I have Nine Lives

Chapter 128: Successful escape attempt

Chapter 128: Successful escape attempt

While Felix was trying his best to subtly get out of the manacles that bound him to the table, the silver-haired fox leader was having a mental breakdown as she looked at the tray filled with broken torture tools.

She couldn't believe that Felix was immune to her attempts at torture, but the truth was that it was indeed so.

No matter what tool she used, no matter how much pressure and strength she applied. the tool would break upon Felix's fur, her attempts at injuring his soul were also pretty futile as all they did was make Felix's soul react and counter her making blood drip from her nose.

She was pretty much fuming as she looked at the trio and said with gritted teeth:

"Are there any more torture tools available?"

The trio looked at each other for a few seconds before shaking their heads in unison, these were their sharpest tools and the ones that inflicted the most pain, if these couldn't do anything what would the weaker ones do?

The foxes' leader was literally fuming as smoke was coming out of her ears. She was so angry that her hex energy had created a phenomenon.

It was quite the comical sight and Felix couldn't help but snicker seeing her like that, her red face immediately approached his the moment she heard him snickering, and she looked quite angry up close.

"You are laughing? HAHAHAHA, YOU ARE LAUGHING?"

Considering how mad she was, Felix's laughter triggered something in her that she didn't even know existed.

Her maddened state made the trio that brought Felix to the headquarters question if this was truly their queen or not, up till now they had never seen her like this and they had served her since she was a little kid, they had been her lackeys since they were born!

They grew up together with the future queen and did whatever she told them to, they always prevailed thus they created a pampered monster that wouldn't know what to do in this situation, and from what Felix saw she didn't resemble Manitola at all which meant that she wasn't her mother.

However, Manitola was a princess. So how come the queen of the foxes wasn't her mother?

It was rather strange as Felix slipped one paw out of a manacle and then the other, only his legs were tied to the table only for them to slip out as well, the silver-haired queen was too focused on shouting and glaring at him to realize that Felix's paws were inching towards her neck.

Suddenly she felt her oxygen supply being cut off as she finally realized that Felix wasn't tied up anymore, the trio couldn't see anything that happened due to her body shielding Felix's small one.

Felix looked her directly in the eyes as he whispered her something:

"I'm going to leave now."

The trio knew something wasn't right the moment the queen stopped shouting but they didn't want to anger her further with their inquiries, however, one of them decided to ask her due to how worried he was:

"My queen, are you ok?"

Muffled sounds came out of the queen's mouth which indicated something was blocking her ability to speak, the trio immediately jumped near her. Only to find that she was clutching her neck and was slowly slumping towards the ground due to how weak she was currently.

Felix was nowhere to be seen, which made the trio became fully alert as they looked around hoping to find him only to realize that he had escaped!

His escape was swift and he didn't make any noise as he entered stealth, the queen got up from the ground as she finally regained her oxygen supply before glaring at the ceiling and shouting:


After her Majesty's shout, tens of thousands of fast and well-equipped guards left the headquarters trying to identify which direction Felix went in before trying to catch him.

Felix laughed as he looked at them trying to catch him, he was currently at the top of their headquarters which was a small hill. It seemed that the buildings were built underground like burrows they were similar but also different from the ones of the rabbits.

Felix already memorized the location, he looked around to identify where he was, but a second glance made him realize that he just didn't know where he was!

He really wasn't sure as the foxes' headquarters location was very secretive and put in a secluded place, normally they wouldn't live out here, but their circumstances made them relocate their living place.

Even though he didn't know where he was, he decided to take the same path that trio used to take him to the headquarters if he just took a good look at it he would be able to remember everything that he had experienced when he was in his half-unconscious state and get back to the mole people's location, then he could get back to the hedgehog's village and from there he would know how to get back to Landers, Lindo, and the others.

He quickly retraced his steps while making sure he evaded every patrol that tried to capture him, it was a child's play with his current stealth experience he was pretty much invisible to them, even if he stood directly in front of their noses.

After a few hours, he lost all of the patrols as he took the route the trio did slowly remembering everything that happened during his half-unconscious state, as he remembered he also made his way to the meeting point where the moles previously handed him to the foxes, there he found an empty syringe which confirmed his thoughts.

He was on the right path!

Thus he continued it took him around 3 days to reach the entrance of the mole's cave and he ignored it as he didn't want to trigger any other trap inside it, even though he hated the moles for what they did to him it wasn't time for revenge yet, he had critical information that he could give to the lions!


Landers almost felt like sobbing, they hadn't heard from Felix in almost 20 days and everyone thought that he most likely died in the explosion, only he still believed that he would come back to them, even Lindo was somewhat skeptical as he saw personally how the bottom of the crater looked so he thought that it was most unlikely that Felix survived he was also the most affected one as he sulked alone, not even letting Manitola near him.

Landers sighed, with Lindo's help and the hedgehog civilians, they had remade most of the buildings they destroyed.

During the 20 days of rest, he also restored all of his stamina and now he was back at full power, however, they still didn't leave the village even though Siracha had given them orders to return.

Landers felt that if Felix ever came back he would look for them at the hedgehog's village first and he would be disappointed if there was no one there to welcome him so he decided to wait for a month before he returned to their first base.

Manitola approached Landers as he was currently sitting in the shade of a newly built building, Lindo was nowhere to be seen and the wall of spikes that surrounded the village was broken at one part as it couldn't be repaired without the power of the hedgehog shaman.

However, Lindo's silhouette could be seen lingering around the wall from time to time he looked listless as he glared at the spike wall, seemingly putting all the blame on it for what happened to Felix.

Manitola sat near Landers as she sighed then said:

"It seems that Lindo blames himself really hard for what happened, can't you go and talk with him so you could make him feel better?"

Landers responded while shaking his head:

"If he didn't listen to you how do you think he will listen to me? These types of wounds heal with time and there is nothing we can do, the only quick fix would be if Felix appeared and forgiven him personally."

Manitola felt rather sad seeing her beloved acting like that, he was heartbroken that his best friend had died because of him!

Lindo glared at the spike wall in front of him as he gritted his teeth and put his fist near his heart as he said under his breath:

"Only if I didn't make that damn plan with the slug elder... only if I went myself to fight instead of Felix, he is such a talented person, the one that should have died should be me, I'm so untalented and weak even though I have the bloodline of a shaman.... why? why couldn't it have been me?"

His heart was hurting, his head was hurting, he had been asking himself this question ever since he had gotten up from the crater that was now filled with fresh soil, he had stayed near the crater until they filled it to the brim for the reconstruction of the houses.

He still couldn't believe that Felix wasn't with them anymore, at first he thought just like Landers, that he would surely appear sooner or later but as time passed he realized that he wouldn't come back and it was his fault!

A big sigh left Lindo's lips only for his eyes to widen dramatically as he looked towards the horizon, he was currently at the big opening on the wall and if his eyes didn't betray him he saw a familiar silhouette approaching, but it couldn't be him could it?

Lindo cleared his eyes a few times before he started running directly to him, he couldn't believe it, he had returned! Felix was back!


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