Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Chapter 76: 75, 51% of shares! 50 million profit! (13 more)_1

Chapter 76: 75, 51% of shares! 50 million profit! (13 more)_1

Translator: 549690339 I

Upon hearing his wife’s question, Lin Mo calmly replied, “Otherwise, how could they call him an expert?”

Regarding this “expert,” Lin Mo had long had a plan in mind.

He didn’t want to deceive his wife either.

But without making up such an expert, many things would be hard to explain.

This must be what they call a white lie!

“I don’t know the old man’s real name either; I just call him Tai.”

“Tai was in investment banking when he was young, dealing with all sorts of investments, and he’s still at it. He’s had his hand in almost every industry, and the types of investments he’s made far exceed our imagination.”


Li Jinwen nodded, half-convinced, but still a bit worried she pressed on, “The question is, why is he so good to you? It couldn’t be because his granddaughter has taken a liking to you, right? I’ve seen that plot unfold many times in TV dramas!”


Lin Mo was stunned, such thoughts from his wife were completely unexpected!

He found it somewhat amusing!

Lin Mo took a step back, spread his hands, and said, “No, wife, look at this poor figure of mine, a thorough loser who’d get lost in a crowd—would a rich and beautiful girl go crazy? Fancy me? Besides, I think Tai doesn’t have any children.”

“Actually, it’s just that I get along pretty well with Tai. Perhaps he also sees how tough it is for me to keep the floors clean. And besides, wife, it’s not just him, this big shot, who’s nice to me!”

Lin Mo intentionally changed the subject.

Deflecting the concept.


Li Jinwen retorted, “Who else then?”

“Like Captain Bai’s mother!” Lin Mo said nonchalantly, “The old lady even called me yesterday, asking if I’m willing to be an auxiliary police officer or not.”

“The salary isn’t high, but it’s stable, and there’s a chance for a permanent position. If I want, she said she could have her son try to pull some strings.”

This was not a fabrication by Lin Mo,

yesterday, indeed, Bai Feng’s mother, Zhang Guilin, had contacted him, which was unexpected for Lin Mo.

“Alright then…” Li Jinwen relaxed her expression and nodded before asking, “But isn’t all our money currently tied up in the ginger shoot market? How do we have money to invest with Zhang Yihua?”

“The main reason is that Tai wants to invest. I am just helping to bridge the gap and find out more about the situation.” Lin Mo handed the phone with the new SIM card to Li Jinwen: “OK, it’s ready. Try turning it on, this phone really is easy to use!”

Li Jinwen took the phone and then asked, “By the way, husband, have you told Tai? I want to meet him to properly thank him.”

Without meeting the person, Li Jinwen could never feel at ease.

She always felt her husband had been secretive lately.

“Of course, I’ve asked, but Tai is more reclusive by nature, always choosing the most desolate spots for fishing. Anyway, I will invite him a few more times, there should be no problem. Once I am back from Yuhang, I will ask him again!”

“Don’t… If he really doesn’t find it convenient, you shouldn’t impose,” she replied.

“It’s fine, I know what I’m doing!” Lin Mo casually answered, quickly changing the topic by pointing to the corner and asking, “How come these terminals have arrived so quickly?”

“Wasn’t it supposed to take several days for approval?”

“Oh, it’s like this—the manager from the sports lottery center, Manager Wang, came by this afternoon.”

Li Jinwen explained, “He’s been very supportive of us, not only delivering the terminals ahead of time but also saying that they could give us a set of second-hand lottery cabinets and tables for free, although they are used, they are fairly new, about seventy to eighty percent new.”

“I think second-hand is quite good, weren’t you worried about formaldehyde? Second-hand furniture wouldn’t have that problem.”


Lin Mo had not expected Manager Wang to be so helpful.

At the same time, it made him somewhat anxious. He had been too busy these past few days and had forgotten to remind Manager Wang not to tell his wife about the sports betting.

But luckily, it seemed like Manager Wang was quite astute and probably hadn’t mentioned anything to his wife.

“I’ll help you tidy up!”

Lin Mo picked up a broom and started to help his wife clean.

About fifteen minutes later, the cleaning was more or less done, and Lin Xiaoxiao had finished her homework too.

The family of three went out for a hot pot dinner nearby before heading home.

The next day, in Yuhang.

Inside the meeting room of Yuhua Animation Studio.

“Old classmate, this ‘Divine Enthronement1 of yours is quite impressive. I think with some more post-production, once it goes live on major platforms, it’ll definitely be a hit!”

After watching the trailer and the overall story outline prepared by Zhang Yihua, Lin Mo let out a series of sighs and compliments.

He might not be a professional, but he could tell whether something was well-made or not.

Plus, with the information provided by the Intelligence System in advance, he spoke with even more confidence, as if he were an expert in the field.

“Lin, do you really think so? To be honest, this project has taken many years of our studio’s hard work. I don’t want to see it fizzle out,” Zhang Yihua saw that the timing was right and blurted out, “Lin, if you’re really willing to invest, it would be like sending coal on a snowy day!”

“As for the shares, don’t worry. I’ve already discussed with my colleagues at the studio—I can give up my shares, and they are willing to cut their salaries by 50%. This way, for an investment of 3 million, you can get 60% of the studio’s shares!”

“We all don’t want to see this project get cut halfway and fail.”

Lin Mo quietly listened without saying a word.

It was clear to see, not just Zhang Yihua, but also the studio staff who had been working with him had been through tough times.

Looking worn out, like internet writers, their eyes were filled with hope as they looked at him.

Obviously, this wasn’t the first time they’d been through this process of soliciting investment.

This group is made up of dreamers, a rare breed in today’s society.

“Yihua, if I really do this, won’t I be taking advantage of the situation?”

Lin Mo took a sip of water and, after a moment of contemplation, said, “Well then, an investment of 3 million is fine, and as for the shareholding aspect, I’ll just take 51%, and you guys can keep the remaining 9%.”

Lin Mo wasn’t being insatiably greedy.

It wasn’t that Lin Mo thought the money was too much.

Rather, he was looking further ahead.

The Intelligence System had already provided clear intel that his investment of a 51% stake would earn him a dividend of 50 million within the next year.

3 million turning into 50 million in one year, that’s an outrageous profit!

Moreover, he didn’t need to do anything at all, just lying down and making money!

What was more critical was that human nature is a terrifying thing!

Regardless of how nicely Zhang Yihua and the others speak now, once they start making money, if Lin Mo takes too much, it’s very possible they might get other ideas along the way, even quitting due to disagreements.

Taking a 60% share isn’t necessarily better!

Being generous and giving up 9% of the shares right now not only aligns with the intelligence information but also earns him a favor easily given with the current.


Surprise and shock filled Zhang Yihua’s bloodshot eyes.

He had never expected Lin Mo to be so straightforward.

And even proactively give up more shares!

He had even prepared to give Lin Mo a 70% stake!

But to his astonishment, Lin Mo voluntarily lowered it to 51%!

Lin Mo nodded, scanned the room, and finally, his gaze landed on Zhang Yihua’s face. He chuckled teasingly, “Yihua, if I said I was just joking before, would you beat me to death?”

“Haha, stop staring, go and get the contract!”

The group was stunned for a long while.

Suddenly, Zhang Yihua shouted, “Quick! Go get the contract!”

Soon after, a staff member hurried over with a stack of documents, excitedly saying, “Mr. Lin, we’ve already prepared the contract, please review it.”

“If there is anything you don’t understand or are unsure about, ask me, and I’ll explain it to you.”

Lin Mo took the contract and began to read it over; the meeting room was dead silent, everyone’s eyes focused on him, waiting for his final decision, as if they were afraid of waking up from a dream at any moment.

There was nothing wrong with the contract; Lin Mo quickly finished reading it.

Looking up, he was startled by the intense gaze from those around him, then burst into laughter, “Guys, did someone draw a beautiful woman on my face?”

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, everyone awkwardly withdrew their gazes.

Zhang Yihua swallowed hard and quickly asked, “Old classmate, do you need me to explain the contents of the contract to you?”

“No need, I’ve looked it over, and there are no issues.” Lin Mo signed his name on the last page of the contract and on the shareholding agreement.

“Now you sign too, and then I’ll transfer the first installment to you. As for other procedures, you handle them. My ID and all that are right here.”

According to the contract, the 3 million wasn’t a one-time payment but was divided into four installments, each 750,000.

If it were a one-time payment, Lin Mo wouldn’t have that much money right now.

His money was all in futures.

The ginger shoot market hadn’t started to rise significantly yet, so naturally, he wouldn’t move his money out.

“Good, good, good!”

Zhang Yihua also began to sign with red-rimmed eyes.

Only he knew how difficult it had been to secure investment over the past few months, just as only he knew what the anime “Divine Enthronement” meant for the entire Yihua Studio.

Once the contract was signed and the company account was promptly funded, Lin Mo stood up from his chair. After shaking hands with Zhang Yihua, he said, “Old classmate, even though the procedures aren’t complete yet, I’ve already sent you the first 750,000. You focus on making the anime good; I’m counting on you to make money. Now that the serious business is done, I should head back to Rakshasa City. I’ll transfer the remaining payments on time. If there are any special situations, you contact me. I’ll help if I can.”

“Thank you so much, Lin!”

“Really! I am so grateful to you!”

“You’re leaving so soon?” Zhang Yihua’s eyes brimmed with tears, and he implored, “Stay a couple more days, I’ll show you around Yuhang properly!”

“No, there are a lot of things to do in Rakshasa City, and my lottery shop is about to open. I came to Yuhang this time by taking time out of my schedule. I hope next time we meet, it will be at the celebration party for the grand success of ‘Divine Enthronement.’ Then you can show me around properly!” Lin Mo said with a smile, rejecting Zhang Yihua’s offer and headed straight for the conference room’s door, continuing as he walked, “Colleagues, from today onwards, we are partners. Don’t worry about money, just go for it boldly. I believe in you!”

A thunderous round of applause burst out in the meeting room.

“Thank you, Mr. Lin!”

“Thanks to Mr. Lin!!”

Watching the scene, Lin Mo felt deeply moved.

It hadn’t been long, had it?

He went from a hardworking man carrying bricks to being addressed as Mr. Lin!

It really was just like a dream!


Lin Mo thought of something.

“Everyone, smile!”

He pulled out a brand-new smartphone and snapped a few photos of Zhang Yihua and the other colleagues with their emotional, tearful expressions, then nonchalantly tossed it into the class group chat.

And it was like dropping a bomb in the deep sea, instantly setting off an explosion in the class group chat!

[Chapter 13, vote for monthly tickets, updating in progress—]


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