Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 246: A Surprise Visit I

Chapter 246: A Surprise Visit I

Chapter 246: A Surprise Visit I

After their loss to Inter Milan which signified the end of the season’s matches, the Porto team no longer had any reason to remain within the German hemisphere.

They would have a week’s break because of the rushed schedule for the next season so some of the players opted to fly to their home countries while the rest headed back with the team plane back to Portugal… Except Jason who was still in quarantine.

Due to their silent departure from Germany, there wasn’t much news about their departure from Germany and their arrival in Portugal.

This helped to mask the fact that Jason wasn’t with the team that came back to the Portugal.

Sergio Conceicao had to hold a press conference upon returning to Portugal to talk about the match against Inter Milan, as well as a few other things.

At the press conference, Sergio Conceicao spoke about the players performances in the match and apologized to the fans about the team’s performance in the first half.

He also spoke about the team’s aspirations for the coming season after being asked a question pertaining the matter.

Finally, he was asked about Jason’s injury and he responded to the media, saying,

“Jason’s injury is an unfortunate event and he’s already patched up and recovering, I can’t make any speculations about his return to the team as of now, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed for early next season.”

After talking about a few more matters, he ended the conference.


**At Terminal Intermodal Campanha**

The Terminal Intermodal Campanha was one of the largest bus stations in Porto and befitting it’s reputation, many buses of all colors could be seen going in and out of the bus station.

One of the buses that came was a dark blue bus that was just coming into the bus station after almost four hours of traversing from Lisbon to Porto.

A beautiful girl that looked to be in her late teenage years stepped out of the bus briskly, squinting her eyes slightly at the darkness outside the bus.

Not faltering in her steps, she walked off the steps to avoid blocking the path of the people behind her.

When she was finally out of the way, she brushed away the strands of dark brown hair that blew into her vision.

“Maybe I didn’t plan this well,” she muttered to herself as she glanced around at the darkness again.

In reality, it wasn’t actually that dark because of the lights at the bus station, but Sofia was looking at the night sky and not the surroundings.

She had left Lisbon just after 4 pm and had planned to arrive at Porto a bit earlier, but she had underestimated how long the trip would take.

After watching Porto’s match against Inter Milan and seeing Jason get injured, she had been antsy all day and had made a sudden spur of the moment decision to come see how Jason was doing.

Due to it being a spur of the moment decision, she hadn’t informed Jason about her decision to come see him.

She had just made the decision while attending her last class of the day at the University of Lisbon, thus she hadn’t even prepared much for the trip.

Of course, she already knew that she wouldn’t be able to go back to Lisbon that same night, but she hadn’t anticipated that it would be this late when she arrived at Lisbon.

‘Anyway, where did he say he lived again?’ she wondered to herself as she began walking out of the bus station with her bag in hand.

She pulled out her phone to check for Jason’s house address, but after checking, she realized that Jason hadn’t given her the exact address and had only given her a general location of the place.

Since she was already here without telling him, she didn’t want to give the surprise away by asking for his exact address.

‘Ah, I can do that?’ Her eyes brightened up with an idea as she remembered Jason’s former roommate as well as the exact location of the dormitory where Jason used to live with Mylo.

‘Mylo should know the place, right?’ she thought to herself as she flagged a taxi and got in.

Telling the driver about her destination, she sat and waited in the back as the driver maneuvered the taxi through the streets of Porto.

After almost an hour or driving, the taxi came to a stop and the driver called out to Sofia,

“Miss, we’re here.”

Sofia quickly paid the fare and got down, checked the time and hurried her steps as it was already very late.

Quickly reaching the front of the dormitory, she rapped sharply on the door.

After waiting for about ten seconds, she was about to knock again when she heard a click and the door swung open.

Mylo glanced at the visitor confused for a moment before he suddenly called out in recognition,

“Sofia? What are you doing here?” Mylo asked as he suddenly remembered his former roommate’s ‘prospective’ girlfriend.

“Ah good evening, sorry to disturb you this late at night, but I need your help,” Sofia went on to explain her reasons to come looking for Mylo.

‘Relationship people,’ Mylo thought to himself with a bit of annoyance and subtly rolled his eyes, but he didn’t disagree to help.

“I know the place and I can give you the address, but I can’t let you go alone this late at night, especially now that I know you’re going to visit Jason,” Mylo said after listening to her words.

“Huh, what? There’s no need for that, I’ll go on my own,” Sofia quickly replied.

“No, I insist… Also, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Jason so it wouldn’t hurt to tag along and check up on him,” Mylo quickly shot back and turned around to go get his jacket leaving the door open.

‘Who knows what Jason would do to me if he knew I let his girl traverse the dark nights of Porto unprotected,’ he thought to himself not thinking that Jason would rather that Mylo stayed as far away from Sofia as possible instead.

“I’ll be back in a moment,” he called out as he quickly went to find his jacket.

Sofia stepped into the house and went to sit on the couch, quickly diving into her bag to pick up her phone, but she had barely turned on her phone screen when Mylo rushed out of his room, his hair a bit tousled, but he now had on a jacket and shoes.

“Let’s go,” Mylo said, a bit out of breath.

“Oh!” Sofia was a bit startled and quickly stood up, but in her haste, she didn’t notice her purse fall out of her bag as she went out of the dormitory.


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