Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 113: 112 Skills Growth

Chapter 113: 112 Skills Growth

Chapter 113 112. Growth of skills

Lan En easily climbed into the wall.

The sound of falling on the lawn was as soft as a cat landing, and there was no sound of metal armor shaking and colliding.

Before Lan En came in, he took off the plate armor parts of his armor.

The whole person seems to have returned to the state when he first came to Oriden, with the main body of mail armor covered with cotton armor.

This time is different from the lame infiltration in Willen's camp.

The enemy is not on the shore where the waves are roaring and the smell of the sea is strong.

As far as the defense forces themselves are concerned, they are not just a mob with weapons.

It is a group of elite warriors who have undergone rigorous training and actual combat.

The situation Lan En faced was undoubtedly countless times more dangerous than Willen's camp battle.

But Lan Ens growth during this period is definitely more exaggerated than the changes in the situation!

At the corner of the retina, two data are flashing slightly.

StealthProficiency -9%

AssassinationProficiency -6%

These two skills, after deep memory dives for several consecutive nights, are equivalent to receiving personal teachings from the Emperor's Children warriors.

Those warriors who are so good that they are almost perfect, their legions are not the type that are good at stealth and assassination.

But as a legion adhering to the "perfect" combat concept, you can not be proficient in a combat skill, but it is absolutely impossible to not understand it at all.

So, in the full names of Lan Ens two skills, the prefixes should actually be added with two long and gorgeous names of ancient European aristocrats.

That is the name of the Emperor's Children warrior from which the skill comes.

The proficiency of these two skills is no longer based on mortals, but on the group of celestial warriors!

9% and 6%, which means that in addition to basic quality, Lan En has reached the level of a son of the Emperor in terms of pure skills, a **** warrior who has fought **** battles with various interstellar races in the boundless sea of stars for hundreds of years, which is close to 10%. level!

It's like an ethereal shadow.

In the brightly lit luxurious manor, Lan En could spot the dark blind spots between the firelights with a quick glance.

And that was his ideal foothold.

A patrol of guards patrolled the cobbled paths of the estate.

One halberdier, two sword and shield soldiers, a crossbowman, and a hound.

This is the standard configuration of the patrol team in the manor.

Lan En can identify more than ten teams like this just by listening.

I thought that throughout the night, the manor would be swept over and over again by the guards with the same attitude of plowing the garden and sweeping out holes.

Lan En was standing in the darkness only ten steps away from them.

Ordinary human vision cannot penetrate the darkness, and the nose of a hound is not a problem.

When Lan En drank the potion, he deliberately sprinkled a little on his cotton armor.

The smell of the potion is strong enough to cover up its own smell.

And because the raw materials of the witcher's potion are all natural ingredients, the hound will not smell like an ordinary magic potion and show discomfort due to the magical power inside.

After watching the patrol team walk away peacefully, Lan En continued to move forward.

His main purpose in coming here was the count himself.

If he were to alert the snake, then Lan En would not believe that such a high-ranking and powerful person would have no way out in a carefully managed manor.

Lann could not identify the earl's personal information, so it would be unwise to rush into the main building of the manor.

But his mind moved quickly.

Slightly shiny cat eyes searched for messy footprints on the ground, and its nose captured pheromones in the air.

Soon, in the witcher's integrated vision, he recognized a trail of scent.

"The messy and complex smell is different from the common smell of sweat, feet, and leather carried by guards. Blood, feces, vomit, and dirty clothes that have not been changed for a long time." Lan En muttered to himself.

The witcher's extraordinary senses are not always effective, at least Lan En cannot distinguish finely from these messy smells.

Perhaps by the time the Space Marine's augmentation surgery is complete, he can do it. But with the power of a witcher alone, this is the limit.

But the use of strength must be done wisely.

He does not need to be discerning in this matter.

As long as you grasp the group characteristics of the children who were abducted and imprisoned, and then distinguish them from the group characteristics of the people in the manor, you can recognize them.

A count with a terrifyingly high position, whether he is a guard or a servant, will not make them incontinent and vomit everywhere, right?

Humour, for a nobleman, is more important than life.

A servant can lose his master's property and still work, but if he loses his master's face, he has no choice but to die.

Moving in the dark blind spot, Lan gradually approached the main building of the manor.

That is a three-story building covering a large area.

The solid stone and wooden beam structure is obviously different from the brick buildings of civilians outside the manor.

This architectural style is simply based on a castle!

Only the top of the building is covered with orange-red tiles that are consistent with the buildings outside the manor.

It seems that he wants to make this place less obtrusive from the condescending perspective of the palace.

The count and the king still only have political differences.

However, it is expected that if the pro-Nilfgaardian forces in Temeria continue to grow, it is hard to say whether the count can still, or whether he wants to maintain the conflict to the level of just "political differences".

Lane felt the base of the fortress.

The smell ends here. A wall?

Whether it is messy footprints or a group-specific smell, they are all stopped abruptly in front of this wall.

Lan Ens rich experience of watching famous detectives convinced him that this was a trap wall.

If its a mechanical wall, look for signs of wear and tear.

A pair of cat eyes narrowed slightly, scanning the walls left and right. Finally, on an ordinary wall tile, Lan En found signs of wear and tear that were different from those caused by wind and rain.

This brick is often touched.

With a gentle press, the bricks will sink in.

A large piece of stone wall was opened, revealing a dark cave entrance.

This should be something to be happy about, because Lan En has found the place where the other party hides the child slave.

He was only a few steps away from rescuing these poor people.

But Lan En couldn't laugh.

Faced with a goal that he had been working hard for a long time and was almost achieved, he couldn't help but smile.

Because just standing at the entrance of this deep cave, he heard some sounds.

Some voices that have absolutely no good news.

Lan En stood at the entrance of the cave, his head lowered. After a long while, I took a deep breath and walked away.

He already had a rough idea of what he would see in this place.

And he was also mentally prepared.

The rest is to face.

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