I have Nine Lives

Chapter 130: The vital information

Chapter 130: The vital information

Lindo put his hand in front of Manitola as a gesture for her to take it while he said:

"Let's go back we have talked about what we needed to talk about it's time to go back." 

Manitola took ahold of his hand as they slowly walked through the woods back to the hedgehog village.

There they saw how Landers and Felix were still chatting about the possible plans they could use to storm the moles and the foxes, first they needed to choose the better approach and the target.

Would they choose the moles first? Or would they attack the head, destroying the foxes in one fell swoop?

The moles were the foxes' eyes as they were the intelligence unit of their army, and if they lost the foxes would be blinded.

An enemy without any intel would be half-defeated.

However, this would also trigger a chain reaction from the foxes as they would understand that their intel line had been taken out, it was also possible they might have also migrated already due to their hideout's location being found out by Felix, the same could be said about the moles.

But they could still go there and investigate with an army as it wouldn't hurt, Landers knew that it was very less likely that they would find them in the same place, but scouting the location would also be good for any future ways to find them again.

Not all races could withstand the different climates so if they would relocate they would do it in a similar place to what they were currently using.

The sparron continent while filled with trees had different climates at different places, the route that the lions had taken had a spring climate and was one of the least harsh ones, the kangaroos and giant spiders took the autumn and winter seasons while the ravens took the summer one.

Each part of the continent had its special resources that the tribes coveted, they have arranged themselves accordingly to their needs.

The fox tribe was also pretty big and covered all of the 4 places, each place had its own kind of foxes which evolved based on the surrounding climate.

The spring place ones could be considered the weakest type of foxes but also the smartest which lead them to be the leaders of the continent, it wasn't like the other foxes were stronger by much however if they were put side by side the differences were obvious.

Landers shook his head, as he finished talking with Felix after he shared all of his knowledge about the continent with him, he needed Felix to know what he was dealing with instead of going in blind just like he had done up till now, normally he should have told this to him earlier but he also learned about this stuff only recently, as the spies they sent into the former alliance mates finally sent back some information.

Felix nodded after Landers finished his explanation, these were some things that would help him in the future and it was good to know them.

Landers then looked to the side as he saw Manitola and Lindo returning before motioning with his hand as he told them all of the new information he got before glancing at Manitola and asking:

"You haven't told us about this, why?"

This time his glance was filled with a strange soul power as his aura strengthened, this was a withhold of precious information that would have helped them quite a lot, and it was punishable with execution in military laws.

Manitola didn't flinch under Landers's gaze as she said:

"This wouldn't have helped you with the current situation, after all, we are in the spring part of the continent, plus the other parts are disconnected from us by long rifts that we can only pass by flying above them with a special technique that only the leaders of each of their part know, so even if you want to advance onto the other party's territory you would need the technique, or well just like your former alliance mates, have a ship that could fly."

Landers became speechless after her rebuttal, he did act a bit too headstrong here as she was right, this information wasn't helpful now but it was still crucial for the future so he could only put his head down and just give her a warning in his mind as she could have still shared the information at an opportune time.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go back and get the reinforcements, we should be ready to attack!"

Lindo was pumped up as the promise from before echoed in his head, he needed to win some battles!

Landers nodded at his enthusiasm before they started their journey back to the first village, which took them one day, there they met with Diorno who was still taking swigs out of his small alcohol container, seemingly as if the thing was permanently full.

Diorno nodded as he saw Landers and the others before saying:

"I have heard your report and the reinforcements are on their way, they should arrive by... right now."

Out of the ground near them, an elevator popped up in the middle of the city, and out of the elevator, countless Lion troops made their way out as if the elevator could hold the whole world in it.

Diorno smiled as he said:

"Siracha really didn't hold back anything, if my reports are true we are currently at three million four hundred thousand strong."

There were so many people that the streets became congested and they started to leave getting outside the village to reduce the cluster.

It couldn't be helped as the village wasn't extremely big only being able to handle around 1 million or so people.

All of the troops were awaiting orders as Landers scratched the back of his head while saying:

"Don't you think this is a little bit of overkill? I see that he also included quite a lot of captains in the set-up as well, you know that the enemies don't even have more than two to three hundred thousand people right?"

What Landers said was partially true as Manitola told him about the fighting force of the foxes but she didn't know that they got rabbit reinforcements.

Diorno shrugged as he said:

"It's not my place to question Siracha's deployment, maybe he is thinking larger scale for the future, maybe his appetite is big enough to eat the whole continent? Who knows, but it's most likely that the other tribes had made a great advancement in the conquering of their parts so Siracha wants to quicken things around here, but I'm not sure as he didn't say anything regarding that during the call."

Landers shook his head, he didn't think that it was possible that the others would have conquered the other parts of the continent yet, it was way too quick, and the natives were putting up fierce fights that lasted rather long times.

"Whatever but first we need to enforce the plan and put the soldiers into formation before we march there, Felix wasn't really incognito when he found out about this information so it's most likely that they would have fled already."

Diorno laughed as he said:

"You think they can flee anywhere? That's their best defensive place and there is no chance they will abandon it as there is a high chance we would find them when they relocate and annihilate them faster."

"We? That means you..."

Diorno stopped laughing as he got up from the sitting position he was previously in and cracked his neck and knuckles after he put his alcohol container back inside his armor.

"Yeah, I'm ready to move, pops said that he wants things to be done very quickly and no offense, while you are pretty strong you haven't broken through the boundary that separates us yet."

Landers knew that was the truth so he took no offense to that as he asked:

"Do you want to lead the troops?"

Diorno shook his head at this question:

"I know you haven't interacted much with me so let me tell you this, I'm not good at leading troops, all I'm good at is smashing heads!"

A glistening light appeared on Diorno's sharp teeth as he gave a toothy smile to Siracha, a peculiar aura engulfed him as he looked at Manitola and Lindo before snorting and saying:

"My happiness died out a bit, I'll be waiting for your signal to leave with the troops."

Landers thought for a bit before saying:

"We have a lot of troops so it would be better to install them to the villages that we captured along the way, leaving only 800,000 troops to capture the last two most important places before we will continue our way through the continent, what do you think?"

Diorno waved his hand as it didn't concern him, he decided to leave the thinking to Landers who was smarter than him, however, the man didn't know that Landers wasn't far away from the way he was doing things, he was just more considerate of his subordinates and the fate of the tribe while Diorno was more chaotic.

Landers took a few steps towards the walls as he used the stairs to reach the top, there he looked down at all of the gathered troops, he knew that to start things properly, before making the allocations he needed to warm and energize them up with a speech.

Landers coughed a bit to gather the attention of everyone around as Lindo, Manitola, and Felix stood to his left and right.


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