I Am Only Mortal But Why Do You All Sees Me As A Immortal!

Chapter 244: System Update

Chapter 244: System Update

Today there seem to be quite a few exceptions to this system.

This was the second time I took the initiative to send him a message.

He opened the system interface a little irritably, but was stunned after taking a glance.

There was no change in the system, except for three more prompt messages, but each one was more explosive than the last.

"The reward for completing the 'Change of Music' mission has been sent to the system backpack. Please check it."

"There are new items available for purchase in the store."

"After testing, the host has mastered all skills for more than two years. The 'Task' interface is hereby unlocked! All tasks are not required to be completed. Please do it according to your ability."

Gu Heng: "...Oh, so you still have a reaction, but the delay is a bit large."

He was a little confused, but at the same time he was faintly excited.


It turns out that this system actually hides a lot of things!

It turned out that it wasn't that the UI was imperfect, but that it needed to be unlocked. It turned out that he hadn't noticed any of the new things that had been added to the system over the past few years.

It seems that I did not fail to try my best in researching the system, but I did not trigger the "conditions", so naturally no new things came out.

But it doesn't matter, better to come early than late, and better to come late than never to come!

Most of the resentment in Gu Heng's heart disappeared immediately. As for the remaining resentment, it would depend on what new jobs the system would give him. If the new jobs were good enough, Gu Heng would just change his character in the future!

If it's not done well...

Those who deserve to be scolded should be scolded.

This time, Gu Heng had no intention of sleeping at all. He started to see what new things the system had added.

First up are the mission rewards.

He completed the task of "Change of Music". Although Gu Heng didn't understand what this task meant, it was not important. What was important was the reward!

Gu Heng immediately checked the system backpack, and then saw new items that were "highlighted" by the system.

There were ten white tokens, and the item name was "Special Temporary Experience Coupon * 10".

"Ten experience coupons? Experience or something?"

Gu Heng casually took out a token, held it in his hand and examined it for a while. Apart from finding that this thing seemed particularly easy to crush, he didn't discover anything else.

However, although this system likes to play word games, it will always provide the most basic item introductions.

"Special temporary experience voucher: after use, the host can obtain any cultivation level within the Xuantian Realm cultivation system within a quarter of an hour!"

"While the cultivation is in effect, the host can obtain two basic skills at the same time! It can give the host an unprecedented sense of super excitement and immersion!"

Gu Heng's eyes immediately widened.

Damn! The system really gave him a big job!

Although it didn't allow him to practice, this thing also allowed Gu Heng to truly experience what it felt like to have cultivation and be a cultivator. This could satisfy Gu Heng very well. After all, people's demands were suppressed little by little with the reality.

If it was a few years ago, when the system gave him this thing, Gu Heng would definitely be dissatisfied and would yell at him to practice it directly.But Gu Heng had already lived a mortal life for several years.

If he were given such a "experience voucher" for cultivation now, he would accept it without complaint. After all, it is better than nothing.

But he was not too excited. Although this thing was cool, it was only for "experience" after all, and there were only ten of them. But if used properly, Gu Heng felt that this thing could save lives!

After all, one can choose "any level of cultivation", although Gu Heng is not sure why there is a restriction of "Xuantian Realm Cultivation System" here.

Could it be that this Xuantian Realm is actually just some kind of lower realm?

In addition to the Xuantian Realm, there are other worlds, and those worlds are huge, and the Xuantian Realm is just a small shrimp?

Gu Heng shook his head.

Why think so much!

After thinking it over, he held back and decided not to pinch one out right away.

Although he could feel his cultivation within a quarter of an hour, he didn't know what he could do with it now, so he should not waste it.

After all, there are only ten of these things.

Once it's used up, it might really be over. If you want to enjoy yourself luxuriously, at least you have to find out whether this thing can be replenished.

But Gu Heng was still sure of one thing.

This system really allows him to practice! Even the trial card can be given, so how far can the official one be?

It's just that I haven't met the conditions yet!

"I have maxed out all my skills, but you won't let me practice. I want to see how you can make things difficult for me."

Gu Heng stroked his chin, thinking that the system's requirements were really high, but he didn't care. He had been bored and unbearable for so many years. What kind of suffering had he not endured?

He is patient and can wait!

"Let me know what the mission is..."

Gu Heng opened the task interface.

Then he only saw four tasks, and the "Change of Music" task that had been completed and classified at the bottom.

"...What the hell is going on here?"

The corner of his eye twitched.

The four unfinished tasks on the task interface are named "Emperor Zhaotian's Mandate", "The Ultimate Sword", "The Vast Path of Medicine" and "Disordered Monsters".

"Zhaotian Emperor's Mandate: Correct the cause and effect of the damaged 'Emperor's Mandate Star'".

Gu Heng started the first task, and the introduction was like this, simple to the extreme. In fact, Gu Heng felt that it didn't matter if this paragraph didn't appear.

Because it is exactly the same whether he said it or not, he still knows nothing!

As for the following three tasks, the introductions are basically the same, except that the cause and effect to be corrected have become the "Heavenly Sword Fate Star", "Xiaodan Fate Star" and "Holy Demon Fate Star".

Where are these destiny stars, how to correct cause and effect... The system didn't say, but this is precisely the most important information!

Very good, these tasks perfectly capture the essence of the system's word game!

The veins at the corners of Gu Heng's eyes were about to burst.


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