Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

Chapter 222 Hear her voice

222 Hear her voice

Gabriel heard from Enzo that Janine was in the Alvarez mansion and didn't want to leave. Ferdinand wasn't home so maybe its time for Gabriel to show Sabrina who her enemies are. Although he didn't want to do it and intend to protect her—he has to show her that at least since it's part of the plan. When he recall her plans, she noted the possibilities of conflicts that they will go through. His wife was very calculative and he wonder where she got it from.

"Brina, baby." Gabriel shook her. Sabrina open her heavy eyelids. "Let's go to your old house."

"Why? I feel lazy."

"How about I carry you? Enzo prepare dinner for us."

"Hmm." She grab his arm and hug it.

"Come on… Enzo made your favorites."

"How did he learn to cook?" She mutter and sat up. She held up her hands for him to carry her. He did carry her as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and shove her face on his neck.

He smile. His koala wife is back. Now he understand. Even when they were dating she was like this. So he already met her innocent attitude. He kisses her temple. The bump on her stomach isn't that big but she did gain weight and it's good.

He choose clothes for her and she was happy. He call their driver as they went to the Alvarez mansion. Along the driveway, Sabrina beside him clung unto his arm and rubbed herself like a kitten. Gabriel couldn't help but to be over joyed on whatever she's doing. If it was other men they would get annoyed besides she's been like this since they left the house.


Francisco arrive at their safe house with cold sweat. He sat down on his chair. His heart was beating crazily and his whole body was shaking. How can he not be like this when he saw Ana? But she's dead and everyone saw her body and even DNA test confirm her body.

Someone is messing up his head. Then he thought of Veronica. What day is it? She should be dead by now. EPUA will never find a cure for it because the cure was in a very safe place. Although he wanted to trade it with a thing to EPUA he didn't want Vanessa to live.

"Call Marga." He demanded Glenn. Glenn did call Marga and it ring for few moments. Then he gave it to Franciso. "Where's your mother now?" Francisco asked.

"She's here in Alvarez Mansion. She doesn't want to leave."

"Is there anything suspicious inside?"

"Not that I know of. The only suspicious is on how Catriona seduce Enzo."

"I don't give a shit about them. Where's Ferdinand?"

"He's out of town. I am sure if he's here—he would be glad that mom is back. Oh! I saw a familiar car… it's Lawson."

Francisco's eyes darkens. He had known from Glenn that Lawson took over their project and even report it to the government. The government are on hunt for them and not just that, Calvin Ivanov learn that he killed Guinevere. The thought makes him laugh.

"Keep them close to you."

"Okay." Then Marga hang up. The only thing that he could trust was himself and Glenn.

"What if Ana is alive?" Francisco asked.

Glenn remain quiet but his eyes show his emotions. He wasn't afraid of it but if Francisco knows that he **** the woman with five other five, he will be in rage. No one can touch Ana but Francisco. That's what he told them.

"Then I have to find her first before Ferdinand does." He mutter to himself. He wasn't even sure if Anastasia was alive. But he wanted to find her dead or alive. But then his subconscious talks to him. What is there to find when she was never gone but already a dust underground.

"She's dead." Glenn said. Because he saw it himself how Janine pull the trigger though Anastasia wasn't hit directly through the brain or through her heart… no one could help her after she was burnt down with the house. "Maybe someone is messing with your head."

"Right… right… Sabrina…" Francisco said. "She did all this."

"Sabrina doesn't have her memory." Glenn said. He thought that Francisco is just getting paranoid.

"Then who?!" He screams. "What if she's just pretending not to have her memories?" Then he snapped his finger. "Lawson… this is all Lawson's doing."

Glenn have a second thought but he doesn't know how to start. But Anastasia is dead. He was sure of that.


Sabrina and Gabriel arrive at the Alvarez Mansion. She look around and noticed there are a lot of changes. Then in the living room are dogs and they howl and run to them. Sabrina's eyes widens and cuddle wit the dogs. Gabriel smile from her childishness.

He saw Janine and Marga in the living room sipping some wine. He remain calm and when Janine saw him she stood and make sure that she was on his good side but she wasn't. Gabriel only nods and look at them. He glance at Sabrina who was too fond of them. He doesn't want to leave his wife alone with them.

Sabrina was too occupied to notice the two. Gabriel turn to Sabrina.

"Brina, darling." Gabby calls.

"Hmm? They are fluffy." She said with big smile.

"Baby, come here." Sabrina stood and went to him.

"What?" She frowns. Then she glance at Marga and Janine. She suddenly feel chills and then she blink twice and trice until she saw the mark of her dressing. Dior. Even Marga wear as well. "Who are they? Are they Enzo's visitors?" She asked.


"Babe!" Enzo squeal as he run toward Sabrina, topless and only has an apron. He started kissing her face. "I cook your favorite."

"I am hungry." Sabrina said in a very serious voice. "I didn't know that you have visitors." She said.

"Uh…" Enzo glance at them. "They aren't visitors."

"What do you mean?" She asked. Gabriel saw Catriona with her walking stick.

"I am going to explain it after dinner so let's eat? I am sure that you are super hungry with the baby and Gabby looks grumpy."

"He looks grumpy?" Sabrina asked.

Janine was baffled as she watch Sabrina talk. She just hear her voice and it was angelic. The bitch could talk. Then Sabrina keep looking at them as she clung to Gabriel.


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