Inverse Sword God

Chapter 68: Enter the inner door

Chapter 68: Enter the inner door

The young man in the purple robe issued an order. If Lin Xuan falls here, it will be a great loss for Zongmen.

"There must be a leader wolf among the wolves. We have not found it yet. Maybe this leader wolf is with Lin Xuan," said a disciple inside.

"Well, now both the East and the South have been found, only the West and the North are left, and the West is close to the forest, and there is a high possibility that the leader wolf is there." Said the young man in the purple robe and went to the West.

Thirty inner disciples, plus a dozen outside disciples who were rescued, all went to the west of the battlefield with the purple robe youth.

He and his group acted quickly, beheading all the Red Flame Wolf who wanted to pounce along the way.

"Huh?" The purple robe youth frowned slightly, the closer to the west, the fewer red flame wolves. Originally, when they were in other positions, they would always encounter many red flame wolves leaping madly, but in the west, although there are also The Red Flame Wolf rushed up, but the number decreased significantly.

There is spiritual fluctuation in front, everyone speeds up! The young man in the purple robe was happy, and suppressed the doubts in his heart.

However, when the forty or fifty people reached the spiritual power, all of them stopped.

The corpse was covered with red flame wolf's body, the blood had already stained the earth, and there was a stench everywhere. In the front, there are two figures, one flashing like a golden light, each hitting a group of red flame wolves, and all these red flame wolves that fell into the air fell into the silver sword array.

A fragile girl was struggling to maintain the sword array, and the silver swordsman danced like a silver snake, and the red flame wolf in the sword array was strangled a few times.

"Lin Xuan!" Someone called out.


A figure stopped in mid-air. It was Lin Xuan. He looked back and found that forty or fifty people were standing behind him. The first one was a young man in a purple robe.

"It's Zongmen!" Lin Xuan Yi Jian hit the red flame wolf beside him, and then came to Yin Qingyi and told her to stop the sword array.

"These were killed by both of you?" An inner disciple asked uncertainly.

"Well, thank you all for coming to help!" Lin Xuan said.


I was affirmed by Lin Xuan. Everyone took a breath of air. So many red flame wolves were beheaded by two outside disciples, which made them feel unreal.

"Where's the leader wolf?" Some inner disciples did not give up, and continued to ask.

"Dead!" Lin Xuan said, pointing to a corpse on the ground.

Everyone looked around, and it turned out that the body of a Red Flame Wolf was three times larger than usual.




This is everyone's evaluation of Lin Xuan. Everyone is amazed at Yin Qingyi. No one can think of a weak girl. Her sword formation is so terrible.

"A total of 19 people were found, and the remaining six disciples were dead." The young man in the purple sighed, "Let's go to the base."

Uh ...

Elder Elder Gu was very angry, and the elder Xuan Tianzong of the whole base was very angry.

I never tried once. Like this time, I lost nearly a third of my disciples.

"This time it was Zongmen's mistake, and it was attacked by the Chiyan wolf tribe." The ancient elder Shen Sheng said, "This feud, Zongmen will definitely report! And you will all enter the inner door!"

Inner door! The disciples who participated in the trial looked like they were all Ling. They worked so hard to get inside.

"Master, rest assured, I will avenge you!"

"After I become strong in the inner door, I will definitely wash the Red Flame Wolf!" Many disciples secretly swear in their hearts.

"You can survive, it's a fluke and a strength! In this trial, several people performed very well, and they will be rewarded by Zongmen."

Everyone looked at the people in front, including Lin Xuan, Yin Qingyi, Shangguan Liuyun, etc. But more people looked to Lin Xuan and Yin Qingyi.

The matter that they beheaded and killed hundreds of red flame wolves has spread. Everyone looked at the two like monsters. Tang Yu looked at the two with a hint of jealousy.

For these eyes, Lin Xuan was okay, and did not react much. Yin Qingyi was holding her horns tightly in her little hands, her face shy.

Because Lin Xuan and Yin Qingyi hunted the most beasts, the two tied for the first place. In addition to Lin Xuan's previous results, the first place in the inner door trial was Lin Xuan.

Regarding rewards, they will be distributed when they return to Zongmen. They rested for a long time, and returned to Xuan Tianzong under the leadership of the ancient elders.

After returning to the outside gate, I took a rest for three days, and these disciples entered the inside gate and became inside disciples.

The disciples of Nianmen were treated very well. Every three months, they could enter the Wuji Pavilion to choose a method, and every month, the elders in the gate directed martial arts.

The place to live is also far better than the outside door. Each disciple has an independent small courtyard, and there is a small practice room in the house to ensure that he will not be disturbed during practice.

In other respects, apart from one sectarian task that each disciple must complete each month, there will be no other mandatory tasks. Of course, if you want to redeem more treasures, you need the ranking of the stele and the point of battle.

The ranking of the stele is a major feature of the inner door. Above the inner door square, there are several steles that are more than three feet high, with names written on them. Different steles represent different fields, and the order of their names represents the ranking of their disciples.

The higher the ranking, the more resources you enjoy, so a virtuous circle is formed.

When Lin Linxuan and other disciples first entered the inner gate ~ ~, they deliberately went to watch this unique stone monument.

There are three major stone monuments, which are the internal ranking, the training tower ranking, and the military achievements ranking.

The ranking of the internal rankings is the ranking of the disciples at the annual internal conference, which included the top 100.

The ranking of the cultivation tower is based on the performance of each disciple in the cultivation tower, and the rank of the cultivation tower. As for what is the cultivation tower, Lin Xuan learned after asking that it is a place that can assist in cultivation, and can also perform various Kind of test.

As for the specific things, he will not know until he tries it himself.

The last one is the ranking of combat achievements, which is obtained by hunting monsters on the front battlefield, or performing related tasks.

These three stones only include the top one hundred inside disciples. Lin Xuan found that the first name on the three stone tablets was the same person's name.

Wan Jianxing!

He is the first disciple and one of the top ten core disciples. The top ten disciples are the core disciples.

The three major forces that are very strong in the outer gate have their roots in the inner gate, and each of them has a core disciple.

The basic situation, Lin Xuan and others have understood, then it depends on their own efforts. Lin Xuan's goal is to be in the top ten of the major lists.

Only when he enters the top ten can he become a core disciple and he can return to the family successfully.

In the evening, Lin Xuan returned to his independent hut. His reward has been issued, and he has obtained the right to use the five-hour cultivation tower.

"Is the Tower of Cultivation really so magical?" Lin Xuan had a glimmer of hope ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~


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