Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 114: 113 Something is wrong with the Witcher

Chapter 114: 113 Something is wrong with the Witcher

Chapter 114 113. Something is wrong with the Witcher

Count Stesa was flipping through a document in his study.

A piece of information about the witcher Lann.

He wears a pair of eye-clips on his face.

This kind of glasses is different from Lan En's home world. They do not rest on the ears. Instead, they are clamped on the bridge of the nose by shrinking the angle like a compass.

Frowning and taking off his glasses, the handsome and powerful middle-aged man murmured thoughtfully.

This mutant is not normal.

For people like him, everything you want to know in the kingdom can always be known in detail.

Even with matters outside the kingdom, he can always get a rough idea of things outside the kingdom, thanks to the intelligence system supported by Nilfgaard.

So, even if the order to collect intelligence was issued in the morning, he had already got a "book" that was neither thin nor thick in the evening.

These are the details of Lan En.

Such operational efficiency and operational results are among the top-notch standards in Temerias official intelligence organization.

Stetha actually uses Temeria's official intelligence organization.

Very different from the speculations of many people who are far away from politics, the truth in this world is often more complicated and absurd.

The political conflict between Count Stesa and His Majesty the King is not as incompatible as most people imagine.

The fact is: Whether it is a count or a king, their orders are transmitted through the bureaucratic service system of the entire kingdom.

The conflict of political opinions between them will not lead the earl to establish another administrative system to confront the king. How is that different from splitting Temeria?

The power confrontation between them takes the form of competing for their voice and control in various bureaucratic departments.

Of course the bureaucracy should listen to the king, but the earls inheritance rights, funds, and blood inheritance are all there.

Feudal kingdoms cannot ignore these things.

Hence, in Temeria's administrative system, there will always be departments that ignore each other, or even undermine each other and hold each other back.

Because in these departments, the king's voice and the earl's voice have different proportions.

Even within the same department, there will always be internal disagreements.

The boss of the department belongs to the king, but the second eldest brother belongs to the earl. What should the people under his command do when dealing with Nilfgaard-related affairs?

Do you really think that the boss can get rid of the second child just by saying a few words?

Since ancient times, arent there many bosses who have been sidelined by their second-in-commands?

At the end of the day, you still have to use your own resources, backstage, and intelligence to fight against each other.

Foltest is a powerful person, even Stasa has to admit this.

But Count Stesa also knew in his heart that he would not be killed suddenly by the king.

Because he now represents not only a force, but also a trend of thought.

A trend of thought that moves closer to a more civilized and advanced social system.

If you are still there, then the power brought by these thoughts will gather around you, which will be tangible and have ways to deal with it.

As long as Foltest releases news that "Count Stesa has been suppressed" from time to time, the people will think that the ideological trend itself has been suppressed.

Put up a target and let the target represent an idea. Then the victory over this target is the victory over the invisible thought.

Foltest has mastered this technique very skillfully.

But once he is gone, these thoughts will spread wantonly because there is no one to control them, and because they have no entity, they cannot be easily attacked.

The people and forces that he has gathered and are attracted by his thoughts will scatter like stars throughout Temeria.

Becomes a "toxin" in the giant body of Temeria. Subtle and indistinguishable, but really harmful.

It is precisely because of this strange but logical political ecology that Count Stesa can have the energy he has today.

In this magical Middle Ages, the relationship between those in power and their subordinates is still worthy of trust.

There are companies and shareholding systems in this world, but at the same time, there is also blood succession and loyalty oaths.

Count Stesa used these social contracts to bind his own interests with those of his subordinates, creating mutual trust.

The most important thing is the real investment in money for his subordinates.

Stetha is well aware of the importance of offspring to mankind.

His major festivals every year would bring his men and their families together.

During this period, he will reward every child who studies seriously with almost extravagant rewards. Give them encouragement, give them tangible rewards, and promise them a future where they can make a big difference as long as they succeed in their studies.

Study law? OK! I have just the right person to insert in the legal department!

Study business? Thats fine! The Ministry of Commerce is currently short of an intern.

Superior martial arts? That's even better! The income of several villages has been allocated to you, and all you have to do is become a full-time knight who can wear armor and cut through battle formations!

He also severely punished every subordinate heir who let himself go. He will tell them that he has prepared an extremely bright position and relationship for him in the future, but if you dont get it because you are not good enough, then you deserve it!

At this time, subordinates will watch with great pride and concern as their children receive his attention.

His every reward is met with applause, and each of his harsh reprimands is met with sighs.

Those uneducated children will probably blush under the pitiful and pitiful looks of their parents and uncles and uncles around them, and then try to get motivated.

Then, these noble and business owner families will get closer to Stesa!

His bloodline, the rights he currently possesses, and the help he received from the Nilfgaard Empire, these capitals that are already incredibly strong will only become larger and more unfathomable in the future under his operation. !

It is precisely because of this that Count Stesa was able to extract so much information from the barren mud pit of Willen so quickly.

This is not all, more information is still on the way.

But just what he had already obtained was enough to surprise him.

What Stassa studied under the candlelight was Lan En's brief account of his experiences since his appearance.

His first appearance was when he was taken naked from a farmhouse by a witcher.

Tender skin and tender meat, no setbacks or weakness.

Stesa could read between the lines and imagine the image of a troubled young man who originally had a pretty good life.

Following that, he became a witcher, participated in the hunt for the witcher mentor, worked in Auriden, and encountered a cannibal case.

One event after another is briefly marked on the timeline and presented on the paper.

At a cursory glance, it doesnt seem like a big deal.

It's just that according to rumors, witchers are trained from secret castles in the mountains, and then enter the civilized world to find work.

But this seems to be a temporary job, teaching on the road.

That's all the dramatic drama.

But after these scattered events were combined with the timeline, things began to become abnormal.

This demon hunter named Lan En went from being a layman who couldn't even swing a sword to becoming a demon hunter who could single-handedly defeat an armed thug camp. How long did it take in total? !

Is it two months? !

Its too fast, its abnormally fast!

There was surprise in Stessa's murmured tone, but more of it was a desire.

He wanted to know how this kind of rapid progress, as fast as riding a gryphon, was achieved?

Can it be copied? Can it be applied on a large scale?

Is it a witchers potion?

Since Stassa decided to investigate Lan En, he naturally would not let go of the basic information about the witcher.

In this pile of information, there is a lot of information about the group of demon hunters.

The alchemy technology of the witcher is something that even the mages are curious about. In Count Stesa's opinion, it is naturally unique.

But thats not right either. Can you advance alchemy to this point in less than two months?

He also has information about Bordon. He is a barbarian who is not very proficient in alchemy.

Stassa chuckled with interest.

If it was because of the magic potion, then Lan En is a person who is extremely talented in the field of alchemy.

If it werent for the magic potion, then Lan En would be an abnormal person!

The count took out a piece of information, and it contained Auriden's information.

Coincidentally, the nobleman who held the chariot racing competition in Oriden was Count Stetha himself.

That village can be regarded as his private plot.

Information says that the relationship between the witcher and the villagers in this village is pretty good, and there is a lot of room for making a fuss about it.

I just lost a good dog, so why not use it as a rein to tame a more ferocious one?

The Count's fingers passed over the individual information of each villager.

But just when his fingers were about to slide onto the head of the village elder, a young voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

Haarent these my friends?

Count Stesa's eyes widened uncontrollably in the sudden shock, and his pupils contracted.

The next momentbang!

That noble and handsome face was pressed directly onto the desk by the pressure from the back of his head!

The facial features are being squeezed, squeezed by a pair of big blood-stained hands.

A silver necklace with the head of a roaring bear slowly hung down into the Earl's limited field of vision.

Should I be deeply honored, my lord, to see the traces of Willens country friends in such a noble place?

Brothers, its really a bit unimaginable. The first order was just over 3,000, which is three times more than my expected target of 1,000. Great! (laugh

But sadly, this means that I have to write six thousand words every day for ten days (sadly)

Thanks to Sunnu Brahma Emperor and book friend 160218195924010 for the 100-point reward!

Thanks to Nanwu Luojiafo, Xilihuala2333, and HESP for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to Sweet Masta, Meng Hui Wuhen, and Meng Mu Jiyu for the 1500 point reward!

Thanks ASAGAO for the 1000 point reward!

Thank you for the 3,000-point reward from the sow in your backyard!

Thanks to Shengwu Chain for the 5,000-point reward!

Thanks to book friend 160827230316916 for the 10,000-point reward!


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