After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 104:

Chapter 104:

Whether those poems were genuinely Su Lis creations or not became inconsequential.

Once Su Lis words were out, every poet would view him as an adversary!

If he called them well-frogs, then in his eyes, what were they?

Both of them were poets, and even if he wrote somewhat better, it didnt warrant such disdain, did it?

Throughout history, no one stood alone in literature or martial arts. It had to be said, with just one sentence, Su Li managed to offend readers everywhere!

Now, lets see how he dealt with the aftermath!

Yang Qingbai looked at Su Li with a somewhat malicious satisfaction. Seeing his smug expression, Su Li couldnt help but laugh.

He said Su Lis style wasnt consistent. Lacked life experience? Poetry should reflect inner thoughts.

Su Li told them what true literary elegance was and how to make words come alive!

My style went far beyond these limitations!

At this point, Su Li picked up a wine jar at hand. He casually broke the seal and took a few hearty sips.

Your most famous poem is about wine. So Ill use wine as the theme!

Su Li glanced sideways at Yang Qingbai and began speaking loudly.

Su Li, with a hundred poems on wine, sleeps in taverns along the streets of Changan. When summoned by the Emperor, he declines the boat, proclaiming himself a wine deity.

As his words fell, everyone was astonished.

Yang Qingbai found himself gaping in disbelief.

He had come on behalf of Zhangsun Chong to invite Su Li to a poetry event. However, Su Li responded with a poem of his own.

In just four lines, it exuded an overwhelming audacity. Declining even the Emperors request to meet, insinuating himself as a deity of wine.

At that moment, a hushed silence fell across the room. But this was only the beginning.

Those who abandon me, yesterdays day must not linger

A pot of wine amidst the flowers, I drink alone with no companions. I raise my cup to invite the bright moon, facing my reflection. We become three persons

If the bright moon could be had, I would raise my cup to ask the clear sky

Furious, hair disheveled, leaning on the railing, the drizzling rain finally stops

A thousand-layered pagoda stands on the mountain. At the roosters crowing, the sun shall rise

Dont worry about the road ahead. You dont know yourself. No one in the world knows you!

Grapes and wine in a night glass, want to drink lute right away

Sun over mountains, Yellow River flows into the sea

Mountain ranges become peaks, near and far, heights differ

One famous poem after another flowed from Su Lis lips.

In the garden of the Princess Mansion, the night breeze blew, causing a slight chill. But everyone felt a wave of warmth throughout their bodies.

Their hearts raced as if ready to burst forth. Most women at the poetry gathering clutched their chests, their faces flushed as they gazed at Su Li.

Changles eyes were filled with a dreamy admiration for her husband standing in the center, radiating charisma.

Su Li, reciting those timeless masterpieces, looked both commanding and captivating. With each recitation, Su Lis presence shone like a beacon, causing an unrelenting surge of emotion. His words immersed everyone in a world of literary brilliance. Astonished faces turned to Su Li, captivated by his performance.

Do you think I intended to antagonize all scholars when I spoke those words?

Youre mistaken. From now on, they will revere me like a deity!

Whether Cao Zijian truly possesses exceptional talent, no one can prove it.

But I, Su Li, can prove it!

After all, standing behind me is a legacy of brilliant culture spanning over a thousand years in the land of Xia! Su Li said.

Before the Four Great Talents of early Tang emerged, in the fourth year of the Zhenguan era, you wanted to compete with me in poetry.

Can you really compare?

You cant. You dont have that capability!

Apart from Su Lis continuous recitation, there was complete silence in the garden of the Princess Mansion. A group of maids who had been instructed in advance were diligently transcribing.

Even though they were copying at an impressive speed, they struggled to keep up with Su Lis pace. Someone would take a poem and post it on the wall next to the mansions entrance whenever a poem was copied.

Zhangsun Chong wanted to tarnish Su Lis reputation, so he aimed for a grand spectacle.

But Su Li didnt need that!

All he had to do was post his own poems at the entrance, and people would naturally come.

Tangs poetic charm is unmatched!

Poems that could stand the test of time carry an enchantment of their own. At first, passersby were puzzled by the servants posting poems at the door. Some lingered, captivated by a glance, unwilling to tear their eyes away. With just one person lingering, ten others became curious.

Unbeknownst to them, the area in front of the mansion was already crowded with scholars and onlookers. The early arrivals shook their heads in amazement, reciting verses and looking utterly captivated.

The later arrivals began to inquire with the attendants standing by the wall. They learned that Consort Su Li was inside the mansion, composing poems while enjoying wine and that these poems were being posted for others to appreciate. They were left wide-mouthed in astonishment!

In just half an hour, both sides of the Princess Mansion were adorned with sheets of paper. Scholars were left astonished and bewildered.

Could it be that Consort Su Li had been continuously composing poems without pause?

They were astounded once again as they closely read the poems on the wall!

Each poem was enough to be passed down through generations. Upon closer examination, they realized that these poems spanned various styles, evoking various emotions.

Involuntarily, these scholars recalled the recent rumor that had been spreading like wildfire in Changan City.

The rumor claimed Consort Su Li was a hypocrite deceiving the world and stealing fame. Many scholars fond of literature were initially inclined to believe the convincing rumor.

But now, witnessing the poems firsthand, they suddenly realized. They had been confined to their narrow perspectives and had never truly understood the realm of genius.

Time continued to pass.

As the initial scholars called their friends, more and more gathered around the mansions gate. Before long, they had completely blocked the main road leading to the princesss mansion.

There were crowds of people everywhere, constantly moving. As newcomers couldnt squeeze in, they had to rely on word of mouth from those in front of them.

But this approach couldnt possibly capture the full essence of all the poems. Most of what they heard were scattered quatrains.

Yet, the posted poems were just too numerous to take in.

Hundreds of lines of fragmented poetry circulated, leaving those behind frustrated, wishing they could rush to the wall and see clearly.

At this point, a few servants appeared carrying ladders from inside the gate. They began to remove the poems that had already covered the wall.

This action immediately prompted a collective outcry of protest from the thousands of scholars watching. These scholars thought that the poetry display was over. However, the following scene left everyone astonished.

Another group of servants emerged and posted poems on the new empty wall. The poems on the wall were swapped for a new set in a short while.

The news quickly spread through the crowd, causing a commotion. At this point, there was only one thought in the minds of these scholars that made them shudder with realization.

Consort Su Li, is he still composing poetry?

This round of replacements had the later scholars pounding their chests in frustration. They recognized a grave issue!

Since the poems on the wall had already been replaced once, they would be replaced again.

They hadnt even seen the full content of the previous poems. If this cycle continued, wouldnt they miss out?

A well-off scholar immediately waved his money, attempting to reach the front. However, no one was willing to give up their spot, leading to a momentary chaos.

Considering they were all individuals concerned with their dignity, a quick agreement was reached among the scholars. The scholars in the back collectively raised money and asked the scholars in front to copy the poems on the wall.

Immediately, tables and chairs were brought in, and dozens of scholars sat beneath the wall, writing diligently. Other scholars were eagerly awaiting their turn from behind.

As the copied poems grew in number, some well-intentioned individuals copied their own set to send to friends who couldnt be there.

Engrossed in the exquisite poetry, the scholars had lost track of time. Unbeknownst to them, the hour of the pig had already passed.


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