Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband

Chapter 491: 491: Playing the Role of a Weak and Sickly Sister

Chapter 491: 491: Playing the Role of a Weak and Sickly Sister

[Is the important person Anna mentioned the best actor winner Elijah Flack? Elijah Flack just returned to China and sang a song in a luxury mall, saying it was for an important person as well. Could it be…]

[I heard that Anna bought eighteen bags at the luxury bag store ‘Nina.’ Do you guys know how much one of those bags costs? Each one is worth millions of dollars, and she bought eighteen of them! What a show-off!]

[Damn! Anna is so rich and extravagant, spending over 20 million dollars?]

[What’s so strange about that? Anna Campbell is Miss Campbell from the Campbell family in Lokio. She’s the most beloved daughter and can afford anything. 20 million dollars is nothing to her.]

[I’m so jealous. Miss Campbell is the heiress of the Campbell family, born with a silver spoon in her mouth, doted on by her parents and brother. Now she’s acquainted with Elijah Flack, and the song he sang was for his sister. Could it be that Anna is also Elijah’s sister?]

[Is Anna the legendary mascot? I’m impressed!]

Xaviera grumbled: “The song you sang was supposed to be for me. She posted on Twitter, and people misunderstood it as for her. Miss Campbell already has quite a high popularity, why does she need to use this method to gain attention?”

Elijah gently smiled: “Darling, I’ll just clarify it on Twitter.”

Xaviera waved her hand, there was nothing to explain. If they clarify now, people online might twist their words. It’s better to remain silent.

Besides, everyone already believed they had arranged to meet at the mall. If Elijah denied it now, Anna would bite back, accusing Elijah of being presumptuous.

A strange feeling emerged in Xaviera’s heart, she murmured: “I have a feeling that Miss Campbell… seems to have inexplicable hostility towards me.”

Caleb’s eyes darkened, and he suddenly looked at Elijah, both shaking their heads in agreement, as if affirming something.

Elijah laughed: “Our sweet Xaviera is so good-looking, Anna must be jealous. Don’t worry about it. Why bother getting upset over a stranger?”

“Xaviera, during my return to China, a director invited me to act in a film. I think the plot is good and would like you to join me and play a role.”

In the Flack family’s residence in the Imperial Capital.

Mrs. Flack frowned, “I feel so bad for Xaviera. Why did this happen to her? I haven’t even told my parents yet! They will worry if they find out.”

Mr. Flack comforted: “Don’t worry. Xaviera is an adult now. She has the ability to face things on her own. Besides, finding her birth parents is a good thing.”

“But… ” Mrs. Flack looked worried, “I suggested before… that when Xaviera went missing, we should find a similar-aged girl to replace her. How could I have said such a thing back then? Xaviera must be heartbroken now that she’s back!”

Mr. Flack sighed helplessly, “Didn’t I send Elijah to Libanan? He’ll protect Xaviera and won’t let her be bullied. Moreover, Xaviera will eventually have to recognize her ancestry and come back to the family. We cannot intervene in this matter.”

“But if they treat Xaviera poorly, our Flack family won’t stand idly by! We’ll just refuse to acknowledge them!”

The next day.

Xaviera received the script for the movie.

Elijah’s film was an ancient costume drama, telling the story of how the male lead, a slave, gradually became a powerful court official. The film showcased the powerful official’s skillful political manipulations, ultimately helping the emperor establish a golden age.

Xaviera’s role was the main character’s sister, who died early in life. Her character doesn’t have much screen time, but she was the untainted love of many male characters and a cherished sister to the protagonist. Her presence in the characters’ memories managed to touch the viewers’ hearts with its gentleness.

Most of her scenes were flashbacks, totaling about ten minutes of screen time. This was easy for Xaviera to perform.

After reading the script, Xaviera excitedly jumped up, “Caleb, my brother picked an amazing role for me!”

Caleb glanced at the script and nodded, “Yeah, the sickly little sister who is weak and helpless. It suits your image, and you can indulge in the role.”

Xaviera was speechless:


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