Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 104: God Lord Tiangong

Chapter 104: God Lord Tiangong

Chapter 104 God Lord Heavenly Palace

For the next ten days, Tan Yun drove the spirit boat, wandering left and right while expanding the search area, while flying toward the southern sky.

Tan Yun said with a heavy heart, "It's been less than half a year since the opening of the Mustard Seed Time and Space Tower. If I don't return, it will be too late for terror!"

In desperation, Tan Yun could only control the spirit boat to turn around with regret, preparing to return to the trial area.


At this moment, the spirit boat suddenly shook when it turned around, as if it hit a vessel made of steel, making a dull sound.

Tan Yunxun looked around and found that the spirit boat was empty in all directions, still a vast sea of clouds.

In this regard, Tan Yun seemed to have thought of something, and trembled with excitement, "Illusory Array!"

Tan Yun's eyes were hopeful, and he immediately drove the spirit boat into the sky, and then controlled the spirit boat to ram into the empty void.


Immediately, there was another loud noise from the front of the spirit boat, causing the void to tremble.

Tan Yun was excited, and on the way of driving the spirit boat into the sky, he kept hitting the void. Every time he hit it, there was a loud noise in the void. It was still the same until Tan Yun flew hundreds of thousands of feet higher.

"Hahaha, I found it. Inside the magic circle is a huge palace! No wonder I can't find it. It must have been a magic circle set up by the senior officials of the sect!"

Tan Yun couldn't help but let out a long whistle, and immediately calmed down and started to break the illusion.

He jumped out of the training room and stepped on the front of the spirit boat. The strong wind ruffled his hair, but it couldn't blow his gaze from all directions!

Tan Yun began to glance at the peaks protruding from the clouds, looking very slowly, very slowly...

I don't know how long it took, Tan Yun suddenly raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and his eyes finally stayed on the eight of the endless peaks.

Following Tan Yun's gaze, he saw that these eight peaks were lined up in a crescent-like shape.

In the middle of the crescent-shaped crescent formed by these eight male peaks, there are 36 peaks standing in a mess.

Tan Yun stood with his hands behind his back, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It turned out to be a phantom array of stars and moons that was set up by the respected formation master."

"So, the thirty-six sub-peaks are the stars, and the eight main peaks are the arc moon. The Huangfu Shengzong is really outstanding, and there are many masters, and they even used the mountains between the heavens and the earth to form an array."

As we all know, the formation process is divided into: formation disciples, formation masters, great formation masters, respected formation masters, holy formation masters...

Based on Tan Yun's accomplishments in the formation process, it can be concluded at a glance that the person who arranged the phantom formation with the stars and the moon is at least a high-level respected formation master!

Similarly, if you want to break this illusion, at least a high-level respected formation master can do it.

Afterwards, Tan Yun smiled and drove the spirit boat through the sea of clouds. After a while, the spirit boat flew to the top of the eight peaks at the end.

Immediately afterwards, Tan Yun crossed his hands and raised his arms high, and from the spirit boat, he plunged straight into the peak with his head down.

Suddenly, his body spun like a spinning top, and he opened the way with his hands with a burst of dust, and drilled into the peak.

As Tan Yun drilled down vertically, the rocks in the mountain faced his hands, fragile and pitiful.

His body drilled through the rock, until when he drilled into the deep mountain, he suddenly fell into a hollow with a radius of 100 zhang.

Tan Yun flipped over in the air, and jumped into the cave with a sullen face. Immediately, he walked towards a formation in the center of the cave.

The diameter of the array disk is thirty feet in diameter, the whole body is silver, and there are hair-like array patterns engraved on it, and there are hundreds of thousands of them.

The formation patterns are crisscrossed and covered with the formation plate, and they actually wriggle at a slow speed. After a closer look, it is found that these formation patterns are revolving around the formation eye in the center of the formation plate.

Tan Yun naturally knew that the array disk was the hub of the phantom array of stars and moon. The eye is used to activate the hub.

At this time, Tan Yun seemed to have discovered something. He looked down at the formation, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and said thoughtfully, "The person who arranged this formation is so sinister, and actually set up an offensive fake formation. here."

"Once Lao Tzu stimulates the array eye, this array plate will burst out with powerful power, and Lao Tzu will be annihilated in an instant!"

"Hehehehe, if you change to a general honorable formation master, you will definitely be unlucky and lose your life here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tan Yun turned his head down, and his body was like a high-speed diamond drill. After drilling three hundred feet vertically, he reappeared in a cave.

In the center of the cave is also an array plate. Tan Yun carefully observes the movement of hundreds of thousands of array patterns, and confirms that this is the real thing!

At the same time, Tan Yun also felt that the people who set up the formation were definitely not good people. It is very likely that it is a cunning old man!

Because this array is true, but it is still in danger.

Under normal circumstances, to arrange such a huge phantom array with stars and moon, first, array disks should be placed on each of the eight main peaks, and array bases should be placed on the thirty-six sub-peaks. Then, the main array disk hub controls all array disks and array bases.

And it is necessary to activate the array eye with the best spirit stone, so as to open the hub to break the array.

And now this phantom array of stars and moon is actually an array within an array.

Once you use the top-quality spirit stones to stimulate the formation eye, the phantom formation around the stars and the moon will be transformed into the star-shaking moon-shaking lore formation!

At that time, the thirty-six formation bases in the thirty-six sub-peaks will burst out with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, gathering together to attack, and destroying the mountain where Tan Yun is located, leaving Tan Yun's body without a trace in an instant!

If you want to avoid the phantom array of stars and the moon, and transform it into a star-shaking lore array, you only need to activate the following spirit stones.

This is exactly what Tan Yun thinks, the people who set up the formation are cunning and cunning, and their minds are vicious!

Just ask, who would have thought that such a large formation only needs to be opened with low-grade spirit stones?

The people who set up the formation first used a fake formation plate to confuse the people who broke the formation, and then set up the formation in such a sinister way. It can be said to be extremely ruthless!

"Hehe, the people who set up the formation are a bit interesting, but they have a lot of thoughts."

Tan Yun sneered. Immediately, when the Qiankun Ring was shining, the moment a low-grade spirit stone accurately shot into the eye of the formation, the sky above the peak where he was standing, tens of thousands of miles in radius, stirred up layers of ripples like water, as if twisted. time and space.


Tan Yun drilled out of the peak like a cannonball, looked up into the sky, and the next scene reflected in his sight made Tan Yun's pupils shrink suddenly, and then, as if thinking of something, a thick sadness raged in his heart!

But see, after the tens of thousands of miles of void ripples restored calm, a magnificent palace full of sacred aura appeared on the sea of clouds.

The whole body of the palace is golden, and Tan Yun looked up with his head raised. Although he could not see the end of the palace or the whole picture of the palace, he knew that the palace was 900,000 zhang tall!

Occupies thousands of miles!

Tan Yun looked up at the palace he was familiar with in the past, his nose was sore, and a drop of tears fell down his grief-stained cheek, tremblingly said:

"Xiao Jin, I heard from Meng Hao's mouth that the battle of the gods took place in the Meteor God Canyon in the ancient times. Although I had already guessed that it was you and Xiao Mo who led the Jinlong and Demon Dragon clan to the lower realm, do you know? Hope, I guessed wrong..."

The little gold Tan Yun said was the ruler of the Nine-Clawed Golden Dragon Clan: the God Lord of the Twelve-Clawed Golden Dragon!

The palace suspended above the sea of clouds is the Tiangong where the Golden Dragon God Lord lived in the past.


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