Emperor of the Mysterious Heavens

Chapter 58 - 029 Arrangement

Chapter 58: Chapter 029 Arrangement

After seeing off Jiu Jiansheng and the Seven Swordsmen and making an appointment to meet in Yanjing in a few days, Yan Chuan stood at the entrance of the valley, frowning slightly, as if thinking about Miss Zi.

Returning to the residence in the valley within a valley, Liu Jin and Huo Guang came again.

"Zhao family. King Zhao of Zhao State established a country and ascended the throne?" Yan Chuan said in a deep voice.

"Yes. The relics of the poison master were taken away by them in pieces. We got half, and King Zhao of Zhao State took away the other half. We were originally going to chase after them, but later we thought it was better for the king to decide!" Huo Guang nodded.

"Well done. Since he has gone, let him go." Yan Chuan smiled slightly.

"Don't chase it back?" Huo Guang was slightly stunned.

"The States of Chu, Han, and Wei have been destroyed. I was originally worried that the State of Yan and the State of Zheng would fight in the end and give up this great land. At this moment, the new tripartite confrontation among Yan, Zhao, and Zheng has begun. There will be a lot to do next!" Yan Chuan smiled.

"Uh, right!" Huo Guang immediately understood.

Yan Chuan nodded in satisfaction. Huo Guang finally understood.

"King, the relics of the poison master we got are three things. Please take a look, King!" Huo Guang immediately said.

And he handed the three plates covered with cloth curtains in front of him to Yan Chuan.

Lifting the cloth curtain, three items were revealed.

In the first plate was a silver compass. The pointer trembled slightly. There were eighteen rings on the compass. Each ring was independent of each other and seemed to be able to rotate.

"A silver compass? It seems that the poison master's proficiency in feng shui is really good." Yan Chuan said in a deep voice.

In the second plate was a small black ball.

"Fog Gang?"

"King, we have all seen compasses. What is this fog gang?" Huo Guang asked curiously.

"Remember Ding Wugu's shield back then?" Yan Chuan smiled.

"Of course I remember. Back then, he broke a small ball, and then a large amount of black gas surrounded him. No matter how we shot arrows, we couldn't penetrate it. It was like a wall of air blocking it. Could it be this?" Huo Guang's eyes lit up.

"Yes, it is this. But this is much more advanced than Ding Wugu's fog gang!" Yan Chuan smiled.

"Finally, it's not a wasted trip." Huo Guang smiled.

In the last plate was a cyan flower. The petals were very large and emitted a faint cyan light.

"This is a 'green-faced flower'. It is a kind of food for cultivators. Don't look at this small flower. Eating it is equivalent to a qi realm monster." Yan Chuan smiled.

"Qi realm monster? Green-faced flower?" Huo Guang exclaimed in surprise.

"Leave this flower for Yi Feng. When we reach the cultivation world, there will be plenty to eat!" Yan Chuan said.

"Everything is up to the king!"


Two days later, in the valley within a valley of Xingluo Villa. In a pavilion by a small lake.

Yan Chuan was sitting in front of a chessboard, drinking tea. Liu Jin and Huo Guang stood behind him.

Yi Lin looked nervously at the outside of the pavilion.

Outside the pavilion, Yi Feng was emitting a layer of cyan astral energy. He spread his arms and was sensing.

In the sky, a dark cloud was right above Yi Feng.




Thunderbolts struck down from the dark cloud one after another, bombarding Yi Feng. But the cyan astral energy outside Yi Feng's body blocked the impact of the thunderbolts again and again.


With the ninth sound, the last heavenly thunderbolt struck down. The dark cloud in the sky slowly dissipated.

The cyan astral energy around Yi Feng had disappeared. The whole person stood there motionless, as if sensing the experience of this tribulation.

"The first tribulation of heavenly thunder has passed? Grandpa is at the essence realm. Grandpa is at the essence realm!" Yi Lin exclaimed in surprise, trembling.

Because Yi Lin understood that once Yi Feng became powerful, the Yi family would surely rise strongly.

The Yi family? The head of a cultivating family? Thinking of this, Yi Lin was so excited that he couldn't control himself.


After a while, Yi Feng let out a long breath and slowly opened his eyes.

"Grandpa, there is a small tuft of black hair in your white hair!" Yi Lin immediately said happily.

At this moment, Yi Feng was also filled with excitement. The essence realm? Really at the essence realm?

"This is just the beginning. Before long, your white hair will all turn black and the wrinkles will all disappear!" Yan Chuan sitting in the pavilion smiled.

Taking a deep breath, Yi Feng stepped into the pavilion.

"Thank you, King!" Yi Feng gave a solemn salute as a subject to the monarch.

"This is what you deserve. I just happen to have one Chongjing Pill. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been embarrassed to persuade you back then." Yan Chuan smiled and motioned for Yi Feng to sit down.

Yi Feng slowly sat down and said, "I also guessed that the king must have something to help me break through."

Yan Chuan smiled slightly and said, "I will enter the Dahe Sect soon. I leave this world to you."

"How far does the king want me to achieve?" Yi Feng looked at the chessboard in front of him and said calmly.

"The States of Chu, Han, and Wei are leaderless. There will definitely be many heroes rising up and warlords dividing the land. It will be a time of great chaos." Yan Chuan said in a deep voice.

"Not bad!"

"Although the State of Zheng has lost forty-two cities, because the three states are leaderless, they also have greater opportunities. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the State of Zheng in a short time. As for the newly born State of Zhao, at this moment, they will definitely expand their territory and fight in all directions. The State of Yan will surely do the same. Next will be a time of war. The three states will rise up and fight in all directions!" Yan Chuan said in a deep voice.

"Not bad. I think the same as the king's analysis!" Yi Feng nodded.

"You don't participate in the politics of the three states. But at the same time, you have to participate in all matters of the three states!" Yan Chuan said in a deep voice.


"Your former students and old subordinates are all over the world. What you need to do now is to place these former students and old subordinates, like playing chess, in important positions in major cities of the three states. Whether it's'rebellion' or 'treason', whether loyal or traitorous, it doesn't matter. As long as you occupy all important positions and wait for my return. When we return, what I want is to unify the mortal world in this area like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves in the shortest time. It's all of this area!" Yan Chuan said in a deep voice.

"To unify the five states?" Yi Lin on one side exclaimed in surprise.

"Lin'er, don't interrupt!" Yi Feng said in a deep voice.

"Oh, oh!" Yi Lin still looked at Yan Chuan in surprise.

Five states? Yan Chuan's appetite is too big!

"This green-faced flower is left for you to eat. Eat it piece by piece. Also, in the years to come, I will send people to continuously send you everything in the cultivation world, including scriptures, pills, magic treasures, monsters, and cultivation methods. Everything is available and considered your salary!" Yan Chuan said.

"Yes." Yi Feng got up and gave a solemn salute.

"Finally, I want to emphasize one more point." Yan Chuan said in a deep voice.


"You are the most important in the entire world of the three states! When things are impossible, you can abandon everything. As long as you are fine, we can start over everything!" Yan Chuan said solemnly.

Yi Feng looked at Yan Chuan solemnly and said movedly, "I know."

"Just know. Let's go. Take care." Yan Chuan got up and said.

"There will surely be countless thorns in the cultivation world. King, take care!" Yi Feng said.

"Don't worry. I am relatively familiar with the cultivation world." Yan Chuan smiled slightly.

Saying that, a group of people walked out of the valley under Yi Feng's send-off.

Outside the valley, three thousand Jinyi troops were waiting.

Yan Chuan got on his horse.

"Let's go!"

Yan Chuan led the horse team and rode away, raising billowing dust.

At the entrance of the valley, Yi Feng gave a solemn salute again to the departing troops.

"When my king returns, the three states will definitely be unified!" Yi Feng said to himself.


In Yanjing, in a restaurant. All the guests around were invited out. The Jinyi Army guarded it, and this place became a forbidden area.

In the restaurant, Jiu Jiansheng and the Seven Swordsmen looked at Yan Chuan.

"Miss Zi is waiting for you in the small courtyard at the back." Big Swordsman said.

"Hmm." Yan Chuan nodded and was about to step in.

"Remember, two zhang. You must stay two zhang away from her!" Jiu Jiansheng emphasized again.

Yan Chuan smiled slightly and walked inside towards the back courtyard.

In the small courtyard, Miss Zi wearing a golden mask was sitting quietly at a stone table. On the stone table were ink, brush, paper, inkstone, a pot of fine wine, and two small cups.

The opening at the mask seemed to be able to open and close automatically. Even wearing a mask, Miss Zi could drink fine wine alone.

Alone, drinking fine wine, as if thinking about something.

Yan Chuan had already arrived in the small courtyard and stood at the entrance, quietly looking at Miss Zi.

Watching Miss Zi drinking alone made Yan Chuan feel a sense of loneliness, the loneliness emanating from Miss Zi.

"Whoosh!" Miss Zi seemed to think of something regrettable and sighed slightly.

With this sigh, Miss Zi also noticed Yan Chuan. Seeing Yan Chuan standing at the entrance and not coming over.

The eyes revealed by the mask showed a complex look.

After all, the two-zhang rejection could not be avoided by anyone. Even Yan Chuan stood two zhang away. Miss Zi gave a wry smile.

"You're here?" Miss Zi's voice was slightly bitter.

"I'm here." Yan Chuan nodded and stepped forward.

Walking towards the stone table.

"What are you doing?" Miss Zi immediately glared.

Yan Chuan didn't speak but just continued walking forward.

Entered within two zhang? Entered within two zhang?

"Don't come over. Don't come over!" Miss Zi exclaimed in surprise and quickly stood up.

"Sit down. I have already entered within two zhang." Yan Chuan smiled.

"You... you... How can you still smile?" Miss Zi shouted angrily.

When Yan Chuan was outside two zhang, she was looking forward to Yan Chuan stepping into two zhang. But when Yan Chuan really did, she wished Yan Chuan would quickly retreat outside two zhang.

But Yan Chuan didn't back down. He walked step by step to the stone table.

"Sit down. Don't glare at me anymore." Yan Chuan smiled.

"Didn't Jiu Jiansheng and the others tell you about me?" Miss Zi was conflicted.

"I, Yan Chuan, am blessed with great fortune. How could anything happen to me?" Yan Chuan made a gesture of inviting to sit down again.

"No, you don't understand. This is fate. You can't escape. No one can escape!" Miss Zi sat down bitterly.

"Speaking of which, I can't remember many things before last year, including my parents and including you." Yan Chuan said.

"I know. You have amnesia. Your mother once invited an expert to examine you. The problem lies in your soul. It's not an external evil invasion. After a long time, there will eventually be a day of recovery." Miss Zi nodded.

"Oh?" Yan Chuan looked at Miss Zi curiously.

"As for me, you must not remember even more. We only met once. At that time, you were only one year old, and I was ten. I remember you. You can't possibly remember me. At that time, you were..." Miss Zi recalled, with a hint of sweetness in her voice.

Yan Chuan smiled quietly.

Miss Zi seemed to find that her thoughts had wandered far away. She quickly came back to her senses, stared at Yan Chuan, and was silent for a while.

"Why don't you speak anymore?"

"Yan Chuan, about my 'strangeness'. Jiu Jiansheng and the others should have told you. The marriage was arranged by our parents back then. I won't force you. Write a letter of divorce, and we will be clear." Miss Zi bit her lip and said coldly.


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