Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 270 - Feathery Skies Part 4

 "Chaos Puppeteer!" 

This voice seems different from the previous melodic one of the Commanding General, but it still sounded rather young. 

No one would have thought it was actually one of the ancient demon lords; Lord Bel!

Momentarily after the whisper spread, a dark web of wire-shaped mana appeared in the sky. The scene looked as if a giant demonic spider had casted its webs everywhere, covering the heavens!

However, soldiers who were seeing this quickly realized how naive they were, thinking the plan was just this simple.

With wide eyes, they observed the scene where those falling angels who hit the dark web continued falling downwards for a few seconds before stopping midair.

Every dead angel that passed through the dark spider web turned into a shade of dark, with no more white feathers present, and began staring upwards with hollow eyes.

Seeing this, everyone shuddered once more. 

"This dark mana web… is not actually a web?"

"Those mana wires… They are Puppeteer strings!"

"Holy shi…"

Although everyone was amazed, one single Daemon was unimpressed; Abbadon!

"That incompetent idiot, he couldn't save the rest?" He muttered quietly.

Although people could not fully observe and understand what was happening, he could.

This seemingly wide range of mana strings was relatively pretty close to the surface of the planet. 

Such placement means that those angels who have fallen enough distance, under the pressure of condensed air, will heat up and turn into a crisp!

Sure enough, after the initial wave of dark angel puppets were created and integrated into Bel's shadow or simply the nearby shadows, with Raven's help, many meteor-like things were observed!

Soldiers could easily see dots of white glow travelling at massive speeds and hitting countless angels in the way, creating a bloodbath, before exploding or fading into thin air!

Although this seemed very wasteful in Abbadon's eyes, it was a spectacular sight in everyone else's!

After a little bit more than half an hour, the golden light slowly dissipated. 

Looking up, one could clearly see the original morning sunshine warming up the atmosphere.

All of a sudden, cheers erupted from everywhere on the planet! The majority of the angels were eradicated! 

This was simply the result of one move from their Commanding General; Raven O'Bannon, and the other person who converted the angels into dark angel puppets.

Although everyone was prepared to fight to death, they were pleasantly surprised to know that they didn't have to!

Or, that's what they thought…

"All soldiers prepare for battle!" Raven's voice spread throughout the entire planet. "The first wave of angels is finished, but there are more on the way. Kill!"

Hearing her words, the soldiers clenched their fists and raised their weapons.


Shouts filled with murderous intent were heard around the globe as Everyone's fighting spirit rose to the top once again!

Having received the signal, all Generals started mobilizing their soldiers in order to eradicate what's left of the first wave and prepare for the next. 

Although they didn't speak much, everyone realized that the coming waves would only be more difficult to withstand!

On the high skyscraper, Raven's aura almost faded away as she dropped to her knees, panting and barely able to breath, while using her right fist to support her weight.

Gaia and Kayla used their skills to ensure sufficient mana is delivered to her veins. But even so, she was barely able to keep herself conscious.

Bel was slightly better since Raven has also helped him with casting the final spell. However, keeping it active was taking way too much of his own energy, let alone controlling the dark angel puppets!

Seeing that, Raven gathered her strength and slowly sat up against the rusty guardrails.

"Help Bel," she whispered with a lot of effort. 

"Ok!" Kay quickly responded. Although she wanted to argue that Raven was more important, she knew that that would only lead to Raven having to speak more.

After a few minutes, Bel stood up, his face flushed with embarrassment. He is one of the five executives and he is supposed to be one of the most powerful supporters of his mistress, but right now he is making it harder for her to recover.

Gritting his teeth, he stood up, took a deep breath, and clapped his palms hard enough to send shockwaves around.

Suddenly, six Devil Lords appeared in front of him. The six quickly kneeled towards Raven, showing loyalty and respect.

Normally, they'd be kneeling for Bel, however, their Supreme Ruler always takes priority when present!

Raven quietly nodded at them, with a gentle smile on her pale face.

Without a second to spare, Bel started using his own spells at top gear. 

"Dark Angel Puppets, follow my command!" He shouted in a cold tone.

His main goal was now to transfer the Dark Angel Puppets stored inside his own shadow to those Devil Lords under him. 

Instantly, countless Dark Angel Puppets shot out of Bel's own shadow and covered the sky!

Looking down at the Devil Lords with dead and hollow eyes, they divided themselves equally and each group plunged into the shadows of those Devil Lords in front of them. 

Slowly, their shadows started getting thicker and darker as sweat oozed down their brows. 

Feeling that the Devil Lord has reached their maximum capacity, Bel nodded and ordered them to go provide support across the battlefield as they see fit. 

Kneeling one last time, the Devil Lords shot into the air and each headed towards the countries with the least amount of troops.

It's a shame that only the Devil Lord powerhouses under Bel's command were eligible to store and control those puppets as they were personally trained by him.

If that wasn't the case, he would have borrowed the Devil Lords of other Executives and handed them a patch of Dark Angel Puppets each!

With that being said, now that a lot of the pressure was carried away, he can easily control what's left of those Dark Angel Puppets!


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