Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 132

A beautiful, but stern-faced witch, she did not look like a memory at all, but rather like a real living person.

If he hadn’t seen her transformation into reality with his own eyes, Felix would have thought Ravenclaw had managed to survive to this day!

The witch’s eyes seemed unfocused, but when she saw Helena, her eyes instantly became animated.

Her eyebrows and expression became delicate, her eyes gradually sharpened, she is Rowena Ravenclaw, one of the four founders of Hogwarts, a legendary wizard from a thousand years ago.

“Helena, welcome home.” She said.

“Mother,” Helena choked as silvery, clear teardrops poured down.

Lady Ravenclaw’s keen gaze swept over her body, then glanced at Felix, who stood back silently.

” Gentleman, could you tell me how much time has passed?”

“You may call me Felix, Felix Hap.” Felix bowed slightly, “A thousand years have passed, ma’am.”

“A thousand years …” The Ravenclaw chewed on the word and walked over to Helena, gently wiping the tears from her face.

“How can I be unsatisfied with seeing you again after a thousand years?” Lady Ravenclaw said tenderly.

“Mother, everything is my fault! I shouldn’t have stolen your Diadem, I shouldn’t have run away from home, and I shouldn’t have ignored Baron’s words … I didn’t even meet you at the end …” Helene cried sadly.

“You are my child, how can that be counted as stealing?” Lady Ravenclaw said lovingly, she slightly lifted the cape around Helena’s chest, and looked at the black wound on it, and asked, “Does it hurt?”

“It hurts, Helena, is in pain, day and night.” Helena took her mother’s arm and said with a bit of a spoiled tone.

Ms. Ravenclaw held up her hand and no one saw her do anything, but Helena’s transparent fingers quickly became white and congested, and then expanded upwards, and in less than a minute, Helena had a solid body from her ghostly state.

The clothes on her body also turned into a blue-coloured dress.

Felix then realized that Helene’s hair looked a vivid burgundy colour.

“Mother?” Helena looked at the Ravenclaw in surprise as she suddenly fell from two inches above the floor, stumbled twice, nearly fell, and was caught by the Ravenclaw – so much time had passed that she had forgotten how a normal person should walk.

She took one hesitant step, two and her body fell straight to the ground with a twist.

Lady Ravenclaw stepped forward to help her up, and Helena leaned most of her body on her.

“Try again, you haven’t even put on your shoes yet, and you fell like this!”

“But I haven’t walked in a long time.”

Felix watched all this without bothering to come forward. It’s all a mirage, at least, he did not think that Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw would have the ability to come back from the dead.

What’s more, she is just a memory.

Apart from that, he could see clearly that Helena’s smile getting brighter and brighter, her eyes curved into a crescent moon, a sign of her heart being freed.

”Isn’t everything just as you anticipated? You are prepared for this, Felix.”

Helena and Ms. Ravenclaw were having fun playing the game of ‘holding and walking’, both of them ignored Felix at the side.

After almost half an hour, the two ladies stopped, each tidying up their messy hair strands.

Helena’s body emitted light, soft white light, which made her look like a princess.

“Mother, you have forgiven me, don’t you?” She asked, still somewhat anxiously.

“I never blamed you.” Lady Ravenclaw said with a smile.

Helena smiled and wept, her face blossoming with holy and pure light.

After a few moments, Helena whispered in her mother’s ear as their eyes looked over towards Felix, who stood not far away.

The two walked over in a pair, holding each other’s arms together.

“Mr. Hap?” Lady Rowena Ravenclaw said.

” Lady Ravenclaw, Helena, congratulations,” Felix said.

“It’s thanks to you, Felix. Otherwise, I might have been lonely forever.” Helena said with a smile as she gently tugged on her mother’s sleeve.

Rowena Ravenclaw looked at him with a soft gaze, “Thank you very much, Mr. Hap, you freed my daughter.”

“Helena is a friend of mine, as well as Baron, and I hope they can both relieve their knots …”

“Baron? He’s not dead?” Rowena Ravenclaw’s expression stunned, her gaze as sharp and intimidating in a way it had never been before.

Helena said somewhat gloatingly, “That nuisance also became a ghost, but he is no better, always carrying the bloody shackles, you don’t have to bother with him.”

“Is that so?” Rowena Ravenclaw’s gaze went into the distance.

Felix felt the magic power surging around Rowena Ravenclaw’s body, and she seemed to be doing something he couldn’t understand.

Outside the Room of Requirement, an extremely hidden magic pattern is lit up one by one, starting from the seventh floor and extending outwards.

The tower, the sixth floor, the fifth floor, expanding all the way down and out …

In the Headmaster’s office, Dumbledore put down the quill in his hand with a very puzzled expression. Does it seem that he is – deprived of some powers of the Headmaster?

No, not deprived, but temporarily borrowed.

Who has this authority? Dumbledore stood up with a serious expression.

The Grand Staircase in the castle began to turn violently, and some armour made cackling noises.

Hogwarts underground and an abandoned classroom in the middle of nowhere, Bloody Baron floated in midair with an expressionless face.

In A gust of wind, the depleted Baron jolted back to life, his expression frozen as he swept around, but found nothing.

Inside the Room of Requirement, Rowena Ravenclaw sighed.

“It was my mistake, I shouldn’t have let him find you.”

“It’s all in the past,” Helena whispered.

Felix relieved that nothing had gone wrong, and he was afraid that the Ravenclaw would try to avenge her daughter’s death and outright make Baron disappear.

Although it’s the same disappearing, self-liberation and being beaten into a puff of mist were completely different concepts.

“However – I seem to have found something familiar.” Lady Ravenclaw said, and as Felix and Helena looked somewhat puzzled, A tattered diadem appeared abruptly from thin air and fell onto the white ground.

“Is this your diadem?” Helena looked surprised and said, “How did it appear here?”

Lady Ravenclaw stared at the diadem, “You don’t know this, how would I know? I found it in a dump … What the hell do these little wizards think my lab is?”

Felix’s gaze fixed deadly on the diadem, and he switched his perspective straight away – the same feeling the diary brought him, deep, dark, evil magic, silent as death.

It is a Horcrux!

” A piece of soul is sealed inside … A magic left by that Herpo the Foul?” Ms. Ravenclaw frowned and said, “I remember it seems to be called as Horcrux?”

“You know about this thing?” Felix asked.

“Of course, Herpo was famous in my time, and many of his magic spells that could be considered nefarious were widely spread. Horcrux, though, are indeed quite rare.”

Lady Ravenclaw’s gaze turned to Helena: “Who did you give this diadem to?”


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