Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 134: 133 Abnormal defense power

Chapter 134: 133 Abnormal defense power

Chapter 134 133. Abnormal defense power

The Altar of Dagon is very conspicuous.

Building a temple on the island where the Lady of the Lake lives was originally part of the restriction.

It was a stone temple building built on a shoal, with a shallow horizontal surface on the floor made of large stones.

Lotus flowers and lotus leaves float on the water, and the leisurely and fresh atmosphere does not look like a temple of an evil god.

But Lan En could feel it inexplicably, looking towards the depths of the lake beyond the shallows in this fresh atmosphere. The darkness as deep as the bottomless abyss is the original appearance of this water area.

The heart beat began to become heavy and powerful, and the breathing was deep. The gene seed detected the emotions of the body, and it began to adjust the operating power of the entire body system to a rhythm suitable for combat.

Hand into the alchemy leather bag on his waist, Lann took out several bottles of magic potion one after another.

The most convenient [Thunder] and [Blizzard] are naturally on the list, and a newly added category is [Maribo Forest] whose formula has been modified by him.

In addition to replenishing physical strength, its ability to accelerate the recovery of physical vitality can also greatly shorten the period of low magic power after the demon hunter releases the seal.

The demon hunter's magic power is originally generated by being attached to the body.

For a demon hunter like Lan En, who can manage to fire out consecutive seals in a normal state, he can even perform a second round of consecutive seals very quickly after taking the potion.

Originally, Lan En wanted to drink another bottle of [Patrick's Magic Potion] to temporarily increase the strength of the seal.

But after all, he is only a demon hunter with gene seeds, not a group of already formed Space Marines.

The upper limit of poison resistance brought by the gene seeds has been increased, and it can no longer support drinking another bottle of powerful magic potion.

With With me still not sure how this battle will develop, Lan En doesn't want to be in a state of toxin erosion as soon as it starts.

Larynx rolls, toxins and medicinal power mix into the intestines and stomach and disperse into the blood vessels.

The cheeks turned snow-white, and the eye sockets of the eyes were dark, looming under the bright silver hair.

Lann now looks like a handsome and elegant midnight ghost.


The mouth was slightly open, and a hot breath turned into white mist the moment it came out.

That was a sign that Lan En's body had entered a state of high heat.

The witcher, who was kneeling in a meditative posture with his head lowered, suddenly raised his right hand.

The palm of his clenched fist opened slightly, and a blood gem slipped from the palm of his hand and fell into the water.

At this moment, it seemed that the entire Vizima Lake fell into a dead atmosphere.

Then, not far from the Altar of Dagon, a huge black shadow in the water rushed up from the deep water to the surface.

The huge dorsal fin drew out the waves and rushed towards the altar!

Lan En also calmly stood up from the water and drew out the Silver Sword of the Advanced Bear School behind him.

There was a dim yellow oily light shining on it.

Residue OilLan En didnt know what type of creature the physical entity of the evil **** from the other world was, but Residue Oil was undoubtedly the most toxic sword oil unless targeted.

Like a torpedo, the huge black shadow broke through the water and hit the stone floor of the Dagon Altar with huge waves.

Not one sound, but a dozen!

The moonlight also seemed to be polluted by something, becoming dark.

Under the dim moonlight, what appeared before Lan En's eyes was a huge mosaic with teeth and claws!

Sir, the mental defense record is providing support.

Thanks, Mentos. Very timely.

Lane didn't want to take any chances on this matter, so Mentos immediately covered up the appearance of Dagon's physical form.

Lan En could only see the outline of a giant half-murloc.

About four meters tall, strong and bloated.

There are tentacles like octopus tentacles dancing and curling on the face.

Lan En knew that his decision was correct.

Now even though he blocked the other person's appearance immediately, the mental pollution still made him feel like he was tortured by a strong fishy smell and wanted to vomit.

But Mentos real-time monitoring was telling him that the olfactory cells in his nasal cavity were in a completely normal environment at this time. In addition to the largest Dagon, the dozen or so creatures that appeared with it also brought intense mental pressure.

If Lan En had to look directly at their wounds to feel abnormal when dealing with the fallen half-murlocs, then these things were already putting pressure on Lan En's spirit as soon as they appeared.

They are the products of further alienation of the half-murlocs.

His height has reached the average human level, but his bulging muscles are ferocious and ugly, far exceeding the level of a normal human being.

The body surface secretes mucus at any time, and this mucus seems to allow them to escape the restrictions of the brass breathing mask.

The head of the fish is revealed, with its huge and protruding eyeballs without eyelids.

Dagon, as the lady said, is an evil **** who obeys disorder and irrationality.

He did not growl, nor did he hunker down.

Like plucking onions on dry land, it flew straight up and then crashed down towards where Lan En was!

There is no doubt that Dagon still possesses supernatural powers even though he is only an entity left behind in the physical world.

The sound of splashing water drops and breaking large rocks is the signal to start the war.

The deep divers following Dagon also began to move their weird limbs and surge toward Lan En.

The witcher is now in the sense of time-out given by [Blizzard], and he has already moved sideways at the moment of Dagon's supernatural leap.

The strong muscles and bones gave the body speed. With just a sidestep, Lan En moved two meters to his side.

Escaped from being trampled by a huge four-meter-tall monster.

The core knowledge of the Bear School's swordsmanship is the control of the center of gravity. With this knowledge, Lann dodges from the side to an emergency stop, and then charges again.

The intervals between a series of actions are horribly small!

Almost as soon as Dagon landed, Lan En was already close to his calf and slashed out a sword that tore the air through his rotating body!

Dagons calves are as thick as Lan Ens waist, but Lan En has a clear understanding of his swordsmanship.

Let alone flesh, even if it is a solid tree stump, this sword should be enough to cut it in half!

But after Lan En finished the sword strike, his brows suddenly furrowed, and then he immediately left the place without stopping for a moment.

The next moment, a fist as big as half a man hit the ground!

There was a loud bang, and a huge splash appeared on the shallow surface of the water!

The change of movement posture this time was too rapid, and even the adjustment of the center of gravity of the Xiong School's swordsmanship was useless.

After Lan En finished his emergency retreat, he even staggered twice rarely before regaining his stable center of gravity.

His eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at the spot on the large mosaic where he had just cut.


According to his estimation, even if the sword couldn't cut off the leg bone, it should still cut a huge gap in the flesh and blood.

Now, under the mosaic image, there is no sign of a break in Dagon's calf.

Mentos, analyze the sword strike just now.

The blade tendons are perfect, the leverage effect is perfect, and the amount of body movement is perfect, Mr., the damage effect you expected is consistent with mine. The problem is the enemy!

Lan En's silver sword was held in front of his chest, and the next moment, a fist as big as half a man hit him.

Lan En held the sword firmly and pushed himself out with the force.

Skilled coping skills allowed Dagon to have a crushing size and strength, but the effects on Lan En did not even make him feel strenuous.

His eyes were deep, flashing with thought.

Originally, he planned to fight quickly. After cutting off the opponent's lower legs to weaken his mobility, he threw out the three [North Wind] bombs in the alchemy leather bag.

Directly destroy Dagons material entity.

But now, the protective effect is so ridiculous!

Lan En's sword was swung with all his strength. In terms of area damage alone, its destructive power was much greater than that of an alchemy bomb!

That's it, but it can't even break the defense? !

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