantly ceded some of their interests and allowed the "Survival Act" to be passed.

But in the past few months, these nobles felt that they were capable again after updating their bodyguard teams, and they were ready to take back what they had ceded.

King George III stretched out his hand and pressed it gently, and the sound of approval gradually weakened.

"This will not work. Restarting the legislative process has seriously damaged the sanctity of the law. I suggest that new implementation details be established under the "Survival Act" to make it easier to implement the plan." Another noble stood up and said.

Is this probably a half step back? Do you have an explanation for the major churches?

This suggestion also received support from the remaining nobles. One of them was quite impressive to Klein, and that was Earl Hall, the father of Miss Justice.

Those who subsequently put forward these three views stated their ideas in more depth to gain the support of more people.

The nobles were high-spirited and high-spirited. Some calmly stated the pros and cons, while others argued with red necks. This was their battlefield.

Klein has never experienced such a scene and lacks an intuitive understanding of the political methods of these nobles.

Of course, Klein also participated in politics on the Internet in his last life, and you can probably understand that it was all about showing off one's face and opening up the windows.

Therefore, he disagrees.

"Dong dong dong!"

Klein knocked three times on the table in front of him, and the sound was spread by his voice magic in "The Fairy Tale Arrives", suppressing all arguments.

All the nobles, including King George III, looked at Klein. The eyes of most of them were a little strange, with some kind of mockery in their eyes.

But Klein completely ignored them and just stated his point of view.

"No." Klein looked at the Prime Minister who proposed to postpone the execution.

"No." Klein looked at Duke Negan, who proposed to restart the legislative process.

"Not enough." Klein looked at the "half-step back" noble who suggested setting up the detailed rules.

The Hall of Order fell into an eerie silence because of these three answers.


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