A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 72: (1)

Chapter 72: (1)

Caught off guard by Barvans proposal, or rather command, Kaiyan was dumbfounded.

Is this really coming from the same Barvan who was asking how dangerous it was just a moment ago?

He couldnt believe that a noble would ask someone to impersonate another noble. Is Barvan really in his right mind?

Haha, well, it doesnt matter. As long as we deal with Jansen, it wont be a problem.

While Kaiyan was still trying to process this, a guard approached the carriage and knocked. Looking out through the window, he saw a fully-armored soldier, wearing a helmet and leather armor, standing there.

Hello, I am Smith, the commander of Lunas Guard.

Glancing at Smith and then at Barvan, Barvan gestured towards the window. It seemed like he wanted this dealt with quickly.

Haha, alright, whats the matter?

[Wow! Kaiyan, your voice changed! Its so irritating to listen to!]

Trying to mimic Tariens tone of voice as much as possible, Kaiyan spoke, and Rieka, who had been quiet, applauded with her front paw, looking delighted.

Its just that, even if youre a noble, its a rule to inspect the carriage if theres no family emblem on it. Im sorry, but could you please let us know your family?

Well Im Tarien. Tarien de Cheniavin.

Ah! Youre a noble from the Cheniavin Viscount Family! Its truly an honor to meet you! You can pass through now!

Yes, thank you.

It seemed that even common soldiers were aware of the Cheniavin family, probably because they were responsible for guarding the eastern region.

The more he knew, the more impressive the Cheniavin family appeared. It was truly remarkable for someone like Tarien, a troublemaker, to be born into such a family.

The carriage passed through the gate with a creaking sound and headed towards the central square.

Barvan, I followed your instructions for now What do you plan to do next?

Youll keep imitating Tarien until you meet Jansen. Once that guy realizes Im here, he might run.

Just know that if things go wrong, its not my responsibility.

Haha, dont worry.

Where is this confidence coming from? Even a slight mistake on my part could mess things up, so why does he trust me so much?

Barvan patted Salmos, who was seated on the right, on the shoulder.

Jansen wont recognize the disguise. Salmos will shadow you for three days.

Yes, understood.

Kaiyan, even if something happens, Salmos will protect you. Dont worry and keep an eye on Jansens men.

Whos going to protect whom?

Its true that Salmos gives off a strong presence, but unless hes Aura Master, hes no match for Kaiyan.

Even if Jansens underlings discover him, its not like Kaiyan was completely helpless.

So, Barvan, are you going to act separately?

I have to. Thats why I brought these knights along.

Barvan had left nine knights behind before departing from Blatan. Their faces were known to Jansens men.

Kaiyan, take this.

Barvan handed the invitation letter from Janson and as he took it, Barvan and Ecrin retrieved small beads from their pockets.

Ill come back in three days.

[Wow, thats an artifact!]


Barvan and Ecrin began to disappear while leaving behind the words that they would return in three days.

As Rieka had guessed, those small beads seemed like artifacts, likely related to transparent magic.

Carrying such a strange item just because theyre nobles.

When Kaiyan tried to sense Barvan and Ecrins presence as they disappeared, he could faintly feel something in his senses. Slowly and quietly, they left the carriage and disappeared outside.

With that kind of departure, even if Jansens men were watching, they probably wouldnt have noticed.

Ha I didnt think Id go through all this trouble.

Did you say Kaiyan? Dont worry too much. Unless my sword breaks, your life is safe.


Salmos, the knight, was smiling softly as if he wasnt even tense. But

Whats this uneasiness?

Looking at Salmos, Kaiyan felt something strange. It wasnt the sensation that signals danger. Then what was this feeling?

Salmos Youre a suspicious one.

Because Kaiyan didnt ignore his instincts, he was able to stay alive in this position. Thats why he felt that Salmos was suspicious and strange.

Like a hunter hiding a blade behind a smiling face.

**** ****

Three days after entering Lunas territory, while Kaiyan and Salmos were staying at a luxurious inn, Jansens men came to visit.

Hello, Tarien. I am Jared Ryan, a knight who serves Lord Jansen. Its an honor to meet you!

The knight introduced himself as Jared Ryan, with distinct features and an honest appearance.

If he was truly honest, he wouldnt be serving Jansen.

Yeah, Jared Ryan. But why did you come now? You should have known that I entered Lunas territory three days ago.

Contrary to Kaiyans expectation, Jansen didnt attempt to contact him even once before the agreed-upon date, it took him three days to send his subordinate. It makes one wonder if Jansen really considered Kaiyan important; he should have approached Kaiyan as soon as he knew he was in Lunas territory.

Could it be he found out Im not Tarien? But then, sending a subordinate doesnt make sense.

Haha, Lord Jansen also wanted to meet Tarien-nim in advance, but given that you all are the ones who came, it took quite some time to prepare. I hope Tarien-nim understands.

Hmm Ill judge that when I meet Jansen in person.

Well, please follow me then. I will escort you to the meeting place.

Although it feels somewhat suspicious, there is no choice at this point. Along with Salmos, Kaiyan boards the carriage prepared by Ryan and follows him.

Once everyone is aboard, the carriage starts moving slowly, and it stops after about ten minutes of travel, probably not far from the starting point.

Tarien-nim, weve arrived. Please follow me.

As Kaiyan gets off the carriage and walks behind Ryan, he stops in front of a humble house and points to the door.

Right this way.

Are you telling me the meeting place is this rundown house? Is this some kind of joke?

Its absurd to think that nobles would gather in such a place.

Either Jansen has lost his mind, or Ryan has. Theres no reason for these proud and self-centered nobles to have a meeting in a place like this.

Haha, thats not it. Youll understand when you come in.

With an inviting gesture, Ryan opens the door and walks inside. While Kaiyan hesitates and looks at him, Salmos, who is standing next to him, speaks up.

Lord Tarien, wouldnt it be best to go inside for now?

Arent you worried, Salmos?

Haha, with me here, what is there to worry about? Please, go ahead.

He grins at Kaiyan, implying that he might even resort to using force if Kaiyan doesnt enter right away.

Kaiyan is not the type to get hit just because someone wants to hit him but to continue with Barvans plan, he steps into the shabby building along with Salmos.

As expected, the interior of the building is as shabby as Kaiyan anticipated. It looks like an ordinary commoners house to anyones eyes.

Lord Tarien, this way. If you go in here, Lord Jansen will be waiting.

Ryan, standing in front of a small door inside, pointed to it.

Theyre holding a gathering in a place like this? Ridiculous.

Grumbling, Kaiyan opens the door that Ryan opened, and what he sees inside is

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