After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 114:

Chapter 114:

In the main hall

You are asking me to test someone on military strategy?

Weichi Gong, who was eight feet tall with dark skin, looked down at Cheng Yaojin as if he was looking at a simpleton.

Everyone knew Weichi Gong was known for being simple and straightforward.

We are brave and strong in battle, unafraid to face anyone head-on. But do you think its reasonable for me to compare military strategies with someone like you? Cheng Yaojin said.

Weichi Gong said irritably, Are you purposely trying to make fun of me? When it comes to military strategy, Im about comparable with you. If youre uncertain about something, wouldnt it be just as embarrassing for me if I did it?

I have no choice. That kid is cunning. If I dont address this issue, I, as a great general, wont be able to hold my position! Cheng Yaojins face showed bitterness and helplessness.

Weichi Gong pondered for a moment and said, Then lets go find Uncle Bao. He should have a solution.

Cheng Yaojin didnt try to sugarcoat things either. He had come to Weichi Gong first, but he didnt really expect Weichi Gong to step in for him.

However, Weichi Gong was straightforward and didnt have many ulterior motives. While Cheng Yaojin had good relations with other military leaders, he wasnt as likable as Weichi Gong. Therefore, he specifically invited Weichi Gong to assist him.

Soon after, they left and headed straight to Qin Qiongs residence. In no time, they arrived at Qin Qiongs mansion.

After hearing Cheng Yaojins explanation, Qin Qiong was extremely surprised.

If someone like you, who praises impressive combat skills, calls him remarkable, Su Li must be extraordinary. Cheng Yaojin, in terms of combat skills, how skilled is Su Li? Qin Qiong asked.

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojins face turned red.

How skilled was he?

Well, Lao Cheng personally went up, but he couldnt gauge the depth of Su Lis skill. He was knocked down with one kick, so he had no reference point. How could he describe him to Qin Qiong?

Cheng Yaojins eyes darted around, then carefully said, Lets put it this way, even if seven or eight versions of me were combined, I think its still not enough for that kid to fight.

Qin Qiong and Weichi Gong were both shocked. This consort was something else. It seemed that the Tang Dynasty would have a peerless warrior emerging!

After thinking for a moment, Qin Qiong understood why Cheng Yaojin hurried to seek outside help.

Throughout history, it was widely believed by the land elites that acquiring both literary and martial skills and serving the royal family was the path to survival. They could not just focus on martial arts to serve the emperor. Even someone as powerful as Xiang Yu had to admit that no matter how strong a person was, they could only take on a hundred enemies.

Strategic warfare was the true skill that could make one an enemy of thousands. Therefore, Qin Qiong didnt believe that Su Li, who devoted himself to cultivating martial arts, would be ignorant in the art of war. On the contrary, he was likely to have considerable proficiency in it. How could someone who gained fame through poetry be a fool? With Su Lis intelligence, who knew to what extent he had studied the art of war?

The more Qin Qiong thought about it, the more he realized that Su Lis depth was unimaginable. Originally, after hearing Cheng Yaojins plea, he was eager to go and assess the young talents in the army. But now, he couldnt be too confident about it. He needed to be cautious and not take anything for granted.

He decided, Since the goal is not just to win but to ensure no room for failure, we must take every precaution. I also lack this confidence, so lets seek the help of the pharmacist.

In the mansion of the Duke of Dai, in the study room, Li Jing was reading alone after having lunch. At this moment, he had recently returned from successfully defeating the Eastern Turkic forces, earning him the title of Duke of Dai and high honors. However, Li Jing wasnt letting this success get to his head.

He knew that he had made mistakes in the past, even betraying when Li Yuan rebelled. Despite joining the Tang army and achieving victories later, he was aware of the lingering distrust between him and the rulers. He had risen in the ranks due to Li Ers trust and won battles, but his past mistakes haunted him.

Li Jing had isolated himself, avoiding social interactions and focusing on his duties. His residence, once bustling, had become desolate due to his reclusive nature. Despite this, he found comfort in his current way of life.

However, today was different. He woke up with a sense of unease and restlessness. Unable to concentrate, he considered taking a break to refresh his mind. The housekeepers voice reached him from outside the door, delivering unsettling news.

Master, theres trouble many generals have arrived outside and demand to see you.

Li Jings heart skipped a beat as he rose from his seat and approached the door, asking with a furrowed brow, Whats the matter?

The housekeeper looked terrified as he responded, Many generals have gathered outside, and they are causing a commotion, insisting on seeing you.

Li Jing was momentarily surprised.

In todays times, when nobles visited each other, it was customary to send advance notice of their intention to visit. The notice would specify the year, month, and day they plan to visit and the reason for their visit. It was considered impolite to visit someone without sending this notice. Even if fellow soldiers had a strong camaraderie, such formalities were not usually required in normal interactions.

Given that Li Jing had been isolating himself behind closed doors for quite some time, even the most obtuse person would have understood his stance. In this situation, who would suddenly show up at his residence? Moreover, according to the housekeeper, quite a few of them had come. Could something significant have happened in the military?

With his heart racing, Li Jing didnt bother to scold the housekeeper. He hurriedly made his way to the entrance of the mansion. Soon, he was facing a chaotic scene. Generals like Qin Qiong, Duke of Yi, Weichi Gong, Duke of Wu, Cheng Yaojin, Duke of Su, Duan Xuanzhi, Duke of Fan, Liu Hongji, Duke of Kui, Zhang Liang, Duke of Changping, and others were all gathered there. All the prominent generals in Changan had turned up.

Li Jing felt his head spinning. He had been concerned about Li Ers suspicion of him and thought that these military comrades would understand his intentions and avoid him. But now, they had all assembled at his residence, seemingly poised for a meeting.

He wondered if he had somehow provoked their anger. Could they possibly resent him so much? All these renowned military leaders had come to his home and seemed ready to hold a gathering.

Li Jing couldnt make sense of the situation, regardless of their intentions. This unexpected gathering of high-ranking military figures at his residence was not normal.

If His Majesty knew about this situation, what would he think? Once his mind had cleared, Li Jing swiftly made a decision. He realized that regardless of how much these people blabbered, he wouldnt involve himself in whatever they were planning. After all, they had come all this way, and it wouldnt be courteous to deny them entry.

Li Jing let them all into the courtyard, instructing the housekeeper not to close the main gate due to the large number of people. Since the main hall couldnt accommodate everyone, he opted to converse with them in the courtyard.

Why have you all come today? Li Jing straightforwardly asked while keenly observing everyones expressions. He noticed something peculiar. Besides Cheng Yaojins worried expression, everyone else seemed quite cheerful, as if they were amused by something.


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