Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 113: Marigold’s melody.

Case 113: Marigold’s melody.

''Hm... hm...''

Amidst the bright, flaring lights reflected from all directions, a woman's gentle hums resonated. Her steps, as light as feathers, took her across the vast land.

Today, the crystal forest was dazzling, too.

As dazzling as it was, it also bore a shade of sorrow. The glamorous yet hardly alive shells of each tree, each plant, each piece of rock, each breath of cold air...

It used to be warm.

The forest used to be just another forest—a forest of the phoenixes. A place of infinite lives. A place of the esteemed phoenixes.

Today, every remaining individual of the race could recall the day that calamity struck. That day, an entity that threatened the whole continent's survival woke up from its slumber, and coincidentally, the forest stood right in its first step.

Even so, many didn't correctly evaluate the calamity, leading to most of the continent's forces leaving the phoenixes to fend off by themselves. It didn't help that the residents of the forest, known for their haughtiness around the world, had few allies.

It was solely because of her close relationship with Kierra that the phoenixes weren't being turned into crystals like the forest itself.

'Thinking back, I was really stupid back then, huh...'

A young, inspired princess of a proud race. She flew across the continent, searching for opponents to have bouts with.

She was hardly stoppable.

But that was only until she met Kierra, who was undoubtedly the most sensational wizard of that era. The archwizard, who held little regard for anyone other than herself and her lover, burned Diamante together with her flame to ashes. 

Confused, sure, yet the more she interacted with the cocky wizard, the more she was drawn in.

It took a while for Diamante to realize her feelings, but it took even longer for an opportunity to arise. Right after news of the most powerful couple's breakup reached her ears, she got to work.

Even then, the seduction methods the clumsy princess used were embarrassing. One would not expect her, a proud fighter at the time, to try so hard to fake silly accidents to create skinship.

But now... they became good memories.


These days, Kierra was on a streak, changing women day by day. Maybe thanks to that, Diamante felt a bit lonely. But it was alright. Now, she knew Kierra would be here at some point, making these strolls filled with longing much better than the years she spent roaming around aimlessly, knowing her lover wouldn't be here.

Nevertheless, she couldn't help but dream.

For a time when Kierra would be sitting on that old rock that she used to sit on, absorbed in a book. And when Diamante approached her, she would gently close the pages and say with a smile...



''What are you doing there? Come here.''

Although confused about Kierra's unexpected appearance, Diamante quickly trotted over, throwing herself into the archwizard's embrace. Almost immediately, she could tell that this was the real Kierra.

After all, there was other women's scent on her.


''Idiot Kierra.''


For a while, Kierra had to endure the adorable protest that came in the form of kissing, licking, and sniffing.

'She really is similar to a dog, huh...'

Especially when her hair was this fluffy, none could resist making correlations between the two. Afterward, the duo spent a good chunk of time idling on the rock, intertwining their warmth.

''It's been a long time since I've come here.'' Kierra mused. ''It really didn't change at all.''

''Mhm... by the way, is the work in Lilienthal going well?''

''Yes. From what I can see, the cult's influence is dropping rapidly. Goes to show the power of propaganda, I suppose.''

''That's good. If you need me to go on television and push the message, I can do it. My influence is still massive, you know.''

At this point, Kierra deliberately scratched her chin, appearing to be deep in thought.

''Maybe not. The war is imminent. There are no real benefits to doing that at this stage.'' She replied. ''The tower masters are all preparing to bring troops to the other side, too, so we need to be vigilant as our forces are reduced.''


''You seem bored.''


Chuckling, Kierra stood up and held her little lover's hand. With a mellow expression, she said,

''Shall we go on a walk?''

The Crystal Forest was full of trees made from crystals, but it wasn't entirely like that.

Every now and then, there would be landmarks built by the phoenixes, be it parks, gardens, or other structures. Some of them were built after calamity struck, so they remained un-crystalized.

Much like this pond, which the two reached after exploring other areas of the forest.

''Hu... this is nice.''

There needed not overly romantic times for a day to be considered fulfilling for a couple. For some, it was the quiet, cuddly time that became their favorite.

Kierra could enjoy any, but the fluffy pink one in her arms certainly seemed to like the stillness. It looked as though she would fall asleep at any moment. In an almost instinctual response, the archwizard's hand moved to caress the woman's back, earning some purrs in the process.

Bit by bit, she also became accustomed to the scene, her eyes absentmindedly staring at the rainbow frogs jumping atop the lilypads in the distance.


Maybe it was this tranquil mood that she had missed. 

Her heart was beating calmly, but it resonated with a frequency of happiness. Slowly, she relaxed herself on the bench, closing her eyes... and still.

When she opened them again, the lights reflected by the crystal trees were bearing a different hue—an orange sunset.

'...Did I fall asleep?'

Looking below, the little phoenix was also deep in her dreamland, heaving little steady breaths on her chest. For whatever reason, her second heart decided to adjust to that breathing, beating at the same pace as that.

Kierra once again closed her eyelids, choosing to drown in this peace for a bit longer... just before another calamity descended.



The synchronized heartbeats spread a soft aura to the surroundings, attracting many small animals to enjoy the almost musical-like notes. Amidst all of that, the couple sat still.

''Hm~ hm~''

At some point, the unconscious Diamante also joined in, chirping soothing notes to the world.

Notes so peaceful they mesmerized even the once-thought-to-be hardened trees, making their leaves rattle.

Notes so powerful they provoked ripples on the pond's water, starling the frogs.

And notes so hopeful they rang across the face of time into the future.

They were, by any definition, the desires of the little phoenix princess to pursue a future in which she could be with her beloved, all poured into a breathtaking melody.


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