His Dearest Wife

Chapter 628

Chapter 628

At about 2:30 p.m., next to a section of the dense forest where no one passed by, an old man, nearly 70 years old, was standing by the river washing his clothes.

All of a sudden, she saw a person floating in front of her. She was so scared that she thought it was a dead man. She turned to her wife in a hurry.

After a while, an old man in his seventies came to the river with the old lady.

The old man was old and brave. Regardless of the old lady's obstruction, he tied himself with a rope and went down the river.

"Old man, be careful not to be washed away by the water. I think that man must be dead. How urgent the water is!" The old lady stood on the river, very flustered, and worried about his wife's accident, a read.

The old man replied loudly, "I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid if I die. Let's see what happened to her first."

The old man was pulled by the rope. He came to the woman's side half walking and half swimming.

The woman was lying on her back, her skirt hanging by a standing log beside her.

The old man first reached out his hand and probed into the other party's nose. After that, he immediately cried out: "old lady, this girl is still angry. Come on, help us pull over. It's important to save people."

The old lady was very happy to hear that she was still alive. She quickly made efforts to pull the old man and the unconscious girl to the shore.

Two old men, struggling to carry the wet girl back home.

This unconscious woman is Miss Lin.

When her car was heavily hit, she happened to forget the seat belt. The door opened when the car was spinning rapidly, and she was thrown out directly. However, when she was thrown out, her head was heavily hit on the door of the car.

"Don't you want to go out and get a doctor back? I think there is a wound on her head." When the old woman changed her clothes for Lin Xiangxiang, she found that although she was also injured, the most serious injury seemed to be her head.

The wound on the head at the moment was very shocking because it was soaked in water.

"It takes two hours to walk to the nearest clinic here. Let me make a call and ask the doctor to come by bike." The old man said and went to make a phone call.

The old woman changed a clean suit for Lin Xiangxiang and cleaned her face.

"It's really beautiful. This girl is the daughter of a rich family." The old lady was confirmed by the necklace around her neck and the diamond ring she was wearing.

"It's also pitiful. No matter how much money you have, it's still one thing whether you can survive after being hurt like this." When the old man saw Lin missing, he couldn't help thinking of his married daughter and sighed.

More than an hour later, a middle-aged male doctor came by motorcycle with a medical box.

He gave Lin miss's wound a simple cleaning treatment, and then told the two old people: "this woman's head is injured, I don't know if it's serious, I suggest you take her to the big hospital, I don't have any effect."

"Big hospital?" The two old people were immediately in a dilemma, not to mention that they didn't have a car or much money.

"Thank you, Dr. Wang. Let's think about it again." After seeing off the doctor, the two old men sat down and sighed.

"Old lady, how much money do we have left?" Asked the old man, smoking stiffly.

The old lady wiped a tear from the corner of her eye: "only six thousand, I'm afraid it's not enough!"

Both old people are worried.

At this time, lying on the bed and drinking some hot water, Lin Xiang woke up!

She opened her eyes, looked at the low and shabby room in front of her, and looked at the dazzling sunlight coming in from the window.

"Where is this?" She couldn't help asking.

Hearing her voice, the two old people rushed into the room.

"Oh, girl, you wake up. Are you ok?" The two old people who were worried just now were relieved when they saw her wake up.

"You are..." Lin miss the pain of reaching out to press the injured head, a mouth, only to find that the voice is dumb.

"Girl, did you encounter something? We fished you up in the river. Do you have any discomfort?" The old lady asked quickly.

Miss Lin's head was aching and her brain was blank. Hearing the old man's words, she opened her eyes in surprise: "you picked it up in the river, don't you know who I am?"

"I don't know. You won't and don't know who you are." The old lady and the old man looked at each other, feeling very strange.

Miss Lin closed her eyes in pain and thought hard for a long time. She found that her head was still blank.

I have no idea who I am. Do you have anything to prove my identity? Do I have any bags... "

"No, when we get you back, you're the only one!" The old lady replied quickly.Lin missed the whole person. She covered her face in pain and shook her head: "who am I? How could I be in the river? "

"Girl, don't read it. You've picked up your life. You don't know how urgent the river is. If you hadn't been hung by that branch, you might have swam down and washed away. It's the primeval forest below." The old lady said comfortingly.

Miss Lin thought about it and nodded immediately: "grandma, you're right. I'm still alive at least. Thank you very much. If you hadn't saved my life, I would have really died."

"Take a break first, but tomorrow you will remember who you are." Looking at Lin, the old lady could figure it out and was happy.

"Old woman, please hurry to cook. I think she must be hungry too!" The old man is happy, too.

Half an hour later, Lin Xiangxiang and two old people were sitting at home eating. An advertisement was playing on TV.

"Oh, girl, look at the girl in the advertisement. She looks like you Are you sisters

Miss Lin immediately ran in, took a mirror, looked at the gentle girl on the advertisement, and looked at herself.

"It's really a bit like that. Maybe I'm her sister." Lin was suddenly surprised.

The old lady was also immediately happy: "girl, your sister can even shoot advertisements on TV. I said your family must have money."

Miss Lin thought about it and saw the diamond ring: "maybe, this gem is really big!"

"Girl, you should rest here for one night before you leave. It takes at least two hours to walk outside." The old lady said with concern.

"Thank you, grandparents. Here is the necklace. I don't have much money on me. Thank you for saving me." Lin immediately took down the necklace and gave it to the old man.


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