Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 247: A Surprise Visit II

Chapter 247: A Surprise Visit II

Chapter 247: A Surprise Visit II

Mylo quickly flagged down a cab and got in with Sofia before giving the driver the address of Jason’s place.

Nodding affirmatively, the driver quickly began driving while Mylo and Sofia conversed in the back seat.

By coincidence or not, both of them were good conversationalists and they ended up chatting with each other the whole journey to Jason’s place.

With how animated their conversation was, the driver was thinking that they were either a couple or really close siblings, not knowing that he was not just off the mark, he was blindly thinking in all the wrong directions.

“It’s good to be young,” the fifty-somethng looking driver chuckled as he drove, glancing into the mirror at the backseat.

Mylo and Sofia were too enamored in conversation to notice the driver’s remark and knowing look.

After a few more minutes of driving, the taxi pulled up in front of Jason’s house where Mylo and Sofia got down.

Mylo was about to pay for the cab when Sofia instinctively reached into her bag and that was when she finally noticed that her purse was missing.

Initially thinking that it had fallen inside the taxi along the road, she, Mylo and the taxi driver commenced a search for the lost wallet, but it was not to be found.

At this point, Sofia began retracing their her steps in her mind and only then did she realize that her wallet had probably fallen at Mylo’s place.

Upon realizing this, Mylo settled the taxi fare and they sent the driver off, apologizing for trouble the poor guy.

“I owe you one,” Sofia said to Mylo as they walked up Jason’s driveway.

“Don’t worry about it, I gotchu,” Mylo replied with a grin.

“Rather than that, it’s a bit strange that there aren’t any lights on inside,” he quickly diverted the conversation with an astute observation.

The lights that lit up the way to the house had lit up as soon as they stepped into the driveway earlier so they had not noticed it earlier, but thinking about it now, it was likely to be that those lights relied on motion sensors and that’s why they were turned on immediately.

Considering the expensive looking neighborhood and the fact that Jason’s house didn’t exactly look very cheap, that conjecture was making more sense the closer they got to the door and realized that there truly were no lights on from anywhere they could see.

“Anyway it doesn’t matter, he may be at the back or something,” Mylo said, disregarding the thoughts that had popped up in his head as they reached the front of the door.

*Ding Dong*

Mylo pressed on the doorbell but after thirty seconds of waiting, they got no response and he pressed the doorbell again.

*Ding Dong* *Ding Dong*

Yet even after waiting for another thirty seconds, there was still no response.

At this juncture, Sofia had already pulled out her phone and began dialing Jason’s phone, after all, it wouldn’t ruin the surprise visit if she told him to come open the doors for her, right?

After ringing twice, she heard an audible click and Jason’s voice immediately came through the phone into her ears,

“Hey, what’s up, I was actually about to text you, I have something to tell you,” Jason said truthfully.

His phone was in his hand and he was already typing a message that he was going to send to her, but due to his current lacking arm mobility, he was only able to type at less than a half of his regular speed and it was while he was typing slowly that her call had come through.

“Oh? What a coincidence, I also have something to tell you,” Sofia replied, her face lighting up in a smile as she heard Jason’s voice.

“That’s some crazy coincidence, anyway you first, what do you want to tell me?” Jason’s surprised voice came through the phone.

“Before I do that, do you always keep your lights off by this time of day?” Sofia asked in a mischievous voice.

“What? My lights? What do mean my lights are off?” Question after question tumbled out of a confused Jason’s mouth before a jaw dropping intonation appeared in Jason’s head.

“Wait, where are you right now?” Jason asked, his voice not having the excited tone that Sofia expected to hear, but she was being way to mischievous to realize it.

“I’m at the front of your place, and I’m here with Mylo,” Sofia replied.

“My house? Like the one I just rented and told you about?” Jason facepalmed in the hospital bed he was lying in, but his mouth was still spouting stupid questions.

“Well, duh, what other house could I mean?” Sofia shot back rolling her eyes.

“Anyway, open up, I can’t stand outside here for much longer with my tired legs and I need you to come carry me… Or would you rather Mylo carried me away instead,” Sofia said dramatically.

“Okay, there might be a slight problem with me coming to open the door… You see, I’m not really in Porto right now, hell I’m not even in Portugal,” Jason spelled out slowly, ignoring her dramatic threat of having Mylo carry her.

“What!?” Sofia heard the most shocking news of her day right at that moment.

“I was just about to tell you, I’m… actually being quarantined right now, I got flagged COVID positive at the hospital I received treatment from yesterday night,” Jason began explaining, trying to make sure that he laid out the full story.

“I was only told this morning after they ran tests and determined that I was COVID positive, and then I was placed under quarantine and I can’t leave Germany right now,” Jason continued his elaborate explanation.

“You’re being quarantined? How did you even contract the virus in the first place? Are you okay? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Sofia fired off questions at the speed of a gattling gun.

“In order of questions asked… Yes, I don’t know, I am…” Jason began answering her questions all at once,

“And… Long story, it’s difficult to explain, but I was going to tell you, I just didn’t think you’d go over to my place all of a sudden,” Jason sighed, finding the whole situation kind of touching, but annoying at the same time, because he was currently in a situation where he didn’t know what to do next.

“Are you saying this is my fault?” Sofia’s reply had a bit of an edge to it that Jason noticed but ignored as he replied immediately.

“Yes, it is kinda your fault, you could have at least tried to confirm my location before doing something like that, you know?” Jason replied, leaving some words unsaid.

‘Who travels across the country to go do a surprise visit for someone who you last heard of being in another country?’ Jason thought to himself.

Maybe his way of thinking was too harsh, but it was a truth that needed to be said.

Also, despite the guilty conscience that tried to make him also feel like he was at fault as well, he shrugged it off.

He was not obligated to tell anybody his whereabouts and he already had a lot going on, so he didn’t see himself being at fault in the slightest, but Sofia wasn’t seeing it from his point of view.

Her reply made that very clear,

“Wowwww… I’m at fault for caring enough to come and check up on you?” Her tone dropped dangerously.

“What? I never said that… When did that part come into the conversation?”

“What the hell are you even talking about?” Jason’s reply perfectly expressed his confusion.

He had only said she was at fault for not checking his availability in the first place, he never said anything about anything else, so what the hell was going on?

“What am I talking about?” Sofia asked incredulously, the tension filled day getting the better of her temper.

“Let’s not get into this right now, okay… Let’s first figure out where you’re going to spend the night cuz’ I don’t think it’s possible for you to get back to Lisbon tonight… I also wouldn’t recommend it,” Jason immediately made to put a stop to whatever seemed like it was brewing as he didn’t want to deal with it right now.

He didn’t care what it was, but at that momentp, he just needed some peace.

Unfortunately, peace was going to be hard to get for either of them that night.

“I’ll figure it out, enjoy your quarantine in Germany,” Sofia snapped and hung up.

In Jason’s private ward in Germany, Jason looked at his phone screen with surprise and confusion.

“What the hell was that?” He muttered to himself.

He wasn’t experienced in these kind of things, but he could tell that whatever was happening, it wasn’t something he liked.

Unfortunately, the best choice he could make at the moment was to let it blow over even though he felt uneasy about the whole situation.

Back in Porto…

“Is everything okay,” Mylo asked from beside Sofia.

“Yeah, he’s in Germany, so I need to find another place to spend the night,” Sofia replied, her voice sounding drained of energy.

“He’s still in Germany, huh? That explains everything,”

“Anyway, should I send you to your place?” Mylo asked.

“My place? I don’t live here… I mean I do, but I can’t go to my mum’s house, I’d be dead by morning if she knew why I was here,” Sofia replied, turning away from Jason’s door and heading back onto thr driveway with Mylo following behind her.

“… Uh, you can stay at my place, Jason’s room is still there…”

“I’d have recommended a hotel, but I don’t have enough cash to pay for that, and I didn’t bring my debit card along… Unfortunately, your purse is still lost,” Mylo answered after some thought, not willing to leave her to her own devices and just leave, especially since he had followed her here.

“… I guess, I don’t have much of a choice,” Sofia answered after a second of thought.

With decisions made, they headed back to Mylo’s place in another taxi.

They had barely been inside the house when a knock came at the door and only then did Mylo remember that he had originally called two girls over and they were supposed to have a bit of a wild night.

He hadn’t known that things would somehow end up like this, but he wasn’t going to let another man’s girl blue ball him and he let the girls in and the pre-planned nights events proceeded as planned.

It was a truly wild night for Mylo who after waking up the next morning and light flowed into his eyes, bringing the image of the entire room into his brain, was hit with an unimaginable headache that wasn’t just an aftermath of his heavy drinking the previous night.


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