A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 88: (2)

Chapter 88: (2)


Perhaps due to his broken right hand or the unexpected reaction of the horse, Iberian lay flat on the ground, screaming in pain and spitting out a few teeth and blood.

[Kaiyan! The horse looks so pitiful! It didnt do anything wrong!]

It suffered because of him, you know.

Kku Please, spare me. If you spare me, Ill give you all my possessions!

Wait here.

Ignoring Iberian, Kaiyan approached the fallen horse and used a recovery potion on its wounded area. The horse, which had suffered a broken leg, stood up in no time, shaking itself.

Honestly, it was a bit of a waste to use a recovery potion on a horse, but Kaiyan couldnt ignore Riekas pleading eyes.


Im really sorry! If I had known it was you, I would never have taken the job!

Let me ask again. Did Lady Carsia really offer 1,000 gold for my head?

Yes, yes! Thats correct!

Something seems a bit strange. Did she, Lady Carrsia, personally make the request to you, lowly mercenaries?

To be precise, it wasnt Lady Carrsia herself It was one of her maids. But theres no way a maid could have that much money, so the Guild assumed it was Lady Carrsia who made the request!

I see That makes some sense.

Thank you!

Iberian prostrated himself on the ground, perhaps not understanding why he was thanking Kaiyan.

Okay, then. What kind of guild are you guys? What exactly is your business that led you to accept such a request?

Excuse me? Uh, well

Now, theres no point in hiding it anymore.

Kaiyan could see the hesitation on Iberians face in response to his words, but after a moment, it seemed like Iberian had made up his mind and spoke.

In exchange, take me with you!

What are you talking about? Why would I take you with me?

If I reveal this truth, Ill be dead by the people sent by the Guild!

How would they know if you just kept quiet about it?

Of course, Kaiyan had no intention of sparing him, but Iberian seemed to have other thoughts as he tilted his head.

No. Theyll know the moment I speak.

A magical contract Ah.

Kaiyan suddenly remembered hearing about that before, and it was from someone very close.

Uncle Jeff mentioned something about a magical contract when he was talking about his incomplete Aura Manual.

It wasnt coercive, but the moment you disclosed a secret, the other person would immediately know the truth. It was a type of magic.

Kaiyan could guess why Iberian was being so cautious now.

Alright, fine. Ill take you with me. So, spill the beans.

Thank you! Our guild is the Shabelle Guild, active in the Menislan Kingdom!

The Shabelle Guild? Ive never heard of it. What do they do?

Were an assassin guild! A guild founded over half a century ago!

As Hoil had warned, it turned out that the organization that sent him was an assassin guild.

However, what Kaiyan couldnt understand was why an assassin like him would openly target him and why an assassin guild would send such lowlifes.

When I saw you guys, it didnt seem right. Are you really assassins? Why would any assassin openly target someone like that?

Well, the fact is that the target was ranked as D-grade, so we didnt want to waste too much time on it


Yes! The client said the target was young and a mercenary, so the Guild classified it as D-grade. For reference, D-grade is on par with an ordinary soldier.

So, in other words you thought it would be easy and decided to come out in the open?

Well its not exactly like that Is it?

Listening to Iberians bold words and his puzzled expression, Kaiyan could guess how things were going.

The assassin guild had sent these guys because Lady Carrsia had given them incorrect information, and Lady Carrsia had ultimately sent assassins to him, as Hoil had warned.

Its intriguing. I will complain to Barvan later since he is the one who killed Jansen.

If there was a crime on Kaiyans part, it was being a commoner.

Kaiyan clenched his fist, filled with anger at the actions of the high-ranking nobility, and punched Iberian.

Why, why are you?


Before Iberians face could even contort, it shattered into pieces, spraying blood in all directions.

Rieka, who had been watching from the side, seemed disappointed and spoke up.

Kaiyan, you promised to take him with you!

Rieka, just because I made a promise doesnt mean I have to keep them all. I will only break promises with bad people. If he was a good person, I would have taken him.

Is that true? Then, You should only act like that towards bad people!


Kaiyan lifted Rieka, who was sulking and looked her in the eye.

Rieka, Im different from those guys. I will only break promises with bad people. He tried to kill me and only said everything because he was afraid, if I were weak, he wouldve killed me without mercy.

I see.

To Kaiyan, the dead Iberian and his subordinates belonged to the Assassin Guild, assassins who killed without hesitation for money.

Kaiyan had no intention of keeping a promise with such people. On the contrary, he wondered how he could kill them more brutally.

Lets go, to Vantigas!

To Vantigas!


I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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