Batman x Arc Reactor

Ch: 126 [New Allies]

Ch: 126 [New Allies]


"What a stubborn bastard," Bruce watched Zod's attempt to regenerate himself. "You think I'll let you do that?" He blinked before Zod and punched him hard. But Zod caught his punch with ease. The shockwave generated from his punch shattered the ground behind Zod. The red dust rose and surrounded the two, as both of them looked at each other with a smiling face as if they were having fun.

"I don't know what kind of body you have, but rest assured, I'll give you a warrior's death," Zod's body was completely healed by now as he flew in and punched Bruce in his face.

Bruce smirked as he took the punch. The ground beneath him shattered, and his feet sank. But he punched back and made Zod fly backward. Bruce rubbed his chin and cracked his neck, "What the fuck are you babbling about?" He flew before Zod's flying body and grabbed his face, slamming him to the ground. "You will give me a warrior's death? What kind of cheap shit are you smoking?"

Zod used his heat vision through the gap of Bruce's fingers and made him back off. As he stood up, Bruce's kick appeared out of nowhere and sent him hurling away.

Zod rolled on the ground but got back to his feet immediately and caught the oncoming kick, "Do you think you humans will be able to live a normal life after this?" He punched Bruce in the stomach and grabbed his neck, "We will make sure to hunt all of you down, kill each and every one of you, and make an example out of you." He slammed Bruce on the ground, creating a massive crater beneath them.

Bruce gritted his teeth. He punched Zod's face and kicked him off of him. Zod flew back and landed on his feet. He released a blast of heat vision through his eyes. Bruce flew up in the sky, avoiding the attack.

"And how are you going to do that? Your entire fleet has been destroyed. My allies are taking care of those injured fuckers and you are yet to defeat me. So, how will you do it?" Bruce knew that a veteran like Zod must have a plan in place in case he failed to take over Earth. Although Superman killed Zod. But considering the changes in the events, Bruce wasn't sure he could trust his old knowledge. The future and events he knew have drastically changed because of his actions. Right now, he needs to know if Zod has a backup plan in place or not.

Zod laughed at the question as a crack in space appeared above them. Another massive mothership flew out of that crack. It was bigger than the ones they took down earlier. "That's how!" He yelled with a smug smile.

Bruce smiled, "Now, that's a problem."

"You can try to maintain your composure all you want, but this is the end," Zod attacked Bruce with everything he had. His speed reached the peak and his attacks were powerful enough to damage Bruce's body. But what made him more dangerous was his battle experience. He was a war veteran and had a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

Bruce gritted his teeth as he tried to dodge those attacks, but he couldn't, not anymore. The damage to his body was accumulating and he couldn't regenerate it fast enough. Not with the damage caused by Zod's punches. The thing is, Bruce only evolved and came rushing on the battlefield without giving his body time to adapt to the changes. He wasn't even sure how strong he was now. However, what better way to test the strength of his new body than in the middle of the fight?


[Outer space]

"What's that?" Diana asked as she looked at the massive ship appearing over Mars.

"Damn! Another ship!" Selina shouted with a hint of annoyance.

"Diana, go and help Bruce. I doubt he'll be able to hold them off alone," Elana instructed noticing the gravity of the situation. The Kryptonians, even though injured were holding their own against them. They managed to kill everyone, except for the woman and a brute-looking mutated being.

"Don't," Bruce's voice came through the comms, "You focus on taking care of those up there. I will handle it."

"But, Bruce..." Diana wanted to protest.

"It's okay. I can handle it. Besides, I have two new friends coming soon. Just take care of your side," Bruce cut off the comms.


[Back on Mars]

Zod seems to have the upper hand now. He was pushing back Bruce with every attack. As for Bruce, he was still trying to understand his newfound strength. In a short span of time, he went through multiple stages of evolution. And in each of those stages, he reached a level beyond his comprehension. The massive damages he was receiving from Zod has now reduced to nothing.

"Is that all you got?" Bruce smirked, "I have to say, I am very disappointed." He blocked Zod's punch with a finger, "Did you think you could beat me with these measly attacks?" He grabbed Zod's throat and threw him at the new mothership. But to his surprise, four new Kryptonians beamed down from the ship and caught Zod.

"General!" One of them said with a hint of concern.

Zod, who was coughing, stood up and looked at Bruce.

"Ah! Your friends? Now, don't tell me, the great General Zod is afraid to fight a human and needs his friends' help. Well, not that it would change anything other than delay your death... Well, whatever. Come at me," Bruce taunted Zod, knowing well how he'd react.

"You dare to mock me?" Zod clenched his fists. "Kill him!" He ordered his men.

"Yes, General!" They nodded and attacked Bruce.

Bruce sighed at the incoming attack. He just stood there as two of them rushed down at a blinding speed and threw two punches...

However, two hard kicks threw them a few feet back, before they regained their balance.

Beside Bruce, stood two new allies.

"Took you long enough," Bruce looked at the man in a blue suit and red cape.

"Yeah, she had to adjust a bit, so, you can take a guess," Superman spoke as he looked at the enemy.

"So, you are the one who sent that woman to save me?" The girl beside them asked.

"Well, you can say that," Batman responded with a smirk.

"Thank you, then," She smiled at Batman. "I am Kara Zor-L." She introduced herself. She was wearing a pure white suit which was a bit too revealing and a red cape.

"Batman," Bruce introduced himself and nodded.

"It would seem you saved our time, Kal and Kara," Zod yelled with a satisfied smile, "Now, I'll extract your genes and create perfect genetically pure colonists after terraforming your blue planet into a new krypton."

"Blah, blah, blah," Kara zoomed in using her heat vision. "You talk too much." Zod countered the attack with his heat vision.

"You think you can continue?" Superman asked as he looked at Bruce.

"Yeah, it's time I get serious. I'll take Zod, you two focus on the others..."

Superman nodded before flying toward the new fighters.

The battle raged on as all the warriors clashed with each other. The shockwave generated by their attacks shattered the ground beneath them and even reached the mothership, causing its stabilizers to shake.

Superman punched the four Kryptonians into the sky and flew off behind them.

"Bring me Kal, alive," Zod yelled at his men while using his heat vision against Kara.

Bruce flew behind him and punched his back.

[Crack!] "Gaaahh!" Zod grunted in pain as a cracking sound of breaking bone could be heard from his back.

Zod caught Bruce's neck and threw him toward Kara.

"You alright?" Kara asked as she caught Bruce in the air.

"Yeah, let's go," Bruce nodded and flew back toward Zod. Kara followed him behind.

Zod screamed in frustration and charged in. Three more Kryptonians brute beamed down the mothership and joined in the fight.

"I'll take care of them," Kara charged in. Her single punch threw a brute crashing into the other three. They got up and attacked her together using their giant axes humming with electricity. Kara caught one axe with her bare hand and crushed the metal weapon, before throwing her heat vision, piercing through one of their heads, killing him instantly.

The other two brutes charged in and slammed their axes together on Kara.

Meanwhile, Bruce and Zod clashed with each other once again. Zod, who was having the upper hand in their last battle, couldn't do anything now. With every attack, he would suffer massive damage.

He punched Bruce, and Bruce countered it with his own punch.

"Gaahhh!" Zod screamed him pain as the counterattack smashed his fingers and shattered his right arm.

"What was that about giving me a warrior's death?," Bruce slapped him hard and sent him crashing down on the ground, "I'll slap you to death, motherfucker. Exactly like those Young Master OP MCs from those Chinese novels." He cracked his knuckles and flew toward Zod.


AN: The title should be like 'I'll slap you to death.' lol. Young master vibe. 


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[Exclusive r18 contents] [No double billing] 


Next, Ch: 127: The battle continues

Ch: 128: Human or Monster? [Vol-2 ends]

[Vol: 3] Ch: 129: Suit of Sorrows

Ch: 130: Ra's vs Suit of Sorrows



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