A Proud Man Called Himself A Medicinal God!

Chapter 1271: Blood Pool

Chapter 1271: Blood Pool

Although Shen Luzong didn't recognize the Wanshou Fruit, since Shen Xiang said it could prolong one's life, he ate it without hesitation.

When Shen Xiang left the secular world, Shen Luzong knew that he would have a great future. Now that he appeared here, he showed his extraordinary strength and his alchemy skills became more advanced, which verified his prediction.

Shen Xiang and Shen Tianhu helped Shen Luzong into the house. At this time, Shen Luzong's complexion was much better. He no longer looked so old, and the wrinkles on his face were gradually decreasing. Although his hair was still white, he looked full of tenacious vitality.

The Wanshou Fruit is an immortal fruit with very significant effects. Shen Luzong is an immortal king, so Shen Xiang gave him two, which can have a greater effect.

"Dad, what happened here? What about the city here? Where did it all go?" Shen Xiang asked. He knew that the people here had not lived a good life over the years.

"The cities here were all destroyed by those giant beasts! Back then, suddenly, the earth shook violently, and many houses collapsed. Many people died at that time, and then the sky and the earth became pitch black. After more than a month of darkness, we finally saw the sun, but many giant beasts emerged. Over the years, many people have died tragically in the mouths of those giant beasts. I'm afraid there are only a few of us left here." Shen Tianhu sighed.

"If your great uncle hadn't had a fortuitous encounter and fell into a pool of blood, absorbing the powerful blood inside, which greatly changed his bones and made his strength soar, we would have died long ago. But for some reason, after your great uncle stagnated, his life span was consumed very quickly."

Shen Luzong sat aside, refining the two longevity fruits. Seeing him gradually becoming younger, Shen Tianhu was secretly surprised that his son actually had such a good thing. If Shen Luzong could regain his youthful vitality, they would not have to fear the giant beasts here at all.

"Have you ever tried to leave here?" Shen Xiang finished speaking, and told about the disappearance of the secular world, and then talked about the mysterious tomb.

Shen Luzong opened his eyes. At this moment, his white-haired and youthful appearance looked very energetic. Just two longevity fruits had such an effect. He was sure that the fruit Shen Xiang gave him must be the immortal fruit.

"There is indeed a tomb here. Some time ago, some problems seemed to have occurred in the tomb, causing some of my life span to be sucked away. At the time, I was worried and panicked, so I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if the tomb would absorb other people's life spans."

Shen Luzong said with a serious face: "We can't leave this place. If we leave, we will definitely die. We have a very strange connection with that tomb."

Shen Tianhu's face was full of surprise, because he didn't know these things. If his life span was absorbed without his knowledge, it would be really terrifying. It was frightening to think about it.

"But don't worry now. This kid just said that there is a powerful dragon vein underneath. That tomb can be resurrected completely by absorbing the power of the dragon vein! As for the gravekeepers, I think we are indeed, but there were some accidents that led to the appearance of a large number of giant beasts here. I believe that there are such blood pools in other places. As long as we find such a blood pool, the people here can change their bodies and make rapid progress like me. Then we don't have to be afraid of those giant beasts."

"Uncle, didn't you say that your life span is quickly depleted because of the blood pool?" Shen Tianhu certainly wanted to become a strong man. Although he was already in the Nirvana state, it could be said that it was because of the environment here. Even without the help of elixirs, his cultivation level improved much faster.

Shen Luzong shook his head and said, "No, when I am fully recovered, I will go find the blood pool. Then I will let you enter the blood pool to transform your body depending on the situation."

Shen Luzong knew much more about this place than Shen Tianhu, and both Shen Xiang and Shen Tianhu could see that there were some things he had not said.

After staying in such a place for so long, with only a few people there, Shen Tianhu and Shen Luzong both wanted to know what was happening outside.

Shen Xiang was very happy to tell them about Di Tian's affairs over the years, which made them shocked. In order not to make them worry, Shen Xiang omitted many of the heaven-defying things he had done. Because Shen Tianhu and Shen Luzong could not leave here for the time being, Shen Xiang was worried that they would be very worried about him in the future.

"Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, this kid is about to ascend. I wonder if I have to stay here after I pass the ascension calamity?" Shen Tianhu is also in the post-Nirvana stage of cultivation.

"We'll know when the time comes. By the way, Dad, is Xianxian's father here?" Shen Xiang asked. Xue Xianxian, like him, lost her mother when she was young, and Xue Xianxian was also very worried about her father.

"Her father ascended to heaven a long time ago. He had not returned to this place at that time. He was on the other side. There were also several guys who ascended to heaven there." Shen Luzong said.

Shen Tianhu nodded and said, "During that period, my uncle was quite powerful and could ensure that we had a safe environment to practice. We were also very brave to hunt and kill giant beasts. By eating them to nourish ourselves, we improved very quickly. It was just that your father was unlucky and was seriously injured by accident, so we improved much slower than others."

Shen Xiang looked at Shen Luzong and said, "Uncle, if Dad passes the tribulation here, can he also ascend to the heaven?"

Shen Luzong thought about it, shook his head and said, "It's difficult. Although this place is with the current Emperor Tian, ??the space is isolated. It is difficult to enter and exit. I think even if I survive the nine tribulations of Nirvana, I will not be able to ascend."

"I will definitely find a way to get you out."

Shen Luzong came to Shen Xiang, touched his head, and said with a smile: "No need, our group may be the chosen gravekeepers. If we leave, there will definitely be no good ending. We are worried and cannot disobey, although we don't know our role here yet."

Chen Xiang felt a little melancholy, but he still nodded: "I will stay here for a while, Uncle, then I will go with you to find the blood pool, I want to see if those blood pools are suitable for me to use."

Shen Luzong nodded and smiled: "Of course, it's late now, go back and rest. You must be very tired to be here."

Shen Tianhu led the way and found a very comfortable room for Shen Xiang. Shen Xiang came here from the center of the earth and was indeed a little tired, so he fell asleep in an instant.

Early in the morning, Shen Luzong came to wake him up in high spirits. When the people in the village saw that the old village chief had become so energetic, they knew that it was Shen Xiang who brought some good elixirs.

"Let's go find the blood pool and get some good food for everyone!" Shen Luzong said with a smile.


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