I Reject Quests

Chapter 136: Vs Runic Arms Squad And Metal Squad (1)

Chapter 136: Vs Runic Arms Squad And Metal Squad (1)

Winter Sun Apartment Complex.

Near the apartment, a car was parked. 

"Is this it? It doesn't look shabby at all." 

"Yes, but that's not the point. The point is, go back." Rewen untied his seat belt and got out of the car. In his shoulder was the long spear he had borrowed. He also brought three daggers that are hidden in his waist.

Svety stared at him. "Are you sure that the uniform won't restrict your movements?"

"It wouldn't."

"What are you going to do after defeating them?"

"I'm not calling the police. If something troublesome happens, call your father and spare me the court proceedings."

Svety didn't say anything more and went away.

Rewen had a calm expression but underneath that, he was nervous. 'Fuck it. If all my preparations don't work, then it's better to die. Yes, what's scary about it? At most, I'll just die.' He regained his confidence, then looked at his stats.


Host: Rewen Klofar

Bloodline: Human (100%) (Yellow) - [Perks]

Age: 18

Strength: 17

Agility: 17

Endurance: 17

Dexterity: 17

HP: 170/170

MP: 185/185

Active Skills: [Freestyle Knights Combat (Initial Stage)], [Lunge], [Grappling (Elementary)], [Circuit (First Stage)]

Passive Skills: [Observe], [Mana Manipulation], [Memorization (43.21%)]

Features: [Blacksmith], [Mission to Doom], [Boost], [Appearance Grader]

Path: [Knight]

Unique Property: [Balls of Steels]

Inventory: 2x Power Spike (x4), Tier 1 Bronze Lottery Ticket (x2), Brown Fruit (x2), Luvin's Star Ticket


He was satisfied. Including the skills from [Custom] and the inventory, he was pretty confident that he could even defeat Rank 2 Mages. 

[Ding! Main Storyline quest has been issued! Do you want to see it?]

[Yes] [No]

'Show me.'


Quest: Annihilate the two squads

Grade: C-

Details: Kill every single member of the squad.

Rewards: Tier 1 Silver Lottery Ticket

Failure: Forbidden to use [Mana Manipulation] for the next 30 days.


Rewen sank into deep thoughts.


Rewen walked into the main gate but couldn't decide which building he should check first. There are seven apartment buildings close to each other. All of them were more than twenty floors.

'I'll just enter the first one.' Making a decision, he calmly walked into the main entrance of the first apartment building. 


The wall beside him broke apart revealing a boy launching towards his chest with his legs.

Rewen didn't have much time to think and tried to block his chest.

The legs made contact with the spear making Rewen back off. 

"That startled me," Rewen spoke in honesty, then dashed towards the boy who quietly stood there. 'How is he going to attack? Could he be preparing a skill in secret? I should be cautious.' His eyes turned cold as he ruthlessly plunged his spear towards the boy's head.

However, in the next moment, a strange thing happened.

The spear went past the boy's head as if the boy was never in that spot in the first place. Shocked, Rewen squinted his eyes and tried to make sense of what happened when a hand touched his shoulder.

"I'm here bro." 

'This? What happened?' Rewen sensed a figure behind him touching his shoulder and a chill went up down his spine.

"Are you too scared to move? Tsk, such a disappointment." The boy looked dissatisfied.

At this moment, Rewen chuckled. "You talk too much."


The boy sensed something dangerous coming towards him and instantly moved away. "That thing it's fast."

"Of course it is." Rewen turned around and dashed towards the boy again.




Every strike he makes fails because the boy is too nimble and flexible. Even in a closed space, a long weapon like a spear is useful if the one using it is skilled enough. Conversely, the boy is also skilled in dodging deadly spear strikes in a closed space.

A few seconds later, Rewen stopped the barrage of attacks and took a few steps back.

Seeing this action, the boy gave a mischievous smile. "What's wrong? You decided to give up?"

"Yeah, spear attack won't work against someone as flexible as you." Rewen calmly admitted, then kept the spear on the ground and smiled. "Are you good at dodging in fistfights?"

Without giving him the time to reply, he sprinted towards the boy with the clear intention to punch.

The boy's eyes went cold. 'His physical strength is greater than me. I'll probably be on the losing end if I have a fistfight with him. But, how much could the difference be?' Within a fraction of seconds, he went through all the possible chances of a counter-attack. 'I can do this.' A small smile appeared on his face as he was preparing to dodge the incoming strike.


"Kuh!" A gush of blood went down from the boy's nose. 'It was too fast!' He hurriedly made a gap between the two of them.

'Not only was it fast, but it was also tricky. Who would have thought he would use his legs at the last moment? Punching gave him a lot of opportunities to guard. If I counter-attacked at the time he punched, he would have guarded it. However, if I dodged the punch and then counter-attacked, he wouldn't have the time to dodge it. But what he did was beyond normal. If I knew he was going for a kick, I wouldn't need to dodge anything. Kicking opens up a lot of openings. Not only that, kicking isn't comfortable while running.'

The boy analyzed the mistake he had made and wiped off the blood of his nose. "That was good."

"Thanks for the compliment," Rewen said, then looked around the surroundings. At the present, he was in a large room. Looking at the counter, it was fair to guess that this is a room where receptions take place. There were a few benches scattered around the room, two large staircases and a single elevator.

"This looks new. Did your boss kick out every single person who lived here?" Rewen asked in curiosity.

"Yes. It was vacated three months ago when the Boss decided to give this apartment complex as a gift to some squad."

"That's going overboard. For four people, he kicked out everyone?"

"The Boss isn't stingy with his rewards. How about it? Are you going to join our organization?" The boy asked with a casual smile.

Rewen didn't hesitate to answer: "I can't say I'm not interested but you aren't someone I could trust." 

"That's a good choice." The boy nodded, then his gaze went to his opponent's hands. "Now then, did you finish your casting or do you still need some time?"

"It's done." Rewen was unhinged about his ploy being found out and made his way to his opponent who was standing still. "You are quite generous, you know?" 

"You wouldn't be saying that if you know me better." 

Rewen finally cast the [River of Right Hand] onto his hands. From the outside, his hands looked perfectly fine but it was bursting with strength. Its speed was out of the usual.

The boy didn't move and calmly watched a palm horizontally coming towards his neck. He couldn't dodge it. His physical strength was incomparable to Rewen. He didn't have any [Evasive] type skills. Despite all this, he had a terrifyingly stoic look on his face, as if he wasn't afraid of death.


The hand made a swing without touching the neck.

Shock and disbelief filled his mind. Without thinking much, he took a few steps back. 

'How is that possible? I accurately aimed for his neck so why is it that I missed? Did I grow some sympathy seeing that he was a boy? No, that's not possible. I came here with the resolve to go back alive. Mercy and sympathy are things I don't consider during a life-to-death fight. So why is it that I missed my shot?' 

Rewen had a grave look on his face. Looking straight at the boy, he said. "Interesting. You have some mind control skills?" He was probing. If he was lucky, he would get the answer.

The boy gave a small smile and slowly made his way to his opponent. "I don't have any mind control skills."

Rewen's eyes squinted. He didn't give any signs to show that he was bothered by his opponent approaching him but secretly made preparations. "Hah! I overestimated you. I thought you were better than this. Lying when your skill is found out is the most pathetic thing I have seen."

The boy smiled and when he was at a distance of less than a metre, he opened his mouth. "I don't have any mind-controlling skills. In fact, I didn't even do anything." Pausing, he sighed and then continued. "What do you think I'll do next?"

Rewen's gaze flickered. 'This guy he's hard to understand. Better put up some distance between him and me.'

"What are you going to do?" He asked, cautiousness was the only thing in his mind.

Hearing the question, the boy widely grinned. "Nothing! But I can't say the same for the person behind you!"

Rewen froze up. 'He isn't bluffing.' He could sense not one, not two but a couple of people behind him.


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