Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 264 - A Long Lasting Dawn Part 1

*Vivy: fluorite eye's song - Sing My Pleasure *

A/N: this actually has both Japanese and English vocals which is pretty awesome:)


At dawn, everywhere on Earth, no one was asleep; everyone was up, awake, and ready to spill angel blood!

The fighting spirit was continuously rising as many rankers practiced their skills and many citizens continued to sharpen their blades, load their magazines, or stock up on various types of arrows. 

Of course, there was nothing ordinary about those weapons, ammunition, or even the arrows; they were all made by either the abilities of some special rankers, or the alchemy and magical skills of some aliens who were brought by Raven!

All around Earth, everyone had the same thoughts; everyone wanted to fight for their home planet, everyone wanted to protect those who they love, and everyone wanted to live on!

Almost no soul knew about the Teleportation Gates that were created by Kayla and as such, everyone had the thought of either killing or being killed! There was no third option, no running away, and definitely no being a bystander!

Unlike most times, the EDA Generals were not hidden from the public or away on some classified missions, but rather present and they were all spending time with the citizens and rankers of their respective countries. This contributed to a healthier environment and more courage everywhere.

According to the plan set by Raven and Kayla, every country must have at least one EDA General and one Deputy General in order to give and pass orders from the higher ups, namely Raven and Kayla, to their troops. 

Of course, Kayla's enhanced Bracelets made communication all a lot faster and much more rapid than in the past so there were no issues in that regard. Even if the radio towers or communication satellites were destroyed, everyone can still pass on orders as required! 

Under those Earth Defensive Alliance Generals and their Deputy Generals were the commanders that were appointed internally, and Raven had no say in the matter.

In Canada however, now that General Elaina Arkan was not present, it meant that Canada was missing its General.

As such, Raven, as the temporary Commanding General, appointed Scott as a temporary General while Camilla Rogers was appointed as a temporary Deputy General.

Although Camilla is not the most powerful in close combat, she is considered the best when paired with Kuru. Once they're in a critical situation, he can instantly turn into a Great Sword, and in Camilla's trained hands, he can show his best!

With that being said, Camilla is a specialist in large scale battles and that's exactly why she was given the title Battle Mage; with her abilities, blasting through the defences of the enemy ranks should be as easy as breathing! 

Of course, one can't ignore the fact that Jamie, the famous Flame Master Mage, will be accompanying her as a guard! 

Additionally, Jakol, the fifth general of the Akash kingdom of planet Akish, and his troops were stationed as a support unit that will be ready to support any country at a moment's notice. After all, their ship is meant to travel intergalactically and it was no issue to cruise between countries.

If that news wasn't enough to make the rankers and citizens everywhere feel excited, then hearing that some ancient demon lords, none other than the infamous Deadly Sins, will be joining sides with them surely did!

Before the last dusk, Raven had had a detailed meeting with her five daemons:

Abbadon; the Sin of Hatred and her Daemon of death and destruction: her Baneful Executioner, 

Maeve; the Sin of Lust and her Daemon of courage and order: her Precious Adjudicator, 

Aamon; the Sin of Gluttony and Daemon strength and might: her Indestructible Shield, 

Levi; the Sin of Envy and her Daemon of trickery and stealth: her Ghostly Assassin,

And last but not least, Bel; the Sin of Sloth and her Daemon of chaos and control: her Dark Necromancer.

The contents of that meeting were simple and easy to follow: the five mentioned Daemons will be named Executives and will be in charge of a selected portion of the battlefield, with the exception of Bel who is crucial to Raven's plan.

Under each of the Executives, originally there were at least five or six demon Archdukes. However, they've all been granted a huge amount of souls by Raven which allowed them to evolve into Devil Lords! Their functions would be similar to Deputy Generals, under the Executives.

With that being said, one special Executive had a 'little bit' more than a few Devil Lords, and that was Maeve! 

Back when she and Abbadon were being named by Raven, an uninvited guest had barged in with a legion of demonic beasts. 

The uninvited guest was none other than Lucifer, the Sin of Pride!

However, his luck ran out the moment he met the two newly named daemons. While Abbadon killed him, Maeve snatched a bunch of his subordinate beasts! That's why she now has many more subordinates than the other Executives!

And not only that, but every one of those demonic beasts have actually ranked up significantly after being named by Raven and granted their own share of souls! 

Each of them is equivalent to a Devil Lord; respectively called Devil Beasts! After the evolution into Devil Beasts, many of them even gained human forms!

What makes this news outrageous to other Daemons is that those Devil Beasts, when compared to a Devil Lord of the same strength, are more likely to win against them in a life or death fight! What contributes to this result is simply their original physical builds and natal abilities!

It's a shame, though, that out of the seven original Deadly Sins, not everyone had survived; The Sin of Pride, Violet, died under Abbadon's single hit. The Sin of Wrath, Red, also died by the hands of Abbadon during the ancient demon war, granting Abbadon's wish for revenge. And lastly, The Sin of Greed, Yellow, died under Silver's hands before his battle against Abbadon. 

Silver, at the time, needed a way to restore the original power of the Fallen Angel and as such used Yellow as a nutriment for that purpose. Alas, he ended up being soul tortured in Abbadon's Domain of the Sinner until this day!


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