After My Favorability Level Is Up to the Top

Chapter 128

Chapter 128 - Ye Cike Shen Sifan

“Did you send the letter?”

Xun Yimu asked lightly.

Xuegang assisted Xun Yimu in donning her garments, carefully arranging the undergarments and draping the light blue brocade underlayers. The gentle fabric adhered to the young girl's form, enhancing her smooth and fair complexion.

Despite her slight and delicate physique, the young girl possessed graceful curves. As her attire partially concealed her, the dim illumination accentuated her slender waist and shapely thighs, exuding an allure bridging youth and womanhood.

The candlelight shrouded her pale countenance, casting a delicate pink hue that concealed any imperfections and accentuated her exquisite and exceptionally beautiful face.

Xuegang's gaze traced over the young master's figure, and her ears and heart raced. She mused that when the young master grew older, he would undoubtedly become a matchless beauty. Had it not been for his birth into the Profound Yin Family, he would have undoubtedly garnered numerous admirers.

That contemptible man who had abandoned the young master must have been a scoundrel of unparalleled rarity within the entire Upper Central Realm.

Not only had he employed some mysterious method to pilfer the Profound Yang Bead, but he had also stolen the young master's heart and departed without a farewell.

Every time Xuegang dwelled on this matter, anger welled up within her. If she ever encountered this individual, she vowed to restrain him and administer a severe whipping to vent her fury.

In truth, the young master had never harbored affection for that person; perhaps it was for the best…

Those from the Profound Yin Family who fell in love were fated to meet dire ends… Curses, curses, curses.

Xuegang covertly muttered a few jinxes to dispel her misfortune. She swiftly fastened the Young Lord's belt and remarked, “I delivered your message earlier. We've already arranged the evening visit. In reality, the Destiny's Song Sword Cultivator isn't as frightening as the rumors suggest. She readily agreed and spoke with great courtesy and gentleness. She possesses a rather handsome appearance… Though, not as captivating as Young Master, of course.”

Xun Yimu shook her head and attached the jade pendant to her waist. “I'm only skilled in idle chatter. In a few days, I'll have you return and trade places with Hui'er.”

Xuegang veiled the young girl's head with a veil hat and playfully implored, “Young Master, please spare me. I'd rather not go back and endure boredom. It's a rare opportunity for me to step out and explore.”

“Alright, alright, I knew you couldn't withstand the solitude and wouldn't leave my side.” It was a rare sight to see Xun Yimu smile. She glanced at the outdoors and inquired, “Did you locate the list of names?”

Xuegang nodded and replied, “It's right here.”

As she spoke, she retrieved the list of names concealed in her sleeve and handed it to Xun Yimu.

Xun Yimu scanned the list and spotted the name of Night's Fall Sword City Lord, Fang Xiang.

Furthermore, her request was to secure a private chamber in the inner hall.

“… “Xia Shui also frequented the Oriental Lychee Tavern at this particular time of day, didn't he?” Xun Yimu's eyes gleamed with curiosity.

Xuegang replied, “Yes, according to the Oriental Lychee Tavern's records, Xia Shui spent the night in City Lord Fang's chamber on that day.”

“However, based on the information we've uncovered, this Xia Shui originally hailed from a well-off mortal family in a small corner of Veplon Country. His family had faced some financial difficulties, and it's said that he received generous support from Fang Xiang. He was even able to cultivate… To put it bluntly, Fang Xiang had been his guardian since childhood. His participation in the Sword Singing Conference this time is undoubtedly linked to his desire to enter Night's Fall Sword City.”

“Da Da Da.”

Xun Yimu stepped into the carriage and halted momentarily. Concealed under her hat, her expression remained unchanged as she said, “I comprehend.”

After Xuegang finished her report, she gently tugged on the reins. Two snow-white Strange Beasts began to move forward.

Seated within the carriage, Xun Yimu absorbed the faint fragrance around her, her thoughts flowing.

Xia Shui's background appeared quite innocent. If he indeed had such a connection with Fang Xiang, it could explain how he managed to traverse Jolcana Road in half a cup of tea's time.

It wasn't necessarily due to his innate talent. Fang Xiang might have orchestrated everything. After all, she was still a 9-star swordsmith of the Sword Pavilion, making it relatively easy for her to navigate the “questions” posed in the Jolcana Road trial.

Nevertheless, the enigma of the word ‘Jun' remained unsolved.

Xun Yimu had meticulously analyzed the brush strokes and discerned the profound affection contained within.

If such deep emotions truly existed, why would she choose to support a gigolo?

City Lord Fang didn't seem like the sort of person who would engage in such activities.

Xun Yimu organized all the information she had gathered over the past few days. In fact, a kernel of truth had already begun to emerge.

The final piece of the puzzle needed to be provided by the Destiny's Song Sword Cultivator, who had also visited the Oriental Lychee Tavern on that particular day.

Profound Yin Young Lord's eyes radiated a strong sense of determination and confidence.


Sun Fen sat silently in her room, gazing at the courtyard beyond the wooden door. She cast her eyes downward and extended her hand to touch the Green Lotus Sword resting on her lap.

It was early summer.

Night's Fall Sword City's summer nights were adorned with stars that sparkled like shattered dust, while insects hummed in the background. The refreshing breeze lent an air of calmness to the surroundings.

The atmosphere in the Livingbow Residence was quite pleasant, but regardless, Sun Fen couldn't help but sense a tinge of restlessness in her heart.

Recalling that Fang Xiang had arranged this place for her stay, she couldn't shake off a feeling of reluctance.

Ever since the day she failed to apprehend the adulterer, she had harbored an inexplicable sentiment towards Fang Xiang.

She wasn't sure if it was because she had been filled with rage at that time, ultimately suppressing her internal injuries, or if it stemmed from the negative impact of Fang Xiang's tarnished image.

Images from that moment occasionally flashed in her mind, unable to be suppressed.

During those moments, the faces of everyone involved flickered before her eyes, finally settling on Xia Shui's alarmed and rigid expression.

The fear she had witnessed didn't appear to be solely a result of being caught and violated; it felt more like… recognition.

Sun Fen believed her intuition was undoubtedly accurate, yet Fang Xiang's words continued to reverberate in her mind, leaving her feeling conflicted.


Sun Fen let out a deep sigh and furrowed her brow. Guo Xiaobo, oh Guo Xiaobo, he truly was her emotional entanglement and even her inner demon.

If she couldn't resolve this issue, even if she managed to reach the ninth level of the Green Lotus Sword Song, in the future when she confronted the inner demon tribulation of the Tribulation Passing Stage, it could potentially render her completely powerless.

Nevertheless, all of these concerns paled in comparison.

Most importantly, an inescapable sadness weighed heavily on her heart.

The initial murderous intent had already dissipated. The longer she remained here, the more helpless and uneasy she felt.

What did it matter that the Blue Lotus Sword was renowned as the best in the world?

At this moment, all she desired was to locate him promptly and convey to him that he should no longer hide. She wanted to return with him to Blistook Pavilion or perhaps even seek a secluded place to reside.

Sun Fen snapped out of her reverie and realized that her breathing had quickened. She chuckled self-mockingly. She had pressured him excessively.

She couldn't do anything but continuously delude herself. In a world without Guo Fan, Sun Fen could still secretly hold someone's hand beneath the setting sun.

The Destiny's Song Sword Cultivator's expression couldn't help but display a tinge of loneliness.

Just outside the entrance.

The clip-clop of hooves came to a halt. A young lady, elegantly attired, stepped down from the carriage, supported by the maid who had delivered the invitation card.

She walked up to the door and respectfully bowed, “I am Xun Yimu of the Profound Yin Family. I've come to inquire about some matters. I hope the Destiny's Song Sword Cultivator will be willing to provide guidance without reservation.”


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