Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 273 - Mother Daughter Time Part 1

*Becky G - Shower *

"Why are you acting like this?" The person on the other end was suddenly filled with fear and inexplicable sorrow. "You're not going to fight the decisive battle yet, right? Why are you acting as if you're here to say goodbye?"

"Mom, don't worry…" Raven looked up slowly while shaking her head. "It is not time for the decisive battle yet, no. I just feel bad because I didn't visit yesterday, that's all. I was a little tired after visiting Maria and just fell asleep…"

Hearing her words, the mayor breathed a sigh of relief, her anger and fear fading away instantly. 

Her worried expression quickly turned into a relaxed one as she wrapped her arms around Raven's small body, accepting her embrace. "It's okay, I was just joking. I actually called Maria and she told me that you were asleep. 

"She offered to wake you up saying that you'd be more than happy to come visit me, but I didn't agree to wake you up... 

"And I had a feeling that she wasn't seriously asking either. She is a better mother than me so needless to say, she would never want to cut your sleep time!"

Hearing that, Raven didn't say a word. She simply listened quietly.

The mayor however, even though she said she was joking, a small part of her didn't actually believe that. She felt a little disappointed that her daughter didn't visit her like she visited Maria. 

With that being said, she wasn't disappointed with Raven, but rather with herself. It was solely her fault for not being close to her daughter!

However, Just now, she was almost scared to death! The sole idea of having Raven fight the decisive battle against the angels made her feel helpless as she could not even help… she could only watch her daughter suffer!

But hearing that it wasn't time yet, she felt somewhat relieved! She would look for a solution before the time comes, or at the very least, lend her a hand! Even though she didn't have any special abilities, she had to at least try!

Kayla and Gaia who heard the conversation between the mother and daughter only smiled from the sidelines, never giving a hint of Raven's true intentions.

Although it wasn't time for the decisive battle, Raven wasn't going to wait for it since it was simply asking the Terran Army to basically overwork to death, quite literally! They can't possibly kill all the angels by following the standards of war tactics so they had to improvise!

The Terran Army had to depend on Raven destroying the person giving the orders on the angels' side in order to dream about winning… no, surviving the battle!

Only by cutting the head of the snake can they deal with its countless tails!

And needless to say, this plan was far more dangerous than the so-called decisive battle! In a sense, Raven was indeed here to say goodbye… 

"Oh, little girls, it's been a while since I've seen you, how are you doing?" The mayor greeted both of Kayla and Gaia with a genuine smile 

Although she didn't have much contact with the two of them, the mayor knew all about how those two have always been her daughter's hands and feet.

"I'm alright, Mrs. O'Bannon!" Kayla answered cheerfully. "Raven is always taking care of me!"

"Yes, yes, Raven is a pretty well behaved little girl!" Gaia agreed happily.

"Haha!" The mayor chuckled, hearing a little fairy calling her daughter a 'little' girl. However, she didn't say much since she didn't actually know much about Gaia.

Although she has heard that Kayla was indeed quite young, Gaia was still a mystery to many people. Not a single soul would expect that she is the Voice of the World. In other words, she is the spirituality that was born from planet Earth, she is planet Earth!

Maria never thought that such a 'small' detail was important, so she never mentioned it.

Gaia apparently understood that fact and didn't say much. If one wanted to get critical, she is the mother of all species of Earth, that is why she's called the Mother Spirit!

But right now, she was just Raven's little friend, Gaia!

Although each person had their own internal thoughts, the situation wasn't awkward at all. Kayla was a sweet talker and she had no problems with leading the conversation.

Chatting like that for a little while made the mayor suddenly remember something and she quickly pulled Raven over, dragging her throughout the castle.

Raven raised her eyebrows but still complied quietly.

After a few minutes of walking inside the magnificent castle, the mother daughter duo arrived at a certain room. It was actually Raven's room!

Although Raven has not spent a lot of time in the Demon Realm, whenever she did, she would sleep in this room.

Urging the demon maid standing by the door to step to the side, the mayor whispered a few words in her ears, trying to avoid Raven's detection.

With Raven's enhanced senses, that was obviously impossible unless she was significantly far away or surrounded by a special barrier. However, she herself didn't want to overhear their conversation so she focused on chatting with Kayla and Gaia.

Not long after, the demon maid nodded and bowed gracefully towards Raven before leaving urgently. 

Raising her eyebrows, Raven watched her leave with a curious look on her face, but she didn't ask much.

Seeing that, the mayor simply smiled and dragged Raven inside her room.

Inside, the large room looked like a chamber of a king who had many concubines, for how large the bed was. 

Not many would believe that this massive bed was just for this little girl's tiny body alone. It could almost fit twenty Ravens on this bed and they'd have plenty of space in between!

With that being said, Kayla and Gaia would usually sleep next to her sometimes, so she wouldn't be entirely alone. But that doesn't even make much of a difference, with their fairy-sized bodies!


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