Emperor of the Mysterious Heavens

Chapter 63 - 034 Father Blood Demon

Chapter 63: Chapter 034 Father Blood Demon

After Yan Chuan came out of the belly of the flood dragon, he stood still. The blood in his body was raging, and even Yan Chuan could hear the 'gurgling' boiling sound of his blood.

Excitement, extremely excitement!

Yan Chuan himself didn't know what was going on. He only knew that he wanted to fight and keep killing!

With a glare in his eyes and dragging the Jade Emperor Sword in his hand, he rushed towards a demonic snake.

That demonic snake was immersed in the grief of the flood dragon's fall. It didn't notice Yan Chuan until he was very close.


The demonic snake roared and vented its hatred on Yan Chuan. With a swing of its tail, it lashed at Yan Chuan with astonishing speed.

"King, be careful!" The men in brocade uniforms around exclaimed in surprise.



Yan Chuan suddenly dodged the snake tail and quickly slashed at the demonic snake with his sword.


A sword cut a bloody gash on the demonic beast.

"So fast!" Huo Guang, who came to rescue the king not far away, exclaimed in surprise.




Yan Chuan's body was raging. The Jade Emperor Sword in his hand drew countless sword shadows that were too fast to see clearly.

Fast, extremely fast!

So fast that it was astonishing.

One could only see a shadow. Yan Chuan quickly slashed at the demonic snake with one sword after another.

"How could it be so fast? It's almost catching up with me! But I am at the qi realm!" Jiu Jiansheng, who was fighting in the distance, exclaimed in surprise.

"Not only is it fast, but the strength at the strength realm shouldn't be able to break through the skin of the demonic snake!" The Great Swordsman also exclaimed in surprise.


The demonic snake roared in pain. However, it couldn't catch Yan Chuan's figure at all. At this moment, Yan Chuan turned into a ball of blood shadow and slashed at an astonishing speed, one sword faster than another.




Piece by piece of flesh and blood was cut off by Yan Chuan's sword.

A large amount of snake flesh was cut into slices and soared into the sky like a rainstorm.




The refined realm demonic snake was completely powerless in front of Yan Chuan at the strength realm. It could only 任由 Yan Chuan's crazy dismemberment.

There was a slight flash of red light in Yan Chuan's eyes.

"Fast, fast, fast. What's going on? In this life, I am only at the strength realm. Why can I be so fast?" Yan Chuan himself looked at the long sword in his hand in confusion.

"No, it can be even faster. It can be even faster!" Yan Chuan exclaimed in surprise.

Unbounded excitement enveloped Yan Chuan. For a moment, Yan Chuan's strength surged.

"My thoughts are not chaotic. I am not possessed. I am just excited. Now it seems to be only in a transitional stage and not completely excited. Already at such a fast speed and with such strength! What if I am completely excited? What will happen?" Thoughts flashed through Yan Chuan's mind.

"Excitement? No, there is also arrogance. There is also an unruly and restless mentality of arrogance that wants to explode? A wanton evil intention? This raging mentality wants to cover up my own will?"

"No, no!"

Yan Chuan suddenly let out a roar.

"This state cannot continue. My will cannot be violated. Not even by myself!" Yan Chuan glared.


Yan Chuan suddenly dispersed the blood mist around him. The whole person suddenly became quiet. A domineering aura emanated. Holding the blood sword, he stood motionless there.

And the demonic snake just now had been completely stripped of flesh and blood by Yan Chuan, leaving only a skeleton.

Yan Chuan closed his eyes and stood motionless, suppressing the boiling blood with his strong will.

The blood-red long hair slowly turned black again and gradually shortened back to its original state.

Yan Chuan's heart slowly calmed down. The previously excited blood also stopped boiling, slowly calmed down and slowly recovered.

Around, all the powerful people seemed to be stunned.

"King, King just now..." Huo Guang was still in shock.

Just now, Yan Chuan's state was extremely evil. Blood surged into the sky. The sword was as fast as light. Bloodthirsty and killing. Keep strangers away!

Zizi covered her mouth. In her eyes, a burst of joy and surprise shot out.

Yan Chuan's heart calmed down.

"There is no discomfort in my body. There are no aftereffects from the disintegration method. Where did that power come from? I am only at the strength realm now. How can I have the strength of the refined realm? And that speed. Even in my previous life at the refined realm, I couldn't reach it. What's going on?" Yan Chuan frowned and thought.

At the same time, another thought crowded into his mind.

"Just now it was only a half-state of excitement and not completely demonized, yet there is such power. What if I just let it go? Let it go and fully demonize? What then?" Yan Chuan's heart was filled with shock.

Yan Chuan clearly knew that power came from cultivation. It wouldn't increase for no reason. Absolutely not!

But just now, it really increased. Why? What's going on?


"Release arrows!"


The battle around continued. Yan Chuan slowly opened his eyes. There was still some confusion in his eyes.

Looking at the demonic snake that had been stripped into bones by himself, Yan Chuan was in deep thought.

"King..." Huo Guang came.

"I'm fine. Go and help others. The flood dragon is dead. The demonic snakes will definitely try to escape. Don't let them escape. Kill them all!" Yan Chuan said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Huo Guang replied.

At this moment, indeed, the demonic snakes began to escape. But the army had already made arrangements. How could they let them escape like this? Absolutely not.

"Yan Chuan, you're okay. You're okay. That's great!" Not far away, Zizi wiped the tears on her mask and said.

"I am naturally fine." Yan Chuan walked over with a smile.

"Don't come over. Don't come over. I can't harm you anymore!" Zizi backed away in horror.

"Am I not fine?" Yan Chuan comforted.

"Don't come over!" Zizi shouted.

"You stop!" Yan Chuan shouted.

Zizi froze in astonishment.

Yan Chuan slowly walked in front of Zizi and stared into Zizi's eyes.

"Am I not fine? Don't worry. I am extremely lucky! Moreover, you have helped me a great deal this time. Without you, where could so much meat come at once?" Yan Chuan said with a smile.

"But, but..." Zizi still shook her head.

"There's no need for 'buts'. Everything has two sides. Even if you are under a curse, as long as you handle it well, you can turn disaster into fortune, right?" Yan Chuan comforted with a smile.

Staring at Yan Chuan, Zizi felt a warmth in her heart for some reason. It had been a long time since she had felt this way.

When was the last time? Zizi recalled for a moment.


"Brother Zi, don't worry. Your daughter is like our daughter. Our couple will definitely take good care of her. My son has also been born. Now, let's make an engagement between our children. In the future, she will be the wife of my son Yan Chuan. When we are not around, my son will definitely take care of her and never let her be wronged."


The last time's warmth was still vivid in memory. Now it happened again.

Staring at Yan Chuan in a daze, Zizi was choked up for a moment and couldn't say anything.

"Haha, don't worry. I said you are my lucky star!" Yan Chuan said with a smile.

"Thank you..." Zizi said softly.

"You're welcome. Let me check myself first. Just now, for some reason, my hair was all blood red." Yan Chuan said with a smile.

"No, having blood-red hair is fine. Really fine. Your father was like this back then!" Zizi immediately said.

"My father?" Yan Chuan asked in confusion.

"Well, many people know that Uncle was famous for his blood-red hair back then. He was given the title of 'Blood Demon'. I heard that at the 'Heavenly Conferment Conference' back then, Uncle defeated all the powerful people from all directions in his blood-red hair state and showed off extremely." Zizi explained.

"My father was also like this? Is it a family inheritance?" Yan Chuan was slightly stunned.

"I don't know either. But it seems that Uncle left you a letter. It should be in the Dahe Sect. After you inherit Uncle's legacy, you should be able to know everything." Zizi explained.

"Well, okay." Yan Chuan nodded.

Father could do it too? This made Yan Chuan slightly relieved. At least it wasn't a cultivation problem.

Blood Demon? Blood Demon?

Two days later.

At the Black Dragon Pool. Yan Chuan cleaned himself in the Black Dragon Pool. After washing and combing, he walked back to the shore.

At this moment, around the Black Dragon Pool, there were a large number of corpses of demonic snakes, snake kings, and the flood dragon.

Jiu Jiansheng and the Seven Swordsmen surrounded the corpse of the flood dragon and kept looking at it, with excited lights in their eyes.

Huo Guang ran over.

"King, none of the demonic snakes escaped. They were all killed. A hundred brothers were slightly injured. Eight brothers were seriously injured!" Huo Guang said in a deep voice.

"Um." Yan Chuan nodded.

"Jiu Jiansheng, Seven Swordsmen!" Yan Chuan called to the not far away.

At this moment, the eight people were also in a mess. Each was injured. But there was excitement on their faces.

"Yan Chuan, you are really amazing. That was a flood dragon. Although it was at the qi realm, even ordinary masters at the divine realm might not be able to deal with it. But you actually killed it!" The third Swordsman looked at Yan Chuan in disbelief.

"You also did great by cutting down the ten snake kings." Yan Chuan said with a smile.

"What? The snake kings were in chaos because the flood dragon died. We just took advantage. Moreover, one of them was killed by Miss Zi's misfortune. We dare not take the credit!" The fourth Swordsman said with a smile.

"Everyone, how about this flood dragon skin?" Yan Chuan looked at the complete flood dragon corpse and said with a smile.

"Good. This is dragon scales. Even the worst dragon scales are still dragon scales. Top-notch material!" The Great Swordsman said with a smile.

"In this case, this flood dragon skin belongs to you. And the snake kings you killed, give them to me." Yan Chuan said with a smile.

"Ah? Ah? You don't want dragon scales?" Jiu Jiansheng exclaimed in surprise.

"What do you all think?" Yan Chuan continued to smile.

"Then we won't be polite!" The Seven Swordsmen said excitedly.

"But you are at a great loss. Snake kings are easy to find, but flood dragons are hard to encounter!" Jiu Jiansheng frowned.

"If you all feel embarrassed, my subordinates are injured. Help me heal their injuries. That will be enough." Yan Chuan shook his head.

"This is easy. We can heal them by transferring some of our true energy to them." The Great Swordsman immediately promised.

"And, can we take a break for a while and go to the Dahe Sect later?"


"I want to recuperate here." Yan Chuan said solemnly.

"Okay, no problem. It's a small matter." The eight people agreed.

"Good. In that case, everyone go and divide the flood dragon skin. After the skin is peeled off, I still have a use for the meat." Yan Chuan said with a smile.

"Sure!" The eight people rubbed their hands excitedly.

Dragon scales. These are dragon scales!

The eight people went to peel the flood dragon's skin.

But Yan Chuan looked at Huo Guang on one side and said, "Give the order. From now on, rest and practice. All the men in brocade uniforms must be above the ninth level of the strength realm. By the time these snake meats are eaten up, I want everyone to reach the peak of the strength realm!"

"Yes!" Huo Guang said excitedly.

"Remember, those who can cross the tribulation for now, don't cross it!"

"King, don't worry. I'll go and tell them right away!" Huo Guang said excitedly.


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