I have Nine Lives

Chapter 135: They are not here? I don't believe you!

Chapter 135: They are not here? I don't believe you!

The troops entered formation to improve their attacking and defense capabilities just like they had been taught during the military drills back at the capital.

They acquiesced to Felix's orders making them enter the range of attack as they got closer to the hollow tree.

No movements were coming from those inside the tree, as if they didn't sense the fact that they were currently being surrounded by 2,7 million troops, armed to the teeth and ready to attack.

Felix found it strange considering it was quiet, too quiet in fact.

Nothing was happening even though he had surrounded their base with a high number of troops. It was as if they were both blind and deaf.

Since they didn't want to defend themselves, Felix decided to attack!

He waved his paw akin to how Landers usually did, indicating that it was time to charge!

The troops immediately rushed towards the tree with a mighty war cry they attacked.

The attack made by the troops made the tree start shaking as foxes rushed out of the bottom of the hollow tree.

They finally decided to grace them with their presence. The foxes had wide eyes and pale faces as they saw Felix at the forefront of the army, glaring down at them.

The 500 foxes that left the tree stood near the tree with a bleak look on their faces.

They knew that there was no chance that they would be able to escape this situation.

While they had quite a lot of people on the insides of the tree, they weren't all able to fight.

The people inside the tree were good at administration, not fighting!

They had been delegated there as a bridge to connect the spring and summer parts, not as guards and a deterring fighting force!

While they did have some people to protect them, they already knew that they would be useless in this situation.

The leader of the 500 foxes came forward as he bowed towards Felix, indicating his intention to surrender to him.

Felix put his paw up, making all of the troops stop.

"Oh great cat, why have you attacked us so suddenly?"

Felix looked at them in the eye, looking for any traces of nervousness to identify if they would be lying:

"I'm pursuing some runaways, and a little birdie told me they are supposed to be hiding here with you. I don't think you have seen any foreign foxes seeking shelter around here, right?"

The leader of the foxes immediately started sweating inside, but his expression outside was neat and composed. As if he heard this news just now.

As a politician, he was very adept at lying.

But no matter how good he was at lying, he was still a simple being compared to the super-powered cat known as Felix.

He remained in the same place as he seemed to be thinking for a while he then kept his head down as he said:

"I'm sorry great sir, but there hadn't been any foreign foxes visiting us these days."

"As you might know, great sir, due to the current circumstances, there had been no chance for the people of any of the parts to make big movements."

Felix nodded and then put his paw forward, indicating for the troops to continue their march.

He knew that the man was lying to him, so he wanted to make a show of force to make him tell the truth.

The leader's eyes widened in both surprise and fear as he saw the army marching towards the tree and ready to skewer the foxes along.

He was a person that put his life over anyone else's, and even though it was his job to save those spring part foxes, he still put his life over theirs as he kneeled in front of the army and shouted:

"They are here! Please stop. We will guide you directly to their higher-echelons!"

He caved in extremely easily, and Felix didn't even start properly.

Since he didn't have to waste any more time, Felix decided to follow him as he took 300,000 people with him inside as more would cluster the inside of the tree.

Felix followed the man inside the tree through a special entrance as the army stood outside glowering at the other foxes and waiting for further orders.

As he entered the hollow tree, he realized that it was something akin to the elevator they used to move around the continent, but it was also different.

Just like the elevator, it had extended space.

However, unlike the elevator, the extended space was used for living, Instead of transportation.

As Felix followed the fox leader inside, he could see people working in two ways they were either sitting behind desks, doing paperwork or just casually chatting and enjoying themselves with diverse activities.

It seemed that the work of ambassadors wasn't anything hard, as they could enjoy themselves doing whatever they wanted in a foreign place under the guise of better relations between nations.

Felix only observed for a few brief seconds as he didn't see any people that he could recognize, which indicated that the queen of the spring part was further into the tree.

As they went lower the surroundings changed until they reached the bottom underground. It seemed that the base was created in the artistic style of humans as it resembled the inside of their buildings quite a lot.

The extended space combined with the decorations made Felix realize that the building was constructed by humans.

This also shown that the summer part foxes had invested quite a bit into this building.

Finally, after they reached the bottom and walked forward among a corridor for a few minutes they reached some gigantic white gates that were made into a circular shape.

The fox leader knocked on the door three times at different intervals, then the door opened and Felix with his troops entered.

The moment this happened, a screech could be heard coming from inside the room Felix and the others currently entered:


Felix could recognize that voice anywhere as it was the so-called queen of the spring part, he became invisible as he rushed directly to her, pinning her to the ground with his body.

The three stooges that were her personal guards and maids at the same time tried to help her, only to realize they were surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops.

The hollow tree was very spacious, and the others from the fox tribe were currently doing their own activities, leaving the four upper echelons to meet the visiting ambassador.

Since he gave them the shelter they needed, they had to act courteously to him, but they would have never thought they would get sold out so early. They didn't even get to enjoy the facilities of the place properly!

Felix told a nearby soldier to come with some rope of some kind to tie the new prisoners.

After a few seconds, they were all tied up and put neatly on the floor.

Felix wanted to sneer seeing the queen's current situation, she tried to torture him multiple times without any mercy, only to end up in a similar situation to his previous one.

"Well, how the tables have turned, how do you like the position, your majesty?"

Felix's mocking words cut the silver-haired beauty deeply as her ears twitched due to extreme anger, she shouted so hard that some of the soldiers had to grasp their ears:


Out of the several different rooms, two hundred thousand foxes rushed out to save the queen.

But these weren't their only reinforcements as the ground started to shake with a familiar rhythm which made Felix narrow his eyes.

Out of the farthest room, the sound of shouts and chants could be heard coming directly towards Felix's troops.

They were words he had heard before:

"Kill! The pesky lions had arrived. We must crush them!"

A hundred thousand rabbits came out of the room as they ran directly towards the troops with immense bloodlust, the foxes didn't even have time to enter in a war formation as the battle started chaotically.

Felix frowned as he picked up the queen and jumped away with her as this was no place for a life and death fight.

The fighting would create tremors and damage the extended space making it crash upon them and bury them alive, not into the ground but space!

Being buried into space was different from being buried into the ground, and Felix didn't want to experience that.

He could already feel that the space around them was shaking intensely from the new ongoing fights.

He knew that signals wouldn't work anymore in this chaotic situation so he shouted:


Felix then dragged the fox queen behind him as he started to jump on the heads of the fighting people running through the opened door and disappearing from the sights of the foxes, lions, and rabbits.

The foxes were angered quite a lot as they saw an outsider run away with their bound queen, while the rabbits didn't care and blocked the way of the foxes as they fought with the lions.

Normally the rabbits would have been easily controlled by the queen, and such a chaotic situation wouldn't have been created, but Felix struck like lightning and captured the queen, making the dumb and rampaging rabbits have their way.

The lions slowly retreated under the berserking attacks of the rabbits while making their way towards the door.

They heeded Felix's words and they did their best to leave these madmen and madwomen behind as they didn't want to get buried in this place. While not everyone in the 300,000 people knew about collapsing space, some of them did and words spread quite fast, making the troops focus on retreating.

Even the foxes eavesdropped and tried to push their way through their 'allies'. They even started to blame their queen in their hearts for employing the help of these numbskulls!


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