Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 803: Vengeance must be reported 【Subscription】

  Chapter 803 Vengeance must be revenged 【Subscription】

   "Second Pillar, how's the progress today?"

   "Second Pillar, the only thing missing is your fire domain!"

   "Er Zhuzi, do you want Orochimaru to help you?"

   "Er Zhuzi, how about I secretly help you."


  Chen Wen's voice was gentle, like a gentle wind, gently rang in Er Zhuzi's ears.

  However, Er Zhuzi only felt that his beast master was annoying.


  Finally, it couldn't bear it anymore.

  In an instant, flames that burned everything burst out from its body, like a black sun hanging above the sky.

   Then, it looked up at the sky, and let out a series of angry howls.

   Er Zhuzi said that it knew that Chen Wen was provoking it, so it wouldn't care!

   Chen Wen in the room couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he saw this.

  Er Zhuzi did this, it is like there is no silver three hundred taels here!

  The reason why this guy has the world-destroying black flames all over his body, isn't it just to cover up his constantly surging demonic thoughts?

  But Chen Wen also knows the truth that too much is too much.

   Therefore, he did not continue to help Erzhuzi improve his mental strength, and took his attention back from the beast-fearing space.

  After awakening the Chaos Fire Spirit talent, Er Zhuzi possessed an unparalleled fire talent.

  Even without his urging, it would have been two days since it completed its transformation in the fire domain.

   Stretching his waist, Chen Wen said to himself, "My injury is about to heal."

  Get up and go to the balcony to blow the wind for a while, exposing his figure to the view of others.

   Then, he took out his mobile phone and posted a message in the Xiaoxiao team group.

   "Full blood resurrection.jpg!"

   "@Everyone, the shared skills plan will start again from tomorrow, and the team members who are in the queue, please prepare in advance."

   "In addition, Chen's physiognomy class is open again. Every group in the team must come and take a look after receiving the task. Don't waste the free phase reading."

  Shortly after Chen Wen's message was sent out, the members of the dawn team responded.



   "Congratulations on the resurrection of the boss!"

   "Long live, Captain, you are finally healed!"


  In an instant, the originally quiet group suddenly became lively.

  Whether it is sharing skills or waiting and watching luck before performing a task, it is extremely important to them.

  The former can enhance their strength, while the latter can guarantee their safety.

   Therefore, everyone sincerely congratulated Chen Wen.

   Word travels fast!

  At ten o'clock in the morning, he showed up on the balcony and posted the news in the group.

  In less than an hour, the news of his exit has spread among the high-level beast masters on the earth.

   "Is Chen Wen out of customs?"

   "After two months of recuperation, it seems that the injury last time was not serious, but I don't know if I have recovered from the injury."

   "Chen Wen has improved every time he retreats. I wonder how much his strength has improved now?"

   "Damn it! He even got out of customs, why doesn't he die!"


  Different from everyone in the Xiaoxiao team, when everyone outside heard that Chen Wen had recovered from his injuries, their emotions were very complicated. .

  There is admiration, there is joy, there is jealousy, there is jealousy, there is resentment...

   Soon, Chen Wen received news of congratulations from all parties, and also received a call from Gao Song.

  Chen Wen asked in surprise, "Uncle Gao, what's the matter?"

   "What can be the matter? Of course it is to care about the pride of our country."

   It was rare to hear Gao Song's witty words, Chen Wen laughed and said, "Uncle Gao, you even praised me, so I'm not afraid that my tail will stick to the sky."

   "Cut it up casually, I'm not afraid of your pride!"

  Gao Song's voice was very relaxed, "If someone in the younger generation can kill two people under the siege of the six legends, let alone boasting, I can't wait to confess him."

   "Haha, you don't need to confess..."

  Chen Wen rolled his eyes, and then said: "It's still possible to compile the deeds of me and Abao into the textbook."

  Although the system points are increasing rapidly nowadays, points are like money, who would hate too much?

  The audience of the textbook is extremely wide. If the stories of himself and Abao can be compiled into the textbook, it will definitely bring him a lot of system points.

   "Included in teaching materials?"

  Gao Song on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It has been edited long ago. In the first edition of martial arts textbooks, your name appears more than all other warriors combined."

  Chen Wen was very indifferent to this, and said: "That's normal, I'm talking about the textbook for the beast master."

  Martial arts teaching materials have a wide audience, but now the beast master is still the mainstream.

   Gao Song heard the words, pondered and said: "It's not impossible..."

   Beast Master textbooks often contain stories about master and legendary beast masters.

   Generally speaking, there are two main categories.

   One category is beast masters with noble character.

  The growth path of such beast masters is often very inspirational, and their stories are incorporated into teaching materials to stimulate students' interest in learning and cultivation.

   Chen Wen is not involved in this aspect.

   It's not that Chen Wen's conduct is bad, but the style of painting is a bit out of tune.

  Other beast masters are hard-working, hard-working, overcoming difficulties, late bloomers...

   When it came to Chen Wen, it went smoothly, won the championship, and advanced quickly...

  If Chen Wen's deeds were included in the teaching materials, it would probably cause students to misunderstand the way of controlling beasts, thinking that the way of controlling beasts is very simple.

  Another type of beast masters in textbooks is the beast masters who have made impressive achievements, and the representative figure in this regard is Huo Xiao.

  Huo Xiao is also a genius, and his growth has no ups and downs, but as the first general to lead an army to clear a gold-level secret realm, his achievements are enough to make him famous as a textbook.

  Whether Chen Wen wins the double crown or kills two evil legendary beast masters, he can be used as a teaching material.

  Of course, it's not that Chen Wen's achievements are too high.

   It's just that Chen Wen is relatively young, and both of them have great significance, so they are worth writing into textbooks.

   Agreeing to compile Chen Wen into the new textbook, Gao Song asked concerned: "How is the recovery?"

   "Really resurrected with full blood, and there is no injury on his body."

"That's good!"

  Gao Song nodded, and then reminded: "Don't rush out of the customs after recovering from your injuries. There are many people who are thinking about you now. First, you can improve your strength with peace of mind. At least wait until the five elements are promoted to legend."

  Chen Wendao: "Uncle Gao, you know me, I am very greedy for life and afraid of death."

   "That's why I worry too much."

   Gao Song smiled and shook his head, then said: "If there is nothing else, I will hang up."

   "It's really something..."

  Chen Wen's tone became serious, and he asked, "Uncle Gao, do you have any information about the Spider Queen and others?"

  He is not a person who will take revenge, but he will not let the enemy assassinate him again and again without any reaction.

  Since you dare to assassinate him, you have to bear the consequences of failing to assassinate him!

   Gao Song immediately frowned and said, "Didn't you just agree to improve your strength with peace of mind? Why do you want to take risks now? You should know how lucky you are to win!"

  Although he did not witness the fierce battle between Chen Wen and the Spider Queen and the others, he could easily guess the key point of Chen Wen's turn from defeat to victory from Chen Wen's injuries after the battle and the performance of the Spider Queen and others.

  Using the law of heaven and earth to absorb energy turbulence, and Chen Wen adopted the tactic of capturing the thief first and the king first.

  Spider Queen and the others are not fools, and they will definitely not show such obvious flaws again when they fight again. At that time, whether Chen Wen can defeat the Spider Queen and others again will be a question mark.

  Chen Wendao: "Let me just ask, I have been assassinated by others, so it is reasonable to want to study the other party's information, right?

   It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years. I still understand this truth.

  Besides, I may not be able to make a move.

  They are all evil beast masters on the list, and I can take revenge by offering a reward to Gama. "

   Gao Song was silent for a while after hearing the words, and accepted the reasons given by Chen Wen.

   After thinking for a while, he said: "You must know that the composition of the Spider Queen and others is very complicated, and I don't even know the specific identities."

   Chen Wen frowned and said, "You don't know at all?"

   "I still know something..."

  Gao Song paused for a moment, seemed to be thinking about the information, and continued after a while: "Perhaps you have heard that the Spider Queen and others are white gloves secretly cultivated by the great powers.

  This statement... yes and no.

   Some of these people may have been cultivated secretly by a big country, but there are only one or two at most.

  Facing the increasingly severe situation, no country has a surplus of legendary beast masters to secretly stir up trouble.

   Moreover, no legendary reason has remained incognito for life.

   It's just that the major countries have some things that are inconvenient to deal with, and the Spider Queen and others also need to obtain resources from the major countries, let alone make troubles that are universally enemy.

  Both sides need each other, so there is some cooperation after repeated exchanges. "

  Chen Wen nodded, which makes sense.

  Legendary beast masters have a lofty status no matter where they are, and indeed few people are willing to hide their heads and show their tails.

   After thinking for a while, Chen Wen asked, "Is there someone from us inside?"

   "Among the ten evil beast masters, the eighth-ranked demon ape has contact with us..."

   "Is he just connected to us, or is he really one of us?"

  Hearing Chen Wen's question, Gao Song said calmly: "The Demon Ape is not our country's beast master.

  Before he was promoted to master, his daughter was insulted to death by the dignitaries of his country.

  After investigating the truth, he used the second beast-guarding talent that he had been hiding all along to become enchanted in a rage.

  After his mutant vajra ape was blessed with the enchanted talent, it immediately exploded with great strength, beheading the rich and powerful family.

  This is not a big mistake...

  It's a pity that the mutated King Kong ape completely lost control after being enchanted, and slaughtered many unrelated people around during that battle.

  After that, he was wanted worldwide and became an evil beast master.

  For some reason, our people had a cooperation with him.

  After finding out his information, I felt that he was justifiable, and we also needed information on the black market, so we cooperated with him. "


  Chen Wen nodded, and then asked: "Since the demon ape is one of the top ten evil beast masters, has he not received any news this time?"

   Gao Song said: "The Demon Ape has done some things for us. The Spider Queen and others want to kill you, so naturally they won't contact him."

   "Alright, tell me about the Spider Queen and the others."

   Gao Song paused, and said: "Let me emphasize again, these evil beast masters do not represent certain countries, they just cooperate with certain countries, or certain people in certain countries."

  Chen Wendao: "I understand this. For example, Long Chen and Long Ming assassinated me before. At most, it can only show that the Long family is hostile to me, and we cannot rise to the country in a generalized way."

   "Don't mess with metaphors, Long Chen and Long Ming can't represent the Long Family, let alone erase the achievements of the Long Family over the years."


  Chen Wen shrugged his shoulders, and then said: "I won't get involved, and besides, I don't have the strength."

   "You don't have it now, and you may not have it in the future."

   Gao Song said calmly: "Let's get down to business, let's continue talking about the Spider Queen and others.

   Among the six people who besieged and killed you last time, Shuhuang and Heishi died.

  Among the remaining four people, we only know the exact identities of Qingfeng and Tengwang, the other two are hidden very deeply, and there are only some guesses. "

   Chen Wen asked urgently after hearing the words: "Who are Qingfeng and Tengwang? Where are they?"

   "Did you show your tail? You're so eager, don't you want to take revenge right away?"

   Gao Song smiled, exposing Chen Wen's true purpose.

  But he didn't hide the information because of this, he thought for a while and said: "Based on your common sense, even if I report the names of the two to you, do you know who they are?

  Wenxuan will go to New York this weekend, and he will bring you this month's time attribute spiritual materials and information on the top ten evil beast masters.

  You are just recovering from your injury, take a good rest for a few days and calm down. "

   "In five days?"

  Chen Wen calculated the time, nodded and said, "Yes!"

   "It's okay..."

"do not!"

  Chen Wen saved the call time again.

  Gao Song couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "Speak up if you have something to say, and let go if you have something to say, I am very busy with things!"

  Chen Wen smiled apologetically, and then said, "Uncle Gao, can Uncle Li bring me a copy of Druid teaching materials?"

   "It seems that you are really inflated, and you even dare to fight the idea of ​​the druids."

   "It's not that I'm thinking of them, but they are thinking of me."

  Chen Wen said coldly, "A year ago, they sent a bishop and two elders to attack and kill me.

  A few months ago, I almost died at the hands of their third elder, A'dal.

  Instead of waiting in fear for their next assassination, it is better to preemptively strike and find a way to kill them first! "

  Gao Song on the other end of the phone immediately poured cold water on Chen Wen, and said in a blow: "You really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, you underestimate the Druids!"

   "Oh?" Chen Wen wondered, "Is the druid religion very strong?"

   Gao Song affirmed: "Of course, Adal is only the third elder of the Druids!

  Druids teach the strong to be respected, which shows that the Druids still have at least three strong people who are above the middle of the legend.

   Among them, the most terrifying is their Grand Pope, who definitely has the combat power of the Great Saint! "

   "Great Saint level? How is it possible?"

  Chen Wen's voice became louder, and he said in shock: "There are not many such strong people on Earth, right?"

  He had heard from Chen Fan that the Grand Pope of Druidism was a strong man close to God.

  He didn't take it seriously at the time, thinking that it was the exaggerated propaganda of the Druids. After all, exaggerated propaganda is the traditional art of the evil sect.

  Masters are called angels and **** kings, and epic beasts are called holy beasts and divine beasts.

  What he didn't expect was that this turned out to be true.

   I wish everyone a happy New Year's Eve in advance, good health, good luck in everything, and all wishes come true!



  (end of this chapter)


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