Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 267 - Feathery Skies Part 1

*Lenka - Blue Skies (REVOKE Remix) *

A/N: Make sure to read the author's note at the end... all of it!


"It's sure cloudy today!" One guy said to his partner as they both stood at attention, ready to kill the invaders at any time.

"Yes," his partner replied calmly while tucking away a few strands of black hair behind her ear. "But something is weird, why is the sky getting darker and darker? It's just like winter time! But we're not in winter…"

"Hm, true," he replied with a shrug. "I guess the heavens are messing with us- oh, is that snow!?"

Looking up, flakes of white started pouring down, slowly swaying in the winds. The scene was outstanding and beautiful, it somehow made everyone relax and look up in awe.

This was the case all around the planet and not just one particular area. The sudden appearance of snow made everyone feel inexplicably at ease.

Suddenly however, everyone's bracelets glowed as a message was transmitted directly from the person highest up in the chain of command: Commanding General Raven O'Bannon.

The message was rather simple, and only consisted of a few words. But these words were enough to shock everyone's hearts and raise their vigilance to the extreme!

Weapons were suddenly raised and auras were flared. Everyone had a murderous glint in their eyes!

"Protect your minds and proceed with the plan!" 

The reason why such a simple message had such a magnificent effect on everyone was exactly because it was from Raven herself! 

At the moment, she is the Commanding General and under normal circumstances she does not contact those normal soldiers, but rather only speaks to Generals or their Deputy Generals if the former dies, but that's all.

However, the contents of the message explained everything!

"Protect your minds!"

"Psychic rankers protect everyone!"

"Those are not snowflakes, they are angel feathers!"

"They have a strong hypnotizing effect! Protect your minds like the Commanding General has ordered!"

"The angels are here!"

"Proceed as planned!"

All around the globe, the same messages were sent everywhere.

These few seconds of relaxation brought by the hypnotizing effects of the feathers made everyone witness the horror of the angels first-hand, and the war hasn't even started yet!

That's why everyone suddenly got cautious and extremely vigilant; these b*stards can not be underestimated!

However, in the grand scheme of things, the angel's little stunt didn't really matter much. The soldiers simply needed to follow the plan.

And this plan… it starts with their leader, with their Commanding General, with Raven!

On the skyscraper, Raven had a toothy grin that was radiating with evil intent!

The angels are coming!

The b*stard who is manipulating Maya is probably with them!

Soon, she will meet Maya!

"Raven, remember the plan," Kayla reminded calmly.

Inexplicable feelings surged through Raven's veins before calming down and remembering her role.

"Uhm," nodding, her expression turned stoic and extremely serious. "Bel, get ready!"

Out of Raven's shadow, a figure suddenly jumped out and took shape. Kneeling respectfully, Lord Bel, Raven's Dark Necromancer, smiled and looked at his mistress.

"I am ready, my mistress!" He confirmed happily.

Of course he's happy! Because of this plan, he gets to fight together with his mistress!

Even Lord Abbadon was jealous and envious of him, not to mention the others!

"Good," Raven replied calmly as she looked up at the falling feathers. Transmitting another simple message to the bracelet, her words were heard all around the planet: "Let them burn!"

All around, flammes of various colours and other attacks landed on the falling feathers that covered the skies.

Although they were many, the feathers didn't last long against the coordinated attacks of almost everyone on the planet!

Looking up and ignoring the disgusting burning smell, up there beyond the burnt white feathers, everyone could see brilliant white figures that started to come into view.


An EDA General whistled as he looked up, seeing the many angels coming down slowly. "Soldiers!" He called out loudly.

He didn't call rankers or citizens, no. He called soldiers, because right now, everyone was one!

"""Sir, yes sir!""" A torrent of excited voices yelled in reply.

"They seem to think they can walk here like royalty. What do you think of that?"

"""F*CK them!""" Everyone yelled in unison.

"No, you idiots!" The General yelled. "We have a plan; remember the plan! Right now, we are waiting for our Commanding General!"

Hearing his words, everyone felt slightly embarrassed, but they didn't mind. They indeed had to remember the plan! Soon, Raven will give them a signal to start!

"However," the General called calmly. "I like your enthusiasm! Soon, we'll f*ck them all!"

"""Sir, yes sir!""" Everyone shouted once again, grinning from ear to ear.


Similar scenes spread across the planet as the fighting spirit was high everywhere!

Raven suddenly took a deep breath and her expression became solemn.

Extending her hands forward, she urged her aura to the extreme, golden energy filled her veins!

She has rarely used her 'own' original mana, however, now was the time!

Applying many of her skills at once, Raven was suddenly covered in sweat, but she didn't seem to mind. She was too focused to care. 

Although Kayla and Gaia were standing on her shoulders, they didn't help. It wasn't their turn yet!

After a while, the golden light seemed to be like a sun that extended throughout the entire planet, leaving no dark spot! Suddenly, the long lasting dawn didn't seem to be that long!

Everyone who saw the spectacular sight was left speechless. After all, they all knew that their Commanding General was going to make her move first, but no one knew what that move was exactly!

With that being said, no one was naive to think that was all, especially since the angels seemed to be unaffected!

"Huh, what's this?" A ranker, or rather a soldier, called out in surprise while staring at her own shadow. For a moment, it seemed as though her shadow had moved!

"Ahhh! It's moving!" Another voice yelled in surprise. But there was no fright in that voice, after all it takes no big brains to figure out that it's their Commanding General who's doing this!


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