Angel Monarch

Chapter 174: Serpent of Time

While the two leaders talked at the front the cohort began to mingle with Sera's team... or at least two members of said team. Hector just walked about a dozen meters behind everyone, watching Sera talk and occasionally laugh with David.

At this point his head took a permanent shade of red. Kathy constantly looked back at him waiting for the moment when the veins would finally explode from the high blood pressure.

He noticed these glances as well, and it quickly reminded him of yesterdays fight. Seeing him get even angrier brought a deep satisfaction to Kathy.

As she was about to laugh at his misery she heard something ahead. In the next second both Sera and David appeared next to the group.

"Heads up everyone! We have company!" Said David. The whole Cohort went into high alert within the next second, like a well oiled machine.

Kathy changed as well, this time into a large wolf-like beast with wings. This was purely something she had made. There were very few forms that she had personally thought out since it was nearly impossible to create new creatures from scratch, but she could still combine already existing appendages from many different beings.

She called this form, Wolfdragon. It was a fitting name since the wing designs were literally stolen from a dragon. Her size was also huge about 3 meter tall and 5 meter long, with a wingspan of 7 meters.

The cohort looked at her with a bit of surprise, but they quickly turned back to their deathly serious selves.

Percy changed into his energy form as well and Hector transformed into his fiend looking self.

Sera looked at all of them for a moment, then just leaned against a tree and watched the show. In her opinion this fight wouldn't last long enough, so she didn't need to involve herself.

For a moment David looked at her curiously, but then understood her intentions. By not doing anything she was hiding the fact that her essence count still wasn't full.

That was the only reason why she wouldn't fight. While walking Sera told him about the order from Harold, so it didn't make sense why she wouldn't take this opportunity to kill more monsters. But if her essence wasn't full it explained everything.

They were still about 200 kilometers away from the gathering point, Tekirdag. They will hundred percent need to fight a lot more and she had the biggest reserve count out of all of them. They needed her at full strength which meant she couldn't fight little skirmishes like this.

In front of the group about a kilometer away a small horde of monsters were closing in fast.

The twelve members of the Ouroboros Cohort summoned their weapons. Four people had towershields and spears, another four had swords of different kinds, one longsword, one katana, one rapier and one khopesh. The last four summoned different types of ranged weapons.

Their coordination was impeccable, within seconds they connected their shields protecting the ranged users behind. The four swordsman stayed at the sides of the small shieldwall, keeping the monsters from circling around.

Sera's team was much worse in this aspect. Kathy took to the skies and dropped behind the approaching horde, massacring them from the back. Percy just did his usual murder rain attack. Hector, the dumbest of them all, ran straight into the middle of the enemy formation.

He seemed to be very angry and needed to let off steam the only way he knew how... by killing!

Slowly Sera shook her head watching the pure incompetence of her group. They were strong for ascended, but in a real battle individual strength had no real merit. A weaker team with incredible coordination could easily defeat them.

Sera learnt about this the hard way in the siege of Rome. Those five elites the United Front sent against her was nearly a death sentence even though their individual power was only a fraction of hers.

She was glad that in a month or two she could finally have a much better team in the form of the Angelic Order. Nobody, even Bran had no idea about the rigorous training each member had to go through.

Quickly she stopped her thoughts to reveal anything important. There was still the possibility of Harold monitoring her mind, which meant she had to focus it on the current situation.

For a second or two David contemplated the form he wanted to fight in. Eventually he decided to go with his 25 meter long black serpent form.

His whole body froze for a moment, then it gradually increased in size until he became the black serpent. His eyes stayed the same whirlpool, but they of course adapted to the gigantic body of the snake.

Unlike Sera's own team, he didn't attack the middle of the enemy horde. Instead he moved towards the right side.

The monsters looked to be some strange reptile and mammal combination. Gorilla-like arms and legs, lizard heads and turtle bodies. They also had long barbed tails which swept from side to side as they ran.

The Ouroboros Cohort held their formation as they closed in. From the back the four ascended began to pepper the enemy with salvos of many different types of projectiles. Some of them exploded, some pierced through multiple monsters at once, some just simply left gore in their wake.

When the monsters had gotten close enough, the shield-bearing ones moved closer and began to stab the monsters.

Sera didn't know what enchantment their shields held, but even the gorilla arms couldn't sweep them out of the way.

On each side the two sword-bearers finally began their attacks too. Their weapons left the enemies in strange almost stunned state. Some even went berserk attacking their fellow monsters.

The cohort cut through the onslaught with relative ease.

Farther ahead David was killing the enemies without any trouble. They couldn't even get close to him. Each time they tried their whole body would stop moving and with one sweep of his tail, or one snap of his maw, they would literally disintegrate.

They didn't freeze literally, or get stunned. The best way to describe them is that they had been frozen in time.

David's ability was really scary. In a specific range he could stop anybody in time, until his essence lasted. The stronger the enemy the more essence it would take to keep the freeze up.

For example he could freeze an evolved for probably months with his reserves, but an ascended would only get frozen for a dozen or maybe only a few minutes depending on their strength. A transcended would get frozen for probably a little over ten seconds, but could be less.

These monsters were at most corrupted, which meant their essence usage was quite small.

Sera looked as the giant snake's eyes glowed and swirled, they were mesmerizing to look at.

He froze another dozen monsters and with one tail swipe killed them all. His destruction capabilities weren't even near Sera's level, but he had one thing she didn't...

He could freeze even transcended, which would come really handy in the near future. One of the main reasons Sera had dared to involve him was his power, second only to his personality.

David was older than her, he was born right at the end of the Last War. He had been an evolved for far longer than her too and he had seen a lot more cruelty in this world than most.

The first time she had met him was about one and a half years ago. Back then she wasn't sure what to do. Her mind was still partially under Harold's control, so going against him seemed out of the question.

After the attack they had both contributed to, they had spent the rest of the day talking.

She had quickly realized how similar their worldviews were, but only after another half year did she send someone with an offer to join her in a revolution.

Watching him fight and kill now, only reinforced her notion of having him on her team.

After there were only about two dozen monsters left he froze all of them in time and let his cohort take them out. This was the real power of David, the Serpent of Time... His leadership ability and great understanding of battles.

If Sera was considered an amazing general with only victories, he was a perfect one with victories much greater than hers.

For a revolution she needed to account for a lot of things. First was the citizens, whos support she needed to be successful. Second was her army which needed to be strong and well supplied. The third was the actual battles and tactics, she needed the best general for that task.

Even David didn't know how big of a role he will play in the upcoming war.

People think that this war between the Federal Alliance and United Front is bad... They have no idea how worse it will be when her faction finally reveals itself.

These were only the Sparks of War, but she will make sure the Flames will soon ignite and burn all who stand against it!


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