CEO's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 445

"As if you were paying me today."

"It's worth carrying you more than two thousand at a time. I recite you for twenty minutes every day, and you give me two thousand every day. "

"Well, I'm trying to do it for you."

Ji xuege accepted it with a smile, "so what, are you going home?"

"Take you back first, and I'll take a taxi."

"I need you to give it to me, bullshit."

He only picked up his eyebrows. "I'll hear a rude remark from you later, and I'll tell the people around you that you are a woman."

"I......" Ji xuege swallowed the word "wipe" in silence and glared at him viciously.

He Weifei, with his hands around his chest and his beautiful chin slightly raised, "lead the way home."

Ji xuege wanted to have a camera in her hand at this time, and took pictures of he Weifei.

This kind of evil makes her love and hate.

**He Weifei sent Ji xuege home and left.

Ji xuege fiddles with a brand new mobile phone, saying that it's fake not to be moved.

Her parents had a car accident when she was 11 years old. She informed the relatives of both sides to come. As a result, the relatives only wanted to share the compensation, but no one wanted to support her.

If there were not for the neighborhood and the driver of the original community to be clear about the matter, she would not only have no money, but also no place to live.

In order to make her life safer, she chose to leave the original place and dress up as a man.

In recent years, her disguise has concealed from many people, but not from he Weifei.

Ji xuege doesn't know what kind of expression to put on. She doesn't like to dress up as a man, but she can't help it. She also longed for someone to treat her as a girl and talk about girls with her.

This person is he but not seems to be better than she imagined.

But at the thought of her being surrounded by he Weifei today, Ji xuege would like to strangle him.

It's almost impossible to live this life.

Ji xuege thinks of this place, and has an impulse to scold people.

Just about to put down the mobile phone, the phone vibrated.

Ji xuege turns on her mobile phone at an unskilled place and finds it is a text message.

"I'm home," wrote a string of strange numbers. Come to you tomorrow. "

You don't have to think about who that person is.

Ji xuege looks at the text message that she received for the first time in her life, and her lips start to smile.

After realizing that her mouth angle was up, Ji xuege pressed down her mouth angle.

I left my cell phone and went to the kitchen to make dinner.


the next day.

Ji xuege hears someone knocking at the door just after washing. Ji xuege's fans vaguely walk into the yard and see he Weifei standing outside from the cat's eyes.

Ji xuege opens the door. "Livestock, what are you doing so early?"

He Weifei came into the yard with two lunch boxes. "Why do you like to call people and animals?"

"What's the name of a beast for a bully like you who is annoying and doesn't go to school every day?"

"If you don't work hard on your own, you wish others were too good. This kind of divine logic is really good. "

"You're right to say that." Ji xuege tidied up the table, took the bag in his hand and poured the food into two sea bowls.

He Weifei looked at the cleaner and cleaner room than yesterday. "Finally, I feel a bit at home."

"I don't have a home. I can't have one in my life."

"The original home is gone, and you will form a new home by yourself later."

"You speak easily. You have a father, a mother and a brother, and you have a good family. Of course, you can't understand my pain. "

"I understand."

Ji xuege looked at him puzzledly. "How do you understand? How can you understand such a lonely day without father, mother, relatives and friends? Is it really good to fool the melon eaters like this? "

"You'll know later." He Weifei smiled, "eat now, and I'll go to school with you after eating."

"I'll go..."

He only glanced sideways at her. "I'll tell Li Yuan your identity as a girl first?"

"I'm wrong. Give me another chance. I promise I won't say it again."

"Look at your performance today, and remember this account first."

"Yes, sir." Ji xuege said angrily, bowing to solve the breakfast in the bowl.

**After dinner, Ji xuege is reluctant to take him to school.

They come not early or late. They go to school five minutes later.

There are not many people in the class. He is shocked by such a loose teaching order.

He has never seen such a student who doesn't take tuition as his tuition.

A group of learning dregs can't help opening their mouths and staring at him directly when they see he Weifei, who looks like a learning bully.He only nodded to them as a greeting.

A boy and a girl looked at it and screamed. They could not help jumping on it.

Ji xuege is dissatisfied with the way those girls are infatuated with flowers, and stares at he Weifei.

He Weifei didn't look at her, which made her want to explode in situ.

Ji xuege pointed to his seat, but he went to sit as he did.

No sooner had he been seated than the teacher came in.

He Weifei looked down at the disorderly books on the desk and whispered, "if you don't clean up the desk after class, I will tell your secret to others."

"Congratulations! Only! No! " Ji xuege really wants to beat him up, but it's not the face that needs beating.

It's no wonder that you will get mental illness if you look so good and have such a bad character.

He Weifei didn't hear Ji xuege's words. His attention was led away by the teacher on the platform, mainly talking about the composition of photography.

These congratulations were not only heard when I first started to learn photography, but also interesting when I suddenly listened to the basic knowledge again. I was able to listen to a lesson without distraction.

Ji xuege was not in the mood to listen. Seeing he Weifei listen so seriously, her attention was also taken to the past.

It wasn't until the bell rang after class that Ji xuege came back to his senses.

How long hasn't she finished a lesson conscientiously?

That sense of concentration is not bad.

As soon as the teacher left, a group of boys and girls who were not reserved rushed to the school.

"Xuege, who is this handsome pot? Wechat, mobile phone number, name, name, blood type, do not kill after delivery! "

"I'm tired of it. Keep quiet if you don't want to die!" Ji xuege is not in the mood to waste time with this group of flowers.

"The beauty and temperament are worth dying."

Ji xuege: "..."

For a handsome man, these people are so brave.

Ji xuege looks at them with great resentment.

He Weifei's clear voice sounded, "I am he Weifei, a friend of xuege."

"He Weifei?"

"No wonder I'm so familiar. I'm the number one in the middle school entrance examination this year."

"Learning bully is so handsome, and let others live?"

A group of girls hold their faces, and Ji xuege looks very ugly.

This neuropathy can't help but discharge to others at this time.


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