Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 795: Terrible to kill 【Subscription】

  Chapter 795 Killing is frightening 【Subscription】

   On Lorco Island, Chen Wendai stepped on the ground, and a huge shadow enveloped everyone.

  Looking at the extremely burly Chen Wen, the few people who were ordered to besiege and kill Chen Wen couldn't help but retreat.

   While others were thinking wildly, the Spider Queen shouted: "The turbulent flow of energy is extremely destructive. Chen Wen can't last long. Is it possible that you are actually afraid of a brat?"

  After saying that, a deep black glow bloomed between her brows, and she suddenly opened the huge spider legs behind her.

  In an instant, the dark spiritual energy behind her surged, rising into the sky like a raging wave, turning into a huge black curtain and covering the sky.

  Different from the enhanced power of the compressed domain before, the Spider Queen now spreads the dark domain with all its strength, reducing the suppression ability and stability of the domain, but also greatly expanding the coverage of the domain.

   As if the sun was setting, the entire island was instantly plunged into darkness.

  While pushing open the dark field with all its strength, the voice of the Spider Queen reached the ears of the other four people: "I'm entangled with Chen Wen, don't hold back your hands, and kill Chen Wen's pet beast with all your strength!"

  As the initiator of this mission, the Spider Queen is absolutely unwilling to see the mission fail.

  She knew that this was the last chance to assassinate Chen Wen.

  With Chen Wen's frightening speed of progress, as well as his covetous and fearful personality, after this assassination, he will never leave the level without completely transforming the Five Elements Domain.

   And if Chen Wen completes the transformation of the Five Elements Domain, even the powerhouses at the top of the epic may not have a solution against Chen Wen.

  And with the rules of the organization, she can hardly bear the consequences of failure.

   Seeing the Spider Queen like this, the eyes of the other beast masters flickered, and they made up their minds instantly.

  They are not from the same force, but they all come here for the same goal.

   That is to kill Chen Wen!

  The invasion of the mountains and seas is indeed a huge crisis for the earth, but must it be a crisis of national subjugation and extinction?


  As the earth coalition forces invaded the mountain and sea boundary, all countries have obtained more and more information about the mountain and sea boundary.

   In the mountain and sea world, hundreds of clans are fighting for hegemony. In addition to the Heavenly Demon King's Court, there are also many forces that separate one side.

  The strength of human beings is indeed far inferior to that of the Heavenly Demon King's Court, but it is not much worse than those of the separatist forces in the mountains and seas.

   Therefore, in some people's eyes, the invasion of the mountain and sea realms may not necessarily be the end.

  Under such circumstances, Chen Wen, the most talented beast master on earth in the past century, has become a thorn in the side of some people.

  There are always some people who would rather submit to a foreign race than allow gods to appear among their own race.

  Heishi and other beast masters didn't think so much. All they thought about at the moment was the consequences of mission failure and the generous rewards for completing the mission.

   But that's enough.

  Since the Spider Queen went to deal with the most difficult Chen Wen, why should they be afraid?

  At this moment, the remaining four evil beast masters all used their talents again, and went all out to bless the beast.

  Seeing this, Chen Wen secretly sighed in his heart.

  Just waving a stick, Chen Wen knew that he was too optimistic just now.

  The energy turbulence was too violent, he might not be able to hold on for a minute, so he wanted to force the Spider Queen and the others back.

  However, the Spider Queen and the others are not idiots.

   Among them, the Spider Queen had a lot of courage, and dared to face him who just killed the Mouse Emperor with a single blow.

  If the Spider Queen had hesitated for a moment, the others might have already lifted the air-restricted domain and fled separately.

   But now, he has to work hard!

  Chen Wen lost the slightest bit of luck in his heart, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he uttered a cold voice that seemed to come from Jiuyou.

   "It seems that you are going to die!"

   "Chen Wen, at this time, do you think verbal threats are still useful?"

  In the darkness, the voice of the Spider Queen came from all directions, and a large amount of dark spiritual energy gathered into countless flexible black silk threads, winding towards Chen Wen's limbs.


  Chen Wen sneered, raised his sword eyebrows, and mysterious runes swirled in his golden pupils.

With the dark red tears of blood left in his left eye, the vast golden pupil power gushes out crazily, spreading like a flame on his body in the form of heaven and earth, burning a large number of black silk threads wrapped around its body into black smoke .

   In just a short while, the power of these golden pupils has solidified, forming a golden armor engraved with dragon patterns from the inside out.

  Behind him, the blazing golden flame continued to squeeze, and suddenly turned into a fireball, bursting out with a dazzling golden light like the sun.

  A round of golden sun rose instantly in the darkness, hanging behind Chen Wen's mountainous body.


  The pupil technique contained in his Sharingan can form the sun and bloom endless brilliance.

  The golden light pierced the darkness, and Chen Wen's eyes pierced through the dark field, and found the next target.

"the second…"

  Before the words spread, Chen Wen tore off the thousands of black silk threads wrapped around his body, and smashed them down again with his stick.

  Boom! !

  The sound of thunder breaking through the sky resounded in the sky again, and at the same time it rang in the hearts of all the creatures on the island.

  For a moment, everyone seemed to hear the impermanence of black and white knocking on the door, and smelled the breath of death.

   "Spider Queen, you..."

  Hei Shi, who was hiding in the northwest of the island, watched Ruyi's golden stick hit him, and immediately let out an angry shout, with a dazzling yellow light blooming between his brows.


  I saw a giant tortoise breaking out of the ground with its dragon head on its head. It roared and forcibly condensed a large amount of earth-type spiritual energy around it, instantly forming a prototype of a field like a mountain of earth.

  The prototype of the soil domain of Dragon Tortoise on the Negative Mountain has just taken shape, and the tail end of Ruyi's golden stick is like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, and it suddenly hits the earth mountain with overwhelming momentum.

   Another no-frills head-on collision!

With a single stick, the prototype of the domain propped up by the Dragon Tortoise on the Negative Mountain was shattered in an instant, and began to disintegrate at a speed that the naked eye could not catch. shot out.

  Boom! boom! boom! —

  Accompanied by bursts of explosions, the ground around the prototype of the earth system domain was riddled with holes, as if a huge deep pit had collapsed suddenly.

   In the sky above it, the violent energy directly vibrated the void, creating a large number of space cracks out of thin air.

  Chen Wen was shocked by the huge force and couldn't help taking a step back.

  At this moment, the palm of his hand that was holding the Ruyi Gold Cudgel burst open, spilling hot thick blood.

   Ignoring the injury on his hand, Chen Wen suddenly widened his eyes, and his eyes instantly focused a thousand meters away.

  The negative mountain dragon tortoise has disappeared.

  Its dragon-like head has exploded into blood mist under the majestic force, and the indestructible tortoise shell has been shattered into sixteen petals.

  On the ground, there is only a mountain of corpses mixed with blood and flesh.

  On the corpse mountain, the blood-soaked black stone was half buried in the blood foam.

  He wanted to climb out of it, but found that he couldn't use his hands and feet.

  Although the dragon tortoise on the mountain had already absorbed 99% of Chen Wen's attack, even if it only took a point, the black stone was instantly shattered by the huge force.

  If it weren't for the fact that he had taken a lot of spiritual materials and gained rare and extraordinary strength, he would have collapsed into a ball of blood foam at this moment.

  The moment Chen Wen saw the black stone, Chen Wen focused his eyes.

  In an instant, the black flame carrying the aura of annihilating the world rose out of thin air, directly igniting the body of the negative mountain dragon tortoise, burning the black stone inside into ashes.


  Heishi's mournful screams sounded on the island.

  Although Black Stone's body was burned into gas immediately, he still didn't die immediately.

  The spiritual power of a legendary beast master is extremely terrifying, and it can exist for a long time without the body.

  However, the Black Flame of Mieshiji burns everything!

   After a while, there was no more mournful wailing on the mountain of corpses burning with black flames.

  Chen Wen's eyes were weeping blood, and his whole body gradually became numb under the damage of energy turbulence, but his eyes were frighteningly bright, as if the sun, moon and stars were hidden in them.

   "Second time!"

   he repeated again, grinning a cruel grin.

  While speaking, he slowly moved the Ruyi Golden Stick, his pupils shot dazzling golden light and scanned in all directions, as if searching for the next target.

  When other beast masters on the island saw this, their faces under the black robes changed colors, and they instantly summoned the master pet to them.

   Black Stone was also killed!

  Black Stone's strength is still higher than that of the Mouse Emperor, ranking fifth in the list of evil beast masters, and is second only to the existence of the Spider Queen in this operation.

   In terms of self-protection ability, Blackstone is also among the best.

  Six Legendary Beast Masters surrounded and killed Chen Wen, and now two of the top three were dead, and they all became frightened in an instant.

   Being swept by Chen Wen's gaze, even the Spider Queen couldn't help but take a step back.

  The only one who has never been afraid is the rock giant who is the favorite of Blackstone.

  After losing the beast master, it immediately unfolded the core of the domain, aroused the laws of the earth element unscrupulously, absorbed the aura of the earth element between the heaven and the earth, and transformed into a terrifying giant with a height of 500 meters in the blink of an eye.

  Seeing this, Mu Ling'er immediately changed into the form of a gathering spirit tree, and then also cast Fa Tian Xiang Di.

  Seeing the turbulent energy pouring into the Juling Tree, the Spider Queen and the others suddenly remembered that Chen Wen's law of heaven and earth is not the patent of Chen Wen.

  Chen Wen's beasts will too!

  Thinking of this, the Spider Queen immediately used her talent of beast control, fully controlling the dark domain to cover the center of the island.

   Then, she was instantly submerged in the darkness.


  Although she was unwilling, the Spider Queen knew that she couldn't fight any longer.

  She could actually see that the aura on the island had become extremely thin after Chen Wen used the Heaven and Earth method, and Chen Wen's other pets might not be able to exert the same power as Chen Wen when he used the Heaven and Earth method.

  However, two legendary beast masters have died now, and one of them died after she took the initiative to entangle Chen Wen.

  The six of them have never been companions in life and death, and they don't have the courage to fight to the death at this moment.

  Without such courage, the ghost left behind will only become Chen Wen.

  In fact, the others were more decisive than the Spider Queen.

   They have been killed to death!

   Before the Spider Queen could say to retreat, the three of them used props to shatter the air-forbidden barrier not far behind them, and rode the pet beast to fly away from the island in an instant.

   Gale Qingluan swept across the sea at extreme speed, and the strong wind caused by breaking through the air directly cut open the ocean below, which could not heal for a long time.

  The giant storm dragon turned into a thunderbolt, only to remember the rumbling thunder, and it flew away to the sky with the beast master.

  The vine of life plunged into the water with the beast master, and then disappeared without a trace.

  Seeing this, Chen Wen immediately swung his stick and shouted, "Where are you going!"

  At the same time, Ah Bao and the others burst out their original aura one after another, attacking the four fleeing beast masters.

  Chen Wen and the others attacked quickly, but the four beast masters fled faster.

  Whether it was the Ruyi golden stick that grew larger in the wind, the arrows that looked like streamers, or the black flames that rose out of nowhere, they all fell into the void.

  In the blink of an eye, the four Spider Queens had disappeared without a trace.

   "As expected of the top ten existences on the list of evil beast masters, this ability to escape is really superb!"

  Seeing that the attack failed, Chen Wen was not at all disappointed, but took it for granted.

  The abilities of the top evil beast masters are all kinds of strange, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they all have the ultimate ability to escape.

  After all, the evil beast master is a shady existence, and is often strangled by all sides.

  If they didn't have the ultimate ability to escape, they would have been killed by other beast masters before they became famous.

   Feeling emotional, Chen Wen swung the Ruyi Golden Stick, aiming at the crazy Void Rat and Rock Giant.

  After the air-forbidden domain was shattered, the Dunkong Mouse finally showed the power of the legendary beast of the space system.

   Esoteric moves!

  Ambush attack!

  The entire island seems to have become its domain. It can move anywhere on the island in an instant, and it can also launch an attack from anywhere on the island in an instant.

  If it wasn't for Chen Wen who was also proficient in the laws of space and could always detect space fluctuations at the first time, he might have been killed by the Empty Rat long ago.

   Even so, due to the size of his body, Chen Wen still suffered serious injuries.

   Fortunately, the Dunkongshu fell into madness, and Chen Wen, using himself as a lure, finally found a chance to seriously injure him with a stick, and sent him to the Beast Familiar Space to suppress it. ,

   As a price, half of his body was shredded by a blade of space.

  If his body hadn't turned into a spirit body, this kind of injury would have caused him to lose his life.

  Although the other rock giant is equally powerful, it is much easier to deal with than the Void Mouse. It was soon killed by Chen Wen and A Bao, and it turned into a black-yellow boulder full of cracks.

   Having dealt with the two beasts, Chen Wen quickly released Fatianxiangdi, and slowly landed on the island from a high altitude.

  The moment his feet touched the ground, Chen Wen gasped in pain.

  However, he took a breath of cold air, but he felt a series of stabbing pains in his mouth, throat, and chest.

  Unbearable pain, he moved his body.

  In an instant, thick blood flowed out from his seven orifices, the skin all over his body cracked open, a large amount of dark red blood suddenly spilled out, and the whole person's aura instantly languished.


  Hearing Chen Wen's words, Mu Linger, who was still in the shape of the spirit-gathering tree, immediately shook the branches of the tree in worry, and hurriedly praised Chen Wen's life.

  In an instant, a pillar of emerald green light rose straight into the sky above the island.

  Abao, Orochimaru, Erzhuzi and Bai Yuer centered on him in an instant, scattered all directions to guard.

  (end of this chapter)


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