Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 114

Chapter 114


Good job, well done, well done.


Gurgle gurgle!

Kukus chubby body gurgled as if attempting to stretch significantly or maybe to eject something deep within it. It coiled up its fluffy body and gathered energy.

And then it retched once more.


However, only the movements and noises were loud; nothing came out. Raciel asked with concern,

Are you okay?


Hmm, not coming as expected?


What? Is this your first time attempting to vomit?


So you dont know how to do it?


Kuku cheerfully nodded its head. Raciel felt awkward.

Tsk. This is more challenging than I anticipated.

In some way, he had convinced Kuku. He had assured it that the vomit could be used as a valuable material, mixed with medicinal herbs to create ointment for treating soldiers. He had even shared the confidential name he had come up with.

Thanks to that, Kuku willingly agreed to cooperate. However, an unexpected obstacle emerged.

I never thought it wouldnt know how to vomit.

Could it be because its too young?

It certainly seemed that way.

After all, Queen Apfros was nearly over 2 meters tall. But Kuku? Its only the size of a Welsh Corgi. Its still a baby who has a lot of growing to do.

It appeared too young to understand how.

This is troublesome.

How could he induce this tiny creature to vomit?

Should I just punch it in the solar plexus? No, thats definitely not the way. What should I do?

Raciel contemplated deeply. Then, suddenly, he had an idea.



Do you want to try acupuncture?


Acupuncture is like painless needles. Ill gently poke you in various places on your body. What do you think?


Really, it wont hurt.


How can you trust me? Hmm, do you see uncle Demian over there?

Im not that old.

Please be quiet for a moment.

Do you see Demian over there?


Doesnt his skin look good?


Thats all because hes been receiving acupuncture from me.


Truly, it is.


If you consistently receive acupuncture, your body will become stronger, your mind will become healthier, your family will be stable, society wont fall apart, and the entire nation will be happy, do you understand?


Also, youll be able to vomit as freely as you want.


Ill target your vomit center during the acupuncture. Then youll easily go Eeeuuugh Okay?


It didnt know what it was, but it seemed like a positive development. With that thought, Kuku nodded. A pleased smile appeared on Raciels face.

Excellent, lets begin right away.

He retrieved a fine white needle he had been carrying and activated his meridian scanning option.

[Skill Option : Activating Meridian Scanning.]

[Meridian Scanning has successfully locked onto the target.]

[Target has been successfully locked on.]


As a cheerful notification sound rang, his perspective changed. A bright outline appeared around Kukus body, and the arrangement of meridians inside Kukus body became visible. The flow of Qi, the intersections, and the balance they created were all revealed.

Hmm, so its like this.

Raciel carefully observed Kukus body, which might have felt foreboding to the creature.


Kuku looked at him anxiously. Raciel reassured it.

Dont worry, Kuku. I wont hurt you.


Im determining where to apply the needle so it wont hurt.

Kuku gulped nervously. Its esophagus moved, and its stomach shifted, making it easier for Raciel to locate the vomiting center.

Its similar to a human but also quite different.

Raciel raised the needle and aimed at Kukus flank. If compared to a human, he targeted the area corresponding to the Weiryunghyeol () acupuncture point. However, he didnt just insert the needle; he employed the principles of the Yongto Method (), a treatment method that induces vomiting.

Thud, thud!

While inserting the needle, he gently pressed on the opposite acupuncture points with his hand. Sharp and pointed stimuli for the points being punctured and dull but subtle stimuli for the opposite ones. These contrasting sensations effectively stimulated Kukus vomiting center.

Kuku, hows your stomach feeling?

Kkyuuu? Kyuu?

Does it feel strange?


You dont have to hold it in.



Kuku curled up its body, and Raciel quickly placed a bowl beneath it. Shortly after, Kuku regurgitated something.



Surprisingly, it wasnt liquid but a spherical object that landed in the bowl. It was a bead slightly smaller than a billiard ball, and for some reason, it emitted a familiar scent.

Why does it smell like mint chocolate here?

A fleeting memory of Korea crossed his mind the woman who proudly declared her love for mint chocolate on a blind date.

Yes, the blind date failed because of that womans taste. Nothing else matters, mint chocolate is unforgivable. Yep, thats it.

So, the failure of the blind date was solely due to mint chocolate. Absolutely not because he stood up in the caf and emitted a three-tiered fart in perfect harmony with the jazz music. Definitely not that.

Therefore, mint chocolate is the culprit.

No doubt about it.

Raciel wiped away the unexpected tears. On one hand, he was genuinely happy to have finally obtained the much-needed antibiotics.

I did it!

Searching for the Apfros nest, fending off the Vesparos swarm, and overcoming unforeseen dangersconsidering the trials of the past few days, a surge of satisfaction overwhelmed him.

But Raciel wasnt content. As the old saying goes, Even pearls are worthless if not strung. Even pork belly only gains meaning when grilled.

He immediately started crafting an ointment. He had an abundance of ingredients. The supplies sent by Princess Adeline were piled high, including various traditional herbal components like Purple Root and Dong Quai.

Both of these herbs are crucial right now.

Purple Root, the root of the Zi Cao plant, was traditionally used in ointments for treating burns and frostbite.

Dong Quai, a plant that thrived in damp, humid areas, was a rare medicinal herb mentioned around 500 times in Donguibogam, an essential text in traditional Korean medicine.

So Raciel had requested the princess to pay special attention to supplying these two herbs long ago. His plan had always been to use them for ointments.

Lets get started.

He melted the beeswax.

Added Dong Quai to the boiling beeswax.

Increased the stoves heat until the Dong Quai turned black, then added the Purple Root and boiled for about 3 more minutes. The mixture of beeswax, Dong Quai, and Purple Root thickened.

Finally, when the solution turned a vivid crimson, he added the antibiotic bead that Kuku had regurgitated. Using a large spoon, he pressed it down forcefully five times. The sensation of the bead being crushed traveled up the spoon.

The scent of mint chocolate wafted from the solution. At that moment, Raciel signaled to Demian.


Demian, wearing thick gloves, removed the pot from the fire.

It all began from there.

Raciel took the spoon and stirred the thickened solution slowly but diligently.

The layers of the solution must not separate.

It was a highly concentrated medicinal solution. If not stirred well during cooling, the ingredients could separate or even stick to the bottom of the pot.

Just like how you must stir curry carefully while simmering it. Only with such care could you achieve delicious curry.

Without any regrets. For the best results, he watched over the pot, stirred at regular intervals. The night grew deeper, the moon climbed high, his shoulders grew tired, and his arms felt sore. But he refused to pass the spoon to anyone else.

I have to do this myself.

Kuku had mentioned that the antibiotic bead could only be regurgitated once a month. This meant that if he failed to make the ointment this time, hed have to endure a helpless month.

Then, during that time, all the injured would succumb to various infections.

The thought was horrifying.

Furthermore, he was crafting an ointment for his own patients. So he had to be the one to do it. It was his responsibility, and he encouraged his weary body. He forced his heavy eyelids to stay open.

The pot cooled down.

The solution cooled down.

It slowly solidified.

Early in the dawn, just as the first light broke, a salve with the unique color palette of mint chocolate was finally created. It marked the birth of Radekasol, an ointment for wound treatment crafted by Raciel.

Its done!

An involuntary cheer erupted, and the refreshing notification sound was an added bonus.

Ding dong!

[You have successfully produced the continent of Lorasias first-ever antibiotic ointment, Radekasol.]

[Your ointment, Radekasol, will serve as a catalyst for the distribution and promotion of an unprecedented, innovative antibiotic treatment. Furthermore, this accomplishment will forever etch your name in medical history as the Father of Antibiotic Treatment.]

[Future medical students will grumble as they contend with the ever-expanding content of their exams.]

[Your reputation will continue to soar due to Radekasol.]

[Your internal organs express both joy and grievances about your achievement.]

[Heart: Ah, another achievement. Sure, achievements are nice. But did you stay up all night again? When do we get a break?]

[Lungs: Ugh I cant handle this anymore ]

[Large Intestine: Given your irregular sleep pattern lately, I foresee constipation in your future.]

[Liver: Im losing my mind, too. Is there a way to put this human to sleep?]

[Stomach: Lets twist the esophagus into a ribbon shape!]

[Your internal organs show signs of concern for your relentless drive.]

[Your internal organs have granted you 800 HP in sponsorship, encouraging your health-draining achievements.]

[Your current HP: 7,300]


He was undeniably tired. It was only natural after staying up all night stirring with a ladle. However, Raciel felt a profound sense of fulfillment that outweighed the fatigue. At last, a specialized antibiotic ointment for wound treatment had been completed. With it, countless injured soldiers could be saved, not to mention the substantial bonus to his own lifespan.


Filled with a spontaneous sense of satisfaction, Raciel immediately took action. He began actively using the antibiotic ointment to treat wounded soldiers.

Of course, until that point, he had no inkling. He had assumed that with the completed antibiotic ointment, Radekasol, he would merely gain a bonus to his lifespan.

He had no idea that his Radekasol, the treatment for wounded soldiers, would turn the tide of a fiercely fought war and wield an extraordinary influence that would be enshrined in history.

(To be Continued)

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