Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 109: 108 a name

Chapter 109: 108 a name

Chapter 109 108. A name

When Lan En first came to this magical world, what frightened him the most was not the ferocious monsters, the swift werewolves, or vampires.

Its about curses, demons and mind control!

Lan En doesnt like physical monsters very much.

Although he was powerless at the time, who in his home world hasnt seen cannonball shooting and gun shooting on TV several times?

Although Lan En does not have these things, it does not prevent Lan En from regarding the power of his home world as his own when he first arrived and was ignorant.

That was one of the few things that could bring him a moment of peace of mind when he first came to this dangerous world.

But at the same time, those non-physical monsters and spells have become the things that Lan En is most uncomfortable with.

In the home world, death is death.

But here, just looking at the miserable state of those demon spirits, Lan En felt that if he was going to die, he should try to die at a time when his resentment was not so great.

Those demon spirits wandering around the human world, their wailing sounds are like they are being tortured every moment!

As for the mental spells that can completely distort and control a person's free will, it is even more chilling.

There have been many works in Homeworld describing how much better a loser can live after mastering mind control.

But Im afraid no one wants to become the sufferer and background in that kind of work.

So Lan En and Mentos worked out several mental defense plans under a huge sense of crisis.

After he later became a demon hunter and began to have common sense about extraordinary powers, most of these plans were scrapped.

Looking back now, those canceled plans are no different from castles in the air.

Just a laymans conjecture.

But there are still a few items left in case of emergencies.

The third set of mental defense records is specifically used to prevent situations that use visual media to affect the mind.

At Lan En's command, scattered color differences began to appear on his retinas.

Then it seemed that an area was determined, and the color difference turned into a dark mosaic, completely covering the lady in the lake's hyperplastic and mutated fingers under the black mosaic.

Mentos will analyze the source of mental influence in real time and adjust the position and shape of the mosaic based on the movements.

When the biggest source of mental influence was covered, Lan En's mind immediately regained its clarity.

Sir, your mental recovery efficiency and tenacity are far beyond our original imagination!

Mentos said in surprise.

Lan En was not too surprised.

"The benefits brought by the gene seeds are not only reflected in the physical body. The moment we opened the bottle cap, the unnatural phenomenon already showed that the source of the gene seeds, the Human Empire, must also have superb spiritual attainments. "

At this moment, from Lan En's perspective, the Lady in the Lake is just a large mosaic on her hand.

Then the mosaic fell off and fell on the corpse on the ground. Then the whole corpse, as if infected, turned into a large mosaic color block.

And the large mosaic also protrudes on the left and fluctuates on the right from time to time.

The covering no longer looks like human flesh, but instead looks like an octopus caught on the shore.

Squirming softly.

There is a strong smell of sea inexplicably in the air. The sunshine is still bright and bright, but it gives people a dirty feeling full of mold and dust.

Like a piece of frosted glass covered with oil and dust.

Beside the lady in the lake, Miss Nymph no longer dared to turn around and look, only exposing her beautiful back.

Looking at the way her shoulders were shaking, you could tell that even without looking at it, this pervasive feeling was still tormenting her mind.

But for Lan En to activate his mental defense measures now

Retro photo filter, now on!

You can't see the true appearance of the changes, but your spirit is still strong and upright. These mental pollutions are just for the blind to look at.

By the time Urbank's body on the ground had completely turned into a "puddle", the lady in the lake's fingers had already separated from the mosaic color blocks.

Restore to its original green appearance.

Seeing that Lan En only hammered his hand with his fist, and then there was no abnormality in the whole process, the lady nodded with a satisfied smile.

"You can ask him one question, just one. Affected by Dagon's power, his mental structure can only support this point." The lady in the lake turned back to the pool, hugged the nymph and patted her back, soothing her. Mental panic.

Lan En narrowed his eyes slightly and approached the mosaic on the ground in his vision.

Just enough, I only have one question.

When Lan En faced the lady in the lake, the expression on his face could not be called close, but the due respect and friendliness were in place.

But when he approached the body that could no longer be seen clearly, the expression on his face completely changed.

This corpse once led a tribe of cannibals, cutting up and hanging countless people like pigs to dry.

They also gathered people to kidnap young children, torture and train them into "gift boxes" with bow ties, and give them to "well-meaning masters".

Lan En actually didnt have much contact with him.

But he can also see that this person is not bad, he is just greedy.

As long as bad things can satisfy his greed, he will do his best to become bad.

People always say, "There is nothing wrong with those who pursue a better life."

When Urbank was alive, he couldn't understand why Lan En was so determined to kill him and no one gave him money, right?

But this logic is completely fluent for Lan En himself.

You think that for the sake of your own good life, you can trample on the lives of others.

You feel that you are working for a big shot, so no one dares to care about you even if you do bad things.

That's not a coincidence, man.

I saw!

I'll take care of it!

Give me a name, Ubank.

Lann's voice was calm and firm.

Thugs must be killed, and the boss of the entire slave trade chain must be killed no matter what his background is.

The name of the big boss.

The voice of the dead man was calm, and his remaining spirit was almost completely corroded by Dagon's power.

Nowadays, its just a matter of reacting with the power of a lady.

In the "gurgling" sound of his throat, which was like drowning, he spit out a long name.

Count Prince Prinslav Stesa.

After saying this, the mosaic in Lan En's eyes suddenly expanded.

Because the corpse covered by the mosaic disintegrated into an even more shapeless shape in an instant.

By the end, the pure black mosaic color blocks in Lan En's eyes had disappeared.

On the ground in front of him, there was only a pool of filthy pus, vaguely outlining traces of some kind of "creature".

"I have dissolved it. The power that interferes with the soul comes from Dagon. I cannot let it remain in the world."

It seems that as the body disintegrates, the surrounding environment suddenly changes and returns to normal.

Miss Nymphs back also stopped trembling.

Did you get the answer you wanted, Lan?

The Lady of the Lake asked the witcher a question while patting her messenger on the back.

This answer is crisp and clear.

Lan En tightened his gloves, making a crunching sound as the leather was squeezed.

He showed his sunny and handsome face to the lady in the lake.

Maam, Im very satisfied.

But the sunshine is not warm, but is like the setting sun stained with blood. The murderous intention is blazing!

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Thanks to the Shadow of Tianshang, Han Dai, Absolute Chaos, Servant of the Sword, and book friend 160218195924010 for the 100-point reward!

Thank you book friend 20190911211232400 for the 500-point reward for just a game!

Thanks to Yu Sheng Wo Shang for the 1000 point reward!


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