Immortal Kingdoms

Chapter 189 Rushing To The Inner Sect

While Leonardo sat in a lotus style in front of the deep claw mark to comprehend the technique, thousands of bodies had long gone cold in the outer sect region.

Zaylee quickly retreated next to Maiden 001 and whispered, "The divinities have arrived, where is Yunhei?"

Just as she said this, tens of stacked domains pressed down on the chaotic battlefield. The ferocious intent in these domains immediately crippled the remaining outer sect disciples into vegetative states, causing them to drop like withering weeds on the ground.

Clearly, the important disciples have been evacuated to a secure location while the rest were nothing but disposable goods.

"You really are bold. Just three High Divinities and a rebirth cultivator yet you want to destroy my Beast Claw sect?"

"Oh? They brought a vampire lass together with them too."

"I want to see what's so great about the infamous Memento Mori gang today, just a few rats who crawled from the shambles of a dynasty."

Accompanying the elders were three men in black who didn't speak, but their dense energy was conveyed through the domains as well. Out of everyone present, they were the only High Divinities as the remaining High Divinity elders were encircling Junior Brother together with the sect protectors.

Although they didn't speak, they looked down on these ignorant elders who talk big for a mere hidden sect. It might seem that the three men came to help the elders, but in fact, they merely wanted an excuse to distance themselves from the Memento Mori rebirth cultivator.



That same elder barely completed his sentence before a pitch-black arrow wedged deep into his forehead, blasting through his domain and protective membrane as though they were an illusion.

"Braindead filth," Maiden 001 spoke coldly, her bowstring yet to stop vibrating. She still couldn't believe that such fools who looked down on Memento Mori still existed.

Clearly, that fool has yet to open his eyes and see the world.



Another elder was about to rage. However, four sharp claws of condensed worldly energy struck him from behind, slicing off both his arms and splitting the remnants of his body into three disproportional segments that hurriedly fell from the sky.

"Too noisy."

This claw came silently and without a warning, not even the High Divinities were able to sense it until it was too late.

Everyone instinctively turned in the same direction and a young man in a long black coat and a face mask appeared in their line of sight.

That was the source of the voice.

He was seated in a lotus position in front of a deep claw mark, obviously trying to comprehend something.

Zaylee and company were stunned to see Leonardo ignoring the fight just to study the heritage of a sect on the brink of annihilation.

Even Leonardo was a bit surprised by how simple yet fatal this technique was. The application couldn't be simpler, it only comes at the cost of crippling the user's domain for a brief moment to condense the necessary energy.

Infusing a suitable martial intent would help greatly but it wasn't a critical factor. Leonardo fused both concealment and death essence into his attack just then, hence why it struck home without anyone being the wiser.

However, everyone around here was someone who had a fair share of battle experience. Thus, after a moment of being stunned, three elders split from the main group and rushed at Leonardo.

All three of them were divinities, while the only three high divinities rushed to engage the three sword cultivators that arrived together with Junior Brother.

Zaylee stayed in her position while Maiden 001 quickly retreated a few hundred meters.

One of them had mid-range to a close-range capability while the other preferred long-range fighting.

Leonardo didn't feel like bringing the fight to the mark left behind by the wolf and thus he jumped off the mountainside. Since he wasn't trying to be secretive anymore, he didn't need to worry about disturbing the flow of energy through levitation.

He quickly glided to the base of the mountain.

When he felt the stacked domains of three divinities pressing down on him, Leonardo immediately pushed back with his desolate domain. As long as they couldn't lock down on him with their domain, the accuracy of the beast claw technique would drop by more than half.

It sounded as though tangible disks ground against each other and Leonardo's domain almost immediately cracked open. Although his intent was of a higher law, regardless of how much he understood these laws, it wasn't that effective against a domain in sync with the laws.

"Hm? You can actually struggle against us three?" One of the divinities spoke with a sliver of surprise.

Shameless! Leonardo cursed inwardly, not having expected three divinities to join up against a saint. Nonetheless, that moment of the clash was all he needed as when the four domains cracked ever so slightly, he disappeared with the use of nihility.

The moment he disappeared, Leonardo quickly moved to the edge of his domain before retracting it and proceeded to rush further into the depths of the sect.

"Little rat!"

The three divinities were enraged as they began to claw aimlessly without a few hundred meters radius of Leonardo's previous position.

Explosions rocked the land as it began to crack. However, the three of them combined couldn't find Leonardo no matter what they did.

"Don't bother with that ant! Come here and help!"

A high divinity shouted in irritation.

A massive sword projection hacked down but this high divinity smashed it away with a claw. However, the shattered sword fragments morphed into countless smaller swords that rushed at this high divinity from all directions.

He couldn't help but shrink his domain and condense it around his body, blocking these miniature swords. This was merely a probing blow for both parties, and the next stage would be when they got a little serious about started using their weapons and martial techniques to complement their domains and martial intent.

The three divinities grit their teeth and rushed back to help, blocking Maiden 001 and Zaylee from quickly finishing up their fights to go look for Leonardo.

Leonardo knew that the incompatibility between his domain and the laws in the Core Mainland had to do with the lack of ether in his worldly energy. If all of it was converted into pure ether, things might have been a bit different.

With his current domain, a few moments of struggling was the best result he could hope for against a divinity, much less if he wanted to join the battlefield of high divinities.

He quickly scaled the distance from the outer sect area to the inner sect area in a matter of minutes while rushing at full speed. He wanted to find the resources or opportunity to achieve divinity as quickly as possible lest he encountered a bored divinity.


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